Find Intervals From Keys
Version 01.10.00
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 17 Jun 2015)
For use with Sibelius 3.x, Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Find Intervals From Keys calculates the intervals needed to transpose from one key to another. The calculated intervals can then be used in Notes > Transpose. It also provides information on how to produce intervals that Notes > Transpose cannot produce directly.
- Download (11K, downloaded 28005 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Multirests and Empty Bars
Version 04.30.00
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 22 Aug 2019)
For use with Sibelius 3.x, Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Multirests and Empty Bars creates a text file showing the locations of:
- Multirests and their terminators (for the entire score; process parts as separate files)
- Empty bars (bars without notes)
- Empty bars without bar rests (probably notation errors)
- Occupied bars
- Irregular bars (whose length differs from the time signature)
This information may be useful for proofreading, for determining why multirests split, or for managing rehearsals and allocation of players to instruments. Copyists may also find it to be useful.
Changes in version 3.6:
- Now handles unsaved scores, or scores with \"untitled\" in their filenames
Changes in version 3.16:
- Fix to show terminators of certain 1-bar \"multirests\"
- Added warning about multirests that are split by Auto Layout options
Changes in version 3.0:
- A new option, Multirests in Selected Staves Only. Previously, all staves in the score were checked, and multirests were reported only when the multirest was present in all staves. This was intended to report only on multirests that could be visible at the moment that the plugin was run. To check a specific staff, you had to extract a part. With the new option (on by default), you can check individual staves in the full score. (The multirests will still not be visible in the score until you extract a part). Note that even when the Selected Stave option is selected, the system staff is checked as well, since contents of the system staff (system text like composer and title and headers) often influence the breaking of multirests.
- Since the plug-in is used most often to check multirests, the empty bar checkboxes are now off by default.
- A number of minor bugs have been fixed.
Changes in version 3.12:
- When run in Sibelius 4, the plug-in makes a better determination of what terminates a multirest
- When run in Sibelius 4, if there are bar number changes present, the log file will show both the \"displayed\" and \"consecutive\" bar numbers
Changes in version 3.1:
- There was an error that if you choose the \"selected staves only\" option, but have no selection, it continues but only processes the system staff, with the result that the multirests are wrong. Now fixed.
Changes in version 3.5:
- Can now detect hidden objects that do not break multirests (Sibelius 4.1 only)
- Adds staff name to location of object breaking a multirest
- Download (24K, downloaded 28444 times)
Updated 14 July 2016. Added the ability to treat a single bar followed by a multirest as a 1-bar multirest, thus showing its terminator. This will help the common case of a single bar being split from a multirest.
Updated 29 September 2017. Optimized progress bars to speed up processing large scores; also change log file creation to buffer writing for better speed.
Updated 22 August 2019. Version 04.30.00. Significant rewrites to improve speed for large scores. Writes to the trace window are not buffered, and there is an option to show only totals and subtotals. New option to show bars that are empty for an entire system.
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Copy Signatures To New Score
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 17 Jun 2015)
For use with Sibelius 3.x, Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This plug-in copies all the time and key signatures from the current score into a new score.
To use the plug-in, open the score from which you want to copy the key and time signatures, choose the plug-in from Sibelius\'s menus, then follow the on-screen instructions.
Updated 21 February 2007: Can now also copy metronome marks from the current score to the new score.
- Download (3K, downloaded 28053 times)
Plug-in written by Neil Sands.
Rhythm Section Assistant
Added 25 Aug 2006 (last updated 15 Mar 2019)
For use with Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Rhythm Section Assistant is designed for writing jazz or any other music that uses slashes and rhythmic cues. The author says:
"While writing a big band chart in Sibelius, I found that I spent a lot of time hiding playback-only passages and creating slashes and rhythmic cues in other voices. This plug-in is intended to automate those tasks.
The plug-in includes on-screen help: just click the Help button in the main plug-in dialog.
Updated 15 March 2019. No code change; marked to be useable up to current Sibelius version so Install will pick it up.
- Download (14K, downloaded 28831 times)
Plug-in written by Ross Lafleur.
Add Pickup Bar
Version 01.77.00
Added 09 May 2008 (last updated 02 Apr 2018)
For use with Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Adds a pickup bar of a specified length before a specified bar. It moves any system objects (title, copyright, time signature, etc.) formerly attached to the following bar to the pickup bar.
