Remove Lyric Extension Lines

Version 01.70.00
Added 14 Dec 2007 (last updated 07 Mar 2014)

For use with Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x and Sibelius 24.x

Changes all final syllables or single word lyrics to apply to 1 note, thus removing the extension lines. May be useful if note values have changed.

Updated 17 December 2011. Added ability to center of left justify syllables and ability to remove only durationally short extension lines.

Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.