Version 01.63.01
Added 05 Oct 2007 (last updated 22 Sep 2023)
For use with Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__Lets you add, delete, and go to hidden text objects (or hitpoints) that will function as bookmarks. The bookmark will stay at the same location when music is added, deleted or reformatted. Bookmarks can also be navigated to using the Go To plugin. __Updated 9 November 2009 to allow Comments in Sib 6 to be used as bookmarks __Updated 25 May 2010 to handle out-of-range hitpoint bookmarks. __Updated 5 November 2011 to make the main dialog work more smoothly. __Updated 6 November 2011 to fix Delete All. __Updated 6 April 2013 to fix bug in Delete. __Updated 22 September 2023. Version 01.63.01. This plugin has been greatly sped up and is much more usable on large scores. Hit points can make good bookmarks. There is new dialog text on how to hide them, and there is now a checkbox that can bring up the Edit Hitpoints dialog in Sibelius Ultimate 2021.2 or later, so you can uncheck the Display checkboxes and hide all hitpoints.- Download (8K, downloaded 1160 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Go To
Version 01.52.00
Added 05 Oct 2007 (last updated 04 Jul 2018)
For use with Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Lets you navigate to rehearsal marks, hit points, bar number changes, bookmarks (as created in the Bookmark plugin), special barlines, or dynamics.
Updated April 30, 2008 to allow Go To Special Barlines.
Updated July 28,2008 to select the previous search object relative to the start of selection and to add Go To Dynamics, which shows the currently active dynamic.
Updated December 19,2008 to fix problems with Dynamics if there was no initial selection.
Updated 14 Feb 2009. Fix if only barline selected and disable lists if empty.
Updated 24 August 2009 You can now just type in a target (such as a Rehearsal Mark name, as well as finding it in a list.
Updated 28 August 2009 You can now type letter/number names for bracketed Rehearsal Marks.
Updated 30 August 2011. Fix bug if selected objects chosen and there was no selection; add text to Restore button.
Updated 1 September 2015. Corrections to Go To Selected Objects
Updated 7 February 2016 fixed GO To button so it closes dialog as intended.
Updated 26 April 2016. Improved bring into view for selected objects.
Updated 8 May 2016 to greatly speed up go to selected objects in Sib 6 and later.
Updated 5 June 2016 to fix a bug preventing objects at the same location from being listed separately.
Updated 24 April 2017. Fixed crash for selected objects in system staff. Renamed Go To to Go To and Close for clarity. Added Help button.
Updated 7 May 2018. Added Trace List button most useful for tracing selected objects. Also sped up some operations that displayed progress bars.
Updated 4 July 2018. Fixed bug in selected objects list that allowed duplicates, which yielded incorrect results.
- Download (22K, downloaded 27666 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Go To Out Of Range Note
Version 01.52.00
Added 16 Jan 2009 (last updated 16 Mar 2023)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__Makes a list of all selected notes that are out of range for the instrument they are in, even after an instrument change. From within the plugin dialog you can navigate to any of the out of range notes, and when the dialog closes the chosen note will be selected. __If you have trouble seeing the selected note, use the up arrow to move it, then Undo, not down arrow, to restore the original pitch. __You can also copy the list to the trace window, for printing or relaxed study. __This plugin can be especially useful for people who cannot differentiate the red colors used by Sibelius for out-of-range notes. __Updated 12 Feb 2011. Added ability to go to notes based on the number of ledger lines. Also added an option to filter all the out or range or ledger lined notes in the selection. __Updated 18 March 2017. Added options to exclude Comfortable or Professional range. __Updated 3 August 2017 to speed up processing for large scores. __Updated 24 May 2020. Version 01.51.00. Fixed typo in error case. __Updated 15 March 2023. Version 01.52.00. Added checkboxes for only high or only low.- Download (13K, downloaded 1293 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Go To Next-Previous Page
Added 03 Jul 2009 (last updated 07 Mar 2014)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Go to the start of the next or previous page, based on the start of the selection (you need to have a selection for this to work).