Specify the pickup bar length by choosing from the list box or typing the first letter or number (key) in the list, with optional plus signs or spaces separating multiple entries.
Updated 2 April 2009 for internal code cleanup
Updated 15 May 2010 to fix incorrect copying of special barlines.
Updated 29 November 2011 to add . (dot) as an allowable duration.
Updated 24 January 2012 to fix issues with bar number changes.
Updated 26 February 2012 to fix dialog text overflow in Sib 7
Updated 14 March 2012 to add warnings where score starts with a page number change or with hidden staves.
Updated 19 October 2012. For Sib 7.1.3 and later, the plugin will now restore the Hide Empty Staves state of all the staves that were hidden before adding the pickup bar.
Updated 2 April 2018. Internal code changes.
- Download (9K, downloaded 33522 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Fritts Transformation
Added 12 Jan 2010 (last updated 07 Mar 2014)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This plug-in uses the Fritts transformation to change interval quality (i.e. M3rd to m3rd, m7th to M7th, P4th to P5th, Tritone remains the same). The user can choose a central pitch for the transformation.
- Download (2K, downloaded 27684 times)
Plug-in written by Chris Shortway and Dr Lawrence Fritts.
Pitch Multiplication
Added 12 Jan 2010 (last updated 07 Mar 2014)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This plug-in uses interval multiplication to change pitch content. The user can choose a central pitch for the transformation and the level of multiplication.
- Download (3K, downloaded 27732 times)
Plug-in written by Chris Shortway and Dr Lawrence Fritts.
Bagpipes Suite
Added 01 Jan 2011 (last updated 17 Jul 2017)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
A set of plugins, house styles, manuscript papers, and a document explaining various issues involved with notating music for the Great Highland Bagpipes.
Includes the plugins Add Pipe Ornaments and Add Pipe Ornaments 2, and Play Pipe Ornaments, among others.
The tools were developed with the help of pipers Janette Montague and Jim McGillivray, to both of whom this suite is dedicated.
Updated January 17, 2011. Updated PDF doc to include more descriptions for how to use the plugins, and fixed a bug in Repair Bagpipe Notation that caused only the first staff in the score to be processed.
Updated 25 April 2012. Fixed bug in Play Pipe Ornaments plugin that gave bad results if there were multiple ornaments in a bar and later ones started before the beat.
Updated 14 June 2012 to fix multiple keystroke bug in Sib 7 on Mac.
Updated 22 Feb 2013. Restored missing House Style and Manuscript Paper files to the zip file.
Updated 17 July 2017. Added support in Notation From Live Playback plugin for magnetic glisses in Sibelius 8.6 and later.
- Download (1696K, downloaded 27939 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Shift Horizontal
Version 01.08.00
Added 24 Jan 2011 (last updated 11 Oct 2021)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Shifts all selected objects left [-] or right [+] by the specified number of spaces. You can optionally shift only selected grace notes.
To move grace notes to the right past the main note, try taking the Dx value of the leftmost grace note, making it positive, and adding 2 to it.
Updated 11 January 2013 to add text about moving grace notes to the dialog
Updated 28 May 2018 to tidy dialog.
Updated 27 July 2018. Changed user interface to add arrow buttons and Preview. Also will now shift both ends of a line at once so the entire line is shifted.
Updated 15 June 2019. Now allows system objects to be shifted.
Updated 17 September 2020. Version 01.07.00. Added new option to change spacing between notes in a group by changing the X offset of the notes. Added a Help button as well.
Updated 10 October 2021. Version 01.08.00. Fixed bug in Preview.
- Download (7K, downloaded 27988 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Transpose Copies
Version 1.1
Added 06 Mar 2011 (last updated 07 Mar 2014)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
The Transpose Copies plug-in will make transposed copies of the bars in a selected passage any specified interval Up or Down. The number of times this transposition occurs can be selected. The copies can be placed either at the end of the score or amidst the score immediately to the right of the original selected pattern.
The plug-in gives users the opportunity to choose to which key signature will be transposed regarding the following keys: B or Cb, F# or Gb, C# or Db. If the option 'Correction for octaves' is checked, the copies will, when necessary, be transposed up or down an octave to avoid too many ledger lines.
