Trace Lines

Version 01.06.00
Added 30 Nov 2022 (last updated 31 Jan 2025)

For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x

__Added 29 November 2022. Version 01.05.00. __Writes the position and duration values of all selected lines to the plugin trace window. The fields traced are: Staff, START bar, START position in bar, END bar, END position in End bar, duration, line type, style name, style ID, START dx, START dy, END dx, END dy. __Some but not all of these values are available in the Inspector and status bar, but this plugin can trace multiple lines and includes unrounded position and duration values, which may be useful id you really need to know the exact attachment points of a line. Updated 31 January 2025. Version 01.06 00. Split output into 3 lines for easier reading, sped up trace.

Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.