Updated 11 November 2010. Now if there is no selection you are taken to bar 1. Also fixes to Go To Previous, and it will now take you to the start of the current page if you are not on the first bar of the page, and if you are on the first bar it will take you to the previous page.
As before, the effect is similar to Go To Bar to the desired page - the target bar will have a system selection around it.
- Download (4K, downloaded 27278 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Select Range
Version 01.05.00
Added 22 Jan 2010 (last updated 07 Mar 2014)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Makes a selection from specified bar numbers (�external� numbers, as displayed in the score) or Rehearsal Marks. It is intended for making a selection over a long range in a large score.
If any bar numbers appear in more than one place in the score, the plugin will let you specify which location to select.
- Download (10K, downloaded 27250 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Save or Restore Selection Outline
Version 01.10.00
Added 18 Feb 2010 (last updated 09 Oct 2017)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Saves a passage (blue box) selection so that it can be restored later. May be useful if you are performing multiple operations on the same materials, and filtering.
Note that only the location of the selection (which bars and staves are selected) is saved and restored. The contents of those bars and staves are neither saved not restored. Restoring just draws a box around whatever is in the bars at that moment.
Updated 18 Feb 2010 to make Restore the default button if enabled.
Updated 4 April 2011 to allow it to handle discontiguous selections. Also renamed it and changed the description in the dialog to make its purpose more obvious.
Updated 9 October 2017 to make it easier to quickly restore an outline if you assign the plugin to a sshortcut by reducing the need to have the dialog appear.
The dialog will now appear in 3 cases:
* the first time in a session
* if there is no saved selection AND the current selection is not a passage selection
* if there is a saved selection AND the current selection is a passage (so you can change the saved selection.
* if there is a saved selection AND the current selection is not a passage, immediately restore the saved selection.
* if there is no saved selection AND the current selection IS a passage, immediately save the selection.
- Download (6K, downloaded 27257 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Go To Comment
Version 01.07.10
Added 26 Apr 2010 (last updated 31 Dec 2023)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__Provides a list of all comments in a score, optionally filtered by author, and lets you navigate to one of them. __There are 2 modes of operation. In the default mode (with the checkbox on), clicking in the listbox closes the dialog and takes you to the chosen comment. It is very fast if you use the mouse. __If you uncheck the checkbox, changing the selection in the list box brings that comment into view but the dialog stays up until you choose the Go To button. It is what you want if you navigate with arrow keys, and it lets you preview the comments. __The checkbox setting is remembered across Sibelius sessions. __Updated 29 September 2017 Reworked code for better speed in large scores. Also added positioning data to each list entry and added Trace button to write list to trace window. __Updated 10 January 2021. Version 01.05.00. Fixed problem with Line feeds in comment text. Needed to be in a list box and they messed it up. Now replace line feed/carriage return characters with spaces. __Updated 9 July 2021. Version 01.06.00. Fixed bug where the original selection as always restored at the end of the plugin. Now the original selection is restored on Cancel, but otherwise the last comment chosen will be selected at the end. __Updated 9 July 2021. Version 01.06.10. Make a change so that the score will reposition even if score position.follow selection is unchecked. __Updated 1 December 2023. Version 01.07.00. Added tracing of filtered comments. __Updated 30 December 2023. Version 01.07.10. Improved tracing and buffered traces for more speed in large scores.- Download (9K, downloaded 892 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Deselect Hidden Staves
Version 01.07.00
Added 04 Apr 2011 (last updated 16 Apr 2023)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__This plugin removes from a passage selection any staves that are hidden __* by Focus on Staves (if Focus On Staves is active) __* by Hide Empty Staves (if all bars in that staff in the selection are so hidden) __It does not deal with instruments hidden by instrument changes. (*updated later to do so - see below) __Two interesting uses are: __1. Select only the visible staves in Focus On Staves so the other staves do not play back. __2. Prevent a paste that includes hidden staves (usually hidden by Hide Empty Staves) from copying the hidden staves, and thus unhiding the destination. __If there is no passage selection, the plugin selects the visible staves throughout the entire score. (*changed later) __Updated 17 July 2020. Version 01.05.00. Fairly big changes. __ If there is no selection, the full score in no longer selected - that was a bad idea in my view. Now a dialog comes up and allows you to change how to decide whether to exclude a staff when there is a mix of hidden and visible bars in the selection. The default now is to exclude the staff is the selection includes ANY hidden bars. This is discussed in Help. __The plugin will now exclude bars hidden by an instrument change to No Instrument Hidden, if the bars contain no visible objects, which covers hidden parts of ossia staves. __Updated 31 March 2023. Version 01.06.00. No feature changes. Restructured so it could be more easily called by other plugins. __Updated 15 March 2023. Version 01.07.00. Rewrote visibility tests to be much faster for large scores.- Download (7K, downloaded 1224 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Go To Text
Version 01.56.00
Added 10 Nov 2011 (last updated 07 Mar 2014)
For use with Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This plugin lets you go to the next or previous piece of staff text, in any text style, relative to the current selection.