Key signature changes (except the one-staff-only ones) halfway the pattern will be processed like the key signatures at the beginning of the pattern.
'System break after pattern(s)' gives the user the opportunity, if the original (short) pattern is limited to one system, to combine a couple of copied patterns in one system.
Settings in the dialog survive Sibelius sessions.
Update 1.1:
- Now uses double sharps and double flats to avoid wrong spelling of some accidentals that don't belong to the key signature, mainly to keep intervals in the copies the same as they are in the original.
- Also copies time signatures that are in the original.
- Download (12K, downloaded 28008 times)
Plug-in written by Jan Kok.
Copy Double and Copy Halve Note Values
Version 03.01.01
Added 10 Apr 2011 (last updated 17 Apr 2023)
For use with Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__Copy Double Note Values and Copy Halve Note Values are variants of the shipping plugins Double Note Values and Halve Note Values. These plugins double or halve the durations of the selected notes, then put their results into the clipboard, rather than into a separate score. You can then paste the results into any score with the normal Paste command. __There are several things to note: __1. There will be no dialog. You can tell when it is finished when the progress bar and Stop button go away. Do not try to paste until that happens. __2. Only notes will be copied (no text or other bar objects). No system objects will be copied, even if you start with a system (double box) selection, and bars will never be inserted - notes will always flow into the destination bars. __3. The plugin temporarily adds bars to the score you copy *from*, and so will mark that score as having been edited (it dirties the score). So if you close that score it will ask you to save changes. If you have made no other edits, it is safe to either save changes or not. __Updated 9 August 2012 to clean up some unused code. No functionality change. __Updated 10 July 2017. Support added for magnetic glisses in Sib 8.6 and later. Only Copy Double Note Values updated. __Updated 2 December 2020. Version 03.00.00. Radically rewritten to use the Note and NoteRest property routines in the separate plugin Note Properties Lib, which will need to be installed in order for this plugin to run. __The plugin Note Properties Lib centralizes routines to get and set properties so that if changes are needed they can be made in a single plugin, and all callers will automatically be updated. __There are no changes to the functions of these plugins (Double and Halve), but many more Note and NoteRest properties will be transferred to the new notes. __Updated 18 December 2020. Version 03.01.00. Fixed typo that caused tuplet processing to fail. __Updated 16 April 2023. Version 03.01.01. Fixed typo in error message and set up for adjusted calls to Note Properties Lib.- Download (22K, downloaded 2001 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Timing for Selection
Version 02.21.00
Added 23 May 2011 (last updated 07 Mar 2014)
For use with Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Displays the time at the start and end of a passage selection and the duration of the selection. This plugin uses a different (and slower) mechanism to determine time than the Fit Selection To Time plugin uses, and will give correct timings even when the score contains repeats.
Updated 9 August 2011 for Sib 7 font compatibility
Updated 26 September 2012. For Sib 7.1.3 and later, the plugin now recognizes the timing for each pass, and the user can specify which pass timings should be relative to. It does not need to use Hit Points for timing and more, and will be spectacularly faster than it was previously, and likely more accurate.
Thanks to Michael Eastwood for making this possible.
Updated 18 October 2012. The previous version gave the timing to the start of the last selected object, rather than to the end of that object. This update gives timing to the end of the last selected object.
- Download (18K, downloaded 27831 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Delete Pickup Bar
Version 01.93.00
Added 01 Nov 2011 (last updated 16 Sep 2023)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__Deletes the first bar in a score or the first bar in a selection after moving any system text or objects attached to that bar to the following bar. Can be useful for deleting a pickup bar and handling all the required cleanup. __Updated 2 December 2011 to retain title page when first bar is deleted. __Updated 17 Match 2011 to allow deletion of all selected bars rather than just the first in a selection. __Updated 6 April 2018 to work better in 2018.4 and later __Updated 16 September 2023. Version 01.93.00 Fixes the problems from the 2018.4 release correctly this time. Prevents doubled system text when deleting the first bar in the score.- Download (8K, downloaded 1482 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Copy Notes as Grace Notes
Version 01.09.00
Added 19 Jun 2012 (last updated 07 Mar 2014)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Makes a grace note from each note in a passage selection, and copies the generated grace notes to the clipboard.
