Remove Coloring
Version 01.60.00
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 01 Jun 2019)
For use with Sibelius 3.x, Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This plug-in removes all colors or a single specified color from objects in the open score, turning them back to their default color (i.e. black).
Updated 26 April 2016 to allow coloring of individual note objects
Updated 01 June 2019. Version 01.60.00. Fix processing colored rests.
- Download (8K, downloaded 27923 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Apply Named Color
Version 01.15.00
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 07 Jun 2024)
For use with Sibelius 3.x, Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__This plug-in allows you to color any selection of objects using a set of named colors. Simply select the objects you want to color, run the plug-in, and choose the desired color from the drop-down list. __Updated 13Feb2015 to respell version name; no code change, no update of version number. __Updated 14 April 2016 to allow coloring of individual note objects __Updated 26 April 2016 to allow coloring of individual note objects. __Updated 01 June 2019. Version 01.06.00. Fix processing colored rests __Updated 29 July 2019. Version 01.08.00. Add ability to set opacity/Color Alpha Channel, and to trace color and opacity of selected objects. __Updated 22 Feb 2020. Version 01.09.00. Allow white as a color. __Updated 6 June 2021. Version 01.11.00. Code restructured to allow being called by other plugins. No new features. __Updated 23 June 2021. Version 01.12.00. Bug fixes. __Updated 2 May 2023. Version 01.13.00. Fixed crashing bug when something unexpected was selected. Made trace results optional, adding a checkbox to the dialog. Default is to not trace the number of changes. __Updated 22 January 2024. Version 01.14.00. Made list of colors a full size list. Added ability to edit RGB values for colors. __Updated 6 June 2024. Version 01.15.00. Updated to better handle invalid color fields from Comments- Download (13K, downloaded 849 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Remove All Coloring
Version 01.02.00
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 17 Jun 2015)
For use with Sibelius 3.x, Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This plug-in resets all colored objects in the open score back to their default colors (i.e. black).
- Download (2K, downloaded 27837 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Locate Colored Objects
Version 01.40.00
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 01 Jun 2019)
For use with Sibelius 3.x, Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This plug-in creates a log file listing the location of every colored object in the selected score.
New in version 1.3:
- When run in Sibelius 4, now handles bar number changes
For Sibelius 5 or later, you can use Find Colored Objects or Filter Colored Objects instead of generating this log file.
Updated 01 June 2019. Version 01.40.00. Fix processing colored rests
- Download (14K, downloaded 27728 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Apply Color To Text In Style
Version 01.08.00
Added 27 Feb 2006 (last updated 13 Mar 2021)
For use with Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Apply Color To Text In Style allows you to specify a named color and a text style, and apply the color to all selected text, system text, and lyrics object whose style matches the specified style.
The latest version of the plug-in fixes a problem with coloring system text that was not in a passage selection.
Updated 13Feb2015 to respell version name; no code change, no update of version number.
Updated 13 March 2021. Version 01.08.00. Fixed truncation of text in dialogs.
- Download (7K, downloaded 28209 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Replace Color
Version 01.20.00
Added 03 Mar 2009 (last updated 01 Jun 2019)
For use with Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Changes the color of all selected objects that match the original color to be the replacement color. It will only replace \\\'\\\'added\\\'\\\' colors, such as from Edit > Color or a plugin, not the built-in colors.
You can remove coloring by setting the replacement color to Black, or add colors by setting the original color to black.
If you want to replace the colors of system objects, such as Tempo text, run the plugin with a system (double purple box) selection.
Updated 24 June 2012 to fix version information.
Updated 13Feb2015 to respell version name; no code change, no update of version number.
Updated 26 April 2016 to allow coloring of individual note objects
Updated 01 June 2019. Version 01.20.00. Fix processing colored rests
- Download (5K, downloaded 27789 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Color Picker
Version 01.06.00
Added 17 Mar 2011 (last updated 23 Jan 2024)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__Allows you to choose a color by selecting a colored object and running the plugin. You can then apply the chosen color by selecting the objects you want to color, running the plugin, and choosing Apply color. __The picked color is normally the first colored (non-black) object in the selection, if any. You can optionally allow Black as the color to pick, which will effectively remove coloring when applied. __The color is remembered for the duration of a Sibelius session. __Updated 20 March 2011 to pick up system objects. __Updated 25 October 2011 adding feature to filter objects that match the picked color. __Updated 26 April 2016 to allow coloring of individual note objects __Updated 01 June 2019. Version 01.04.70. Fix processing colored rests __Updated 22 January 2023. Version 01.06.00. Many changes. Allowed plugin to save a list of picked colors and to edit color names.- Download (13K, downloaded 1050 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Trace Colored Objects
Version 01.08.00
Added 25 Oct 2011 (last updated 07 Jun 2024)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Traces the color values (name if available, RGB values, decimal and hex color values) of selected objects that have been colored something other than black.
Updated 6 March 2013. Fixed problem with White not getting recognized in Sib 7.
Updated 26 April 2016 to allow coloring of individual note objects
Updated 01 June 2019. Version 01.07.00. Fix processing colored rests.
Updated 6 June 2024. Version 01.08.00. Updated to better handle invalid color fields from Comments
- Download (6K, downloaded 734 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Color Enharmonic Pitches
Version 03.52.60
Added 15 Jun 2015 (last updated 23 Jan 2024)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__Allows you to specify a color for individual pitches, using separate colors for enharmonically equivalent pitches (such as F#/Gb). You can use it to apply a rainbow of unique colors for each pitch, or use it for proofreading and analysis. __Double sharps and flats can be colored the same as an enharmonic pitch (Gx -> A), or the same as the corresponding single accidental (Dx -> D#), and quartertones are colored as the nearest flat or sharp. You can, however, select a color from the double/quartertone lists, and all double accidentals or quartertones will get the same color, regardless of pitch. __One significant feature is the ability to edit the RGB values of any of the named colors in the color list. So if you like a different shade of red or yellow, you can have it. __The plugin saves its settings (in the plugin Preferences database), so your rainbow and your RGB edits and be set up once and retained across Sibelius sessions. __Note that, as with all coloring in Sibelius, all notes in a chord will be given the same color, unless the notes are in different voices. __Updated 2 June 2006 to allow it to use Colored Notehead Styles to color notes, so that notes in a chord can have separate colors (Feature available in Sib 7.1 and later). __Updated 15 June 2015 to remove any application of specific colors to specific pitches. A user may create their own color scheme and save it to be used as the default colors. Googling on color music scales will yield some historical coloring schemes. __Updated 15 April 2016 to allow coloring of individual note objects __Updated 24 April 2016 for minor tweaks. __Updated 26 April 2016 to allow coloring of individual note objects __Updated 12 November 2016. Now handles the color White, both for applying and for editing colors, and will also now work with the updated Colored Notehead Styles plugins. __Updated 22 January 2024. Version 03.52.60. Added ability to color lyrics, internal code changes to share RGB editing code with Apply Named Color- Download (26K, downloaded 1071 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
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