You can run it with no selection to change search direction.
You can type arbitrary text to use as bookmarks (hidden text starting with ~ is recommended, such as ~1, ~2, ~3 for easy to enter bookmarks), and use this plugin to find those bookmarks.
Updated 11 Nov 11 to select the bar containing the bookmark and move it to the upper left corner to increase visibility.
Updated 24 November 2011 selects the text, not the bar, so next finds work.
- Download (7K, downloaded 27326 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Go To Staff and Bar
Version 01.04.00
Added 06 May 2014 (last updated 17 Jun 2015)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Displays a list of the staves in the score, and another list showing all the (displayed) bar numbers in the score. Select a staff, and select a bar number, and the plugin will select the the destination bar or first note, rest, or bar rest in the destination bar, and make the selection visible.
One can often just choose a staff and hit OK. The plugin chooses the first bar in the selection by default, but the bar number may be changed.
This provides a navigation facility similar to that provided by the Sibelius 7.5 Timeline.
- Download (7K, downloaded 27314 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Move Selection Left/Right
Version 1.2
Added 26 May 2015 (last updated 12 May 2018)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
These plugins are designed to make certain editing operations in Sibelius more efficient.
Copying objects is easy in Sibelius with shortcuts like "r" for repeat and Alt-click to paste but moving them can take many more steps.
These plugins will move one or more objects left or right to the next contextually sensible location. Selections containing notes and rests can be moved, as can selections containing lyrics, dynamics etc without notes. Most system objects (e.g. tempo indications, repeat signs) can also be moved.
They are designed to be assigned appropriate keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+Alt+Home/End for instance) so that they can easily be run repeatedly in order to move the selected objects to the desired position.
Please note:
- The plugin will run slowly if large selections are being moved. Cutting and pasting is a better option in this case. It may also run slowly in very large scores.
- Time-signatures can be moved but the bars will not be rewritten.
- Partially selected tuplets cannot be moved.
- Notes are not split when moved. A crotchet (quarter note) will not become two tied quavers (eight notes) across a barline.
Updated 12 May 2018. Now compatible with Sibelius 2018.4 and Higher.
- Download (24K, downloaded 27527 times)
Plug-in written by Kenneth Gaw.