The plugin works by adding each note as a grace note to a "base" note in a temporarily added bar. All the grace notes will paste as if attached to the same note. The duration will match the original duration, or optionally, will be all 8th notes/quavers.
Notes that were in tuplets will be copied as if not in a tuplet. Selected grace notes and rests are skipped.
- Download (5K, downloaded 27800 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Explode Staff To Parts
Version 01.08.00
Added 26 Sep 2012 (last updated 10 Feb 2018)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Splits a staff into 2 or more staves, then sets the resulting staves to show only in parts. The effect is that you can have 2 violin parts as both the original combined staff in the score and parts and separate instruments visible only in the parts.
You need to make a passage (box) selection of the staff that you would like to split. You only need to select a single bar (the plugin will select the entire staff).
The plugin will call the Explode plugin to split the staves. You will choose which staves the split notes should go into. The plugin will then select the resulting staves and make all objects in those staves appear only in parts.
In Sibelius 7.1.3 or later, these staves will be hidden using Hide Empty Staves. In earlier versions of Sibelius, staves will remain selected, and you can the use Hide Empty Staves to hide the original staves in the score (the plugin was not able to invoke Hide Empty Staves).
This plugin can be run only from a full score, not from a part.
This plugin is dedicated to John Hinchey, Daniel Spreadbury, and Michael Eastwood, each of whom helped make it possible.
Updated 9 February 2018. Added code to remove whole rests in all but voice 1 in empty bars to fix problems with multirests.
- Download (5K, downloaded 28577 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Reduce Staves To Full Score
Version 01.07.00
Added 26 Sep 2012 (last updated 07 Mar 2014)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Combines 2 or more staves into a single staff, then sets the original staves to show only in parts. The effect is that you can have 2 violin parts as both a combined staff visible in the score and parts, and separate staves visible only in the parts.
You need to make a passage (box) selection of 2 or more staves that you would like to combine into a single staff. You only need to select a single bar (the plugin will select the entire staff), and the selected staves do not need to be adjacent.
The plugin will call the Reduce plugin to combine the staves. You will choose which staff the combined notes should go into. The plugin will then reselect the original staves and make all objects in those staves appear only in parts.
In Sibelius 7.1.3 or later, these staves will be hidden using Hide Empty Staves. In earlier versions of Sibelius, staves will remain selected, and you can the use Hide Empty Staves to hide the original staves in the score (the plugin was not able to invoke Hide Empty Staves).
This plugin can be run only from a full score, not from a part.
This plugin is dedicated to John Hinchey, Daniel Spreadbury, and Michael Eastwood, each of whom helped make it possible.
- Download (5K, downloaded 28179 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Paste to Chord Symbols
Version 1.2
Added 18 Oct 2012 (last updated 12 May 2018)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This is designed for educational and general use.
This plugin copies an accompaniment pattern in accordance with given chord symbols.
To use it:
- Add chord symbols to any instrument in a passage of music.
- Write the accompaniment of the first bar or two, making sure that this matches the chord symbols you have written. (The bars following should be empty.)
- Select the accompaniment bars and extend the selection to the point where you want the accompaniment pattern to end.
- Run the plugin, click OK in the dialog and the accompaniment pattern will "fill out" the selection, following the given chord symbols.
Dialog Options
- Chord Instruments/Bass Instruments - The plugin uses the initial clef to determine how an instrument is treated. You can override this here.
- Staff Containing the Chord Symbols - The lowest stave which contains chord symbols is automatically selected. This can be changed here if you want you try out alternative harmonisations etc.
- Put added bass notes into chord instruments - When this is selected the bass notes of chords such as C/D are included in chord (treble clef) instruments.
- Omit root of the chord in chord instruments - This omits the root of a chord from a chord (treble clef) instrument when the chord has a certain number of notes. This option can be useful for improving the voice leading when the number of notes per chord varies (e.g. triads followed by 7ths or 9ths). Also, 9th chords and above often sound better when the root is confined to bass instruments.
- Voice leading in chord instruments - This governs the extent to which parallel 5ths and octaves are avoided.
- Max amount of drift - In some situations when "Best" voice leading is selected the register of the chords will move unacceptably. This setting determines the maximum amount allowed before a correction factor is applied.
- Range of notes used - This prevents the plugin writing unplayable notes. (The setting refers to the original instrument so Ignore instrument range might be more appropriate if you have inserted an instrument change.)
- Return to Panorama View (Sibelius 7 only) - Because of a bug in the Manuscript language the plugin has to switch to Normal View when run in Sibelius 7. If you are using Panorama View and want to the plugin to switch back then tick this box. (This setting has no effect when using Sibelius 6.)
For best results
- Make sure that the voice leading is as good as possible in the initial accompaniment pattern. (Use only one chord if you wish.)
- Make sure the chords have similar numbers of notes, (e.g. triads, 7ths, 9ths). This tends to be true for most styles of music. Check also that chords with the maximum number of notes are present in the initial accompaniment or else create an extra bar at the beginning of the selection to create a match between your accompaniment pattern and chord symbols. (The Omit root option can compensate for this.)
- If the results are not satisfactory, press undo, change some of the option settings and try again.
Updated 12 May 2018. Coloured notes are supported in Sibelius 8.3 and higher; Slide Styles are supported from Sibelius 8.6 and higher;
This plugin can run very slowly when the mixer window is open. A suppressible warning dialog has been added to remind the user to close it.
- Download (17K, downloaded 28170 times)
Plug-in written by Kenneth Gaw.
Apply series
Version 3.0
Added 25 Jul 2013 (last updated 09 Sep 2014)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This plugin is principally designed to help with serial composition but it can be used for other purposes, including mapping the rhythm of one stave to as set of pitches contained in another.
It requires a stave to be wholly dedicated to the series (source pitches), which should be present once in its Prime form. The plugin can then be used to map selected notes in other staves to the series notes.
Options include different versions of the series (Prime, Retrograde, Inversion and Inversion Retrograde), transposition, octave shifts, labelling the version used and note numbering.
Version 2 is fully polyphonic, i.e. it works with chords and it also allows the partial selection, repetition and reordering of the notes in the series. Such techniques are quite common in post war serial music. A bug which could lead to the main dialog disappearing has also been fixed.
The series can be any number of notes.
Added in Version 3
The octave position of the series notes can now be determined by the selected notes and the series can now be applied one stave a time or across all selected staves in the order that the notes are played.
- Download (13K, downloaded 27850 times)
Plug-in written by Kenneth Gaw.
Disguise Score
Version 01.63.10
Added 06 May 2014 (last updated 16 Mar 2024)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__Makes a copy of a score, or of the music contained within a passage selection, deleting previous versions. It then optionally randomizes the pitches and text of the score and all the parts, effectively hiding the music while retaining its general structure. __It could be useful for posting a score on a web page so that someone can debug problems. __Updated 8 May 2014 to add ability to skip randomizing Technique Text. __Updated 3 July 2014 to change dialog text to use Disguise rather than Randomize or Shuffle, for clarity. __Updated 14 April 2023. Version 01.62.00. Added Comments, and in 2022.0 and later, now randomize Staff names in staves, and Instrument and Staff names in Instrument Changes. __Updated 25 June 2023. Happy Birthday, Trevor. Version 01.10.70. Changed to work correctly with score subsets in Sibelius Ultimate 2023.6 or later. __Updated 17 March 2024. Version 01.63.10. Updated to correctly process score subsets in Sibelius Ultimate 2024.3 or later.- Download (18K, downloaded 1018 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Import and Export Mixer Settings
Version 1.0
Added 09 Sep 2014 (last updated 17 Jun 2015)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Export and Import Mixer Settings
Version 1.0
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1 and Sibelius 7.5
These plugins export/import the volume and pan setting of each stave in the current score. This can be useful when more than one playback device is used. The data is saved as a text file.
- Download (3K, downloaded 27784 times)
Plug-in written by Kenneth Gaw.
Add Pickup Bar With Deleted Rests
Version 01.08.00
Added 23 Dec 2014 (last updated 17 Jun 2015)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This plugin produces a pickup bar in the first bar of the score. It will either convert the first bar to a pickup bar, or add a new pickup bar to the score (See Help... for how to specify the new pickup length).