X Y Offset
Version 01.11.03
Added 06 Apr 2017 (last updated 05 Apr 2023)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__Sets the X and Y offsets of selected objects, as the inspector does (Absolute mode), or uses X and Y values to shift the position of selected objects (Relative mode). __It can serve as a replacement to the X Y positions of the Inspector in some cases, and adds the ability to shift the positions of objects. __As with any plugin, it can be assigned to a shortcut key. __It will adjust the right end of lines by the same Y amount the left end is moved so the slope of the line is unchanged. __By default, the initial focus is in the X edit box. If you run the plugin with no selection you can set the initial focus to go to the Y edit box instead. __Updated 22 April 2020. Version 01.07.00. Added ability to move just the left or right end of a line, in addition to being able to shift both ends at once. __Updated 14 September 2020. Version 01.08.00. Move both ends code was not adjusting right end. Fixed now. __Updated 16 September 2020. Version 01.09.00. Added ability to hide dialog during the Sibelius session and to retain the values from the last run in the edit boxes. __Updated 5 April 2021. Version 01.10.01. __Dialog controls were rearranged, and some new controls were added. The control to hide the dialog is now a 3-tate drop down listbox allowing you to show the dialog always, hide it for one Sib session, or hide it unless the plugin was run with no selection. The dialog will always come up if there is no selection. __Updated 17 April 2021. Version 01.11.00. __ Fixed Preview, which was net being reset. When the dialog comes up with no selection, the Previous and OK buttons are now disabled. Previously if you chose Relative and both values were zero, it was treated as an error. Now these settings will cause the selected objects to be reset to their default positions. A warning will appear the first time this happens in a Sibelius session. __Updated 18 April 2021. Version 01.11.01. Fixed crash when using the up and down buttons. Thanks to Michele Galvagno for pointing out the problem. __Updated 21 April 2021. Version 01.11.02. Added ability to have outside callers hide dialog. __Updated 5 April 2023. Version 01.11.03. No change in code. Updated version to force update. Includes helper plugins, which run without dialogs, and can be used with shortcuts for fine tuning. These require the plugin cmdutils, which must be installed: Set X Offset Left 06_CP, Set X Offset Left 03_CP, Set X Offset Right 06_CP, Set X Offset Right 03_CP.- Download (14K, downloaded 1337 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Browse Selected Objects
Version 01.88.00
Added 18 Jul 2018 (last updated 07 Aug 2023)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
****This plugin lets you navigate through a set of selected objects, typically those created by a filter.++++ ****Change the list selection with the mouse or arrow keys to bring the chosen object into view. By default the entire bar will be selected for better visibility. The score selection will only move when the bar changes.++++ ****There are a number of options for sorting the list and viewing different objects, and if Run Plugins By Name is installed you can run another plugin on the objects currently viewed in the score.++++ ****When the plugin ends, the last viewed object will be visible with options for what will be selected.++++ ****Updated 27 July 2018 Version 01.60.20. Fixed crash when canceling out of search. Some code cleanup. ++++ ****Updated 13 August 2018. Version 01.80.00. Added the ability to remove objects from the list and to make a score selection fro what remains in the list so that a plugin could be run on that selection (thanks to Tom Owen for the suggestions). I also added another, simpler dialog, for straightforward browsing. You can easily switch between the dialogs.++++ ****Updated 28 August 2018. Version 01.81.00. Added text to lyric description and put text in quotes.++++ ****Updated 30 August 2018. Version 01.83.00. Handle deleted objects better. Change text in descriptions to use [] rather than quotes for technical reasons.++++ ****Updated 3 September 2018. Version 01.84.00. Added count of objects to listbox.++++ ****Updated 11 July 2021. Version 01.85.2021. Fixed crash if run with no actual objects selected, such as bar number fields or default barlines.++++ ****Updated 30 November 2021. Version 01.86.00. Changed to have the simple browser dialog come up by default, rather than the advanced version. Also removed the call on first startup that asked if you wanted to save the selection. It saves it quietly in the background if Save And Restore Selection is available. The intention is to make the plugin less intimidating for simple browsing, while the full editing features are still available with the Show Advanced Options button.++++****Updated 21 March 2022. Version 01.87.00. Added Notehead styles to Note descriptions if not Normal.++++ ****Updated 6 August 2023. Version 01.88.00. o Simple view now has 2 close buttons, as the Advanced view had. OK will close the dialog with the currently viewed object or bar selected. Esc closes the dialog with the original selection restored.++++- Download (19K, downloaded 1110 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
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