Unlike conventional pickup bars, the ones produced by this plugin will be full-sized bars, with leading rests deleted. The advantage of using deleted rests rather than using smaller irregular bars (the usual mechanism) is that pickups created this way that start on an off-beat will play back rhythmically correctly.
There are some issues with how Sibelius handles copying and pasting bars with leading deleted rests. This is discussed in the Help... dialog.
The automates a process suggested by Adrian Drover, to whom this plugin is dedicated.
- Download (12K, downloaded 28498 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Easy Drum Kit Notes
Version 1.1
Added 26 May 2015 (last updated 28 Sep 2015)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5 and Sibelius 8.x
This plugin is designed to simplify basic drum kit note entry and works correctly on the default rock drum kit (drum set) instrument.
To use it:
- Create one or more notes in the drum kit part, and select them. (A bar rest will not work.)
- Run the plugin and choose the desired drum, cymbal or other part of the kit.
- Click OK and the selected notes will be changed to the correct line/space and notehead.
If a note is selected, the plugin will convert that note into the required drum kit note. If a note stem is selected, it will add a drum kit note to the stem.
Version 1.1
Bug fix added so that ties are not removed from the original notes.
- Download Easy Drumkit (3K, downloaded 28792 times)
Plug-in written by Kenneth Gaw.
Add Simple Click Track
Version 01.06.00
Added 18 Dec 2017 (last updated 18 Jan 2018)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x, Sibelius 24.x, Sibelius 25.x and Sibelius 25.x
Adds a wood block instrument to the bottom of the score, and adds notes appropriate for a simple click track.
Normally you can use the built-in click track from the mixer, but for Cloud Sharing and some other situations, a separate click track can be useful.
If you need a more sophisticated click track, consider purchasing Roman Molino Dunn's Click Track plugin at
If the time signature is n/d, the plugin will write n notes of duration d into the bar. For a 6/8 bar it will write 6 eighth notes, and the first note in the bar will be a different pitch than the other notes. It will adapt to changing time signatures and handles an initial pickup bar.
In Sibelius 7 and later, the added staff can be hidden.
- Download (7K, downloaded 28207 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Invert Chords
Version 01.08.00
Added 12 Sep 2018 (last updated 25 Dec 2018)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Transposes the top or bottom note in each selected chord by one or more octaves to make inversions of the chords.
Any chord with one or more notes selected will be inverted. It is recommended that only one voice should be processed at a time. If multiple voices are processed, each voice is treated as a separate chord. Chords in the same voice on multiple staves can be processed as a group if you use a passage selection. Only chords with 2 or more notes are processed.
You can select one or more notes in a chord, and that chord will be processed as if the entire chord were selected, so you can select a number of non-contiguous chords and process them at once. If you want to process notes in multiple staves as a unit, you must make a passage selection of the notes, and choose "All staves".
The zip file contains both Invert Chords, which transposes the bottom note up, and Invert Chords Down, which transposes the top note down, so you can assign each plugin to a shortcut. They are otherwise identical.
Updated 24 December 2018 Version 01.08.00 Fixed bug where multiple bars in the multiple staves option were not processed correctly.
- Download (17K, downloaded 28396 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Note Ranges for Selected Staves
Version 01.08.00
Added 30 Aug 2020 (last updated 19 Nov 2020)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Added 30 August 2020. Version 01.06.00.
Traces the high, low, and median pitches for each selected staff in a score, and the count of the high and low pitches.
The output format is a group of comma-separated fields that can be copied from the Trace window and saved as a text file, then opened as a comma-separated file in a spreadsheet.
The output format is: "Score",score name,"Staff", staff number and name,"Low", low pitch, number of notes with low pitch, "High", high pitch, number of notes with high pitch, "Median", median pitch.
Inspired by the plugin Find Ranges, but written completely from scratch.
Updated 14 September 2020. Version 01.07.00.
There is now a dialog [which you can hide after it is first used] with a few options, most notably the ability to show ranges split out by voice.
Updated 19 November 2020. Version 01.08.00. Reworked Median calculations. Correctly handle quartertones in Ultimate 2020.6 or later. Checkbox to display internal calculations for debugging.
- Download (8K, downloaded 27854 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
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