Find System Objects
Version 01.11.00
Added 07 May 2014 (last updated 04 Jan 2020)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This is one of a group of plugins designed to provide sight-impaired users with access to Sibelius score objects.
It displays a list of system objects (Titles, copyright, tempo, and other text, barlines, key signatures, time signatures, and more) present in the score.
When an object type is chosen, another list is filled with the objects of that type present in the score, with their bar locations noted. Choosing OK will select the object, and bring the selected object on screen.
There is an option, off by default, to have the plugin function as "Find Next System Object". If the option is chosen, and the selection in the score contains only a single system object (such as a special barline), the plugin will not bring up the dialog, but will select the next system object of the same type in the score.
This plugin will be installed by default into the Other pane of the Home tab Plug-ins menu on the Ribbon.
Updated 3 January 2020. Version 01.11.00.Added option to system select entire bar for found object to increase visibility. Also changed handling of Key Signatures. Previously, due to a plugin problem where a key signature object in the system staff cannot be selected, if a key sig was chosen its entire bar would always be system selected. Now the plugin looks for the first matching non-one-staff-only key signature in the normal staves and selects just that object. After the plugin runs, using Delete with that key sig selected will delete all the matching non-one-staff-only key signatures.
The intention is to make key signatures behaves as much as possible the way other system staff objects do.
- Download (8K, downloaded 27364 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Go To Staff
Version 01.04.00
Added 07 May 2014 (last updated 17 Jun 2015)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This is one of a group of plugins designed to provide sight-impaired users with access to Sibelius score objects.
Displays a list of the staves in the score. Select a staff, hit TAB and type a bar number, and the plugin will select the first note, rest, or bar rest in the chosen bar, and make the selection visible.
The user can often just choose a staff and hit OK. The plugin fills the bar number edit box with the first bar in the selection by default, but the bar number may be overwritten.
This plugin will be installed by default into the Other pane of the Home tab Plug-ins menu on the Ribbon.
- Download (6K, downloaded 27261 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Initial Key Signatures And Clefs
Version 01.07.00
Added 07 May 2014 (last updated 10 Dec 2016)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This is one of a group of plugins designed to provide sight-impaired users with access to Sibelius score objects.
This plugin provides a list of the initial key signature and clef in each staff of the score; this is for use by the screen reader; the plugin provides no navigation ability.
The first line of text in the dialog states whether the score is transposing or concert pitch (important for the interpretation of the key signature, which is the current written key signature), and there is a line of text explaining whether or not all the staves have the same key signature, so the user need not look at every staff to see if there are any differences.
There is a Trace button which will write the contents of the list to the Plugin Trace Window, for later reference. Unfortunately, the NVDA screen reader does not read the Plugin Trace Window, but the contents can be copied and pasted into another application, such as WordPad, that can be read by NVDA.
This plugin will be installed by default into the Other pane of the Home tab Plug-ins menu on the Ribbon.
Updated 10 December 2016 to include the part name of the score, so you can easily find the score file name, the transposing state of the score, and whether it is a part or the full score, in addition to the key and clef information.
- Download (7K, downloaded 27525 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Version 01.20.20
Added 24 May 2014 (last updated 08 Jan 2024)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
__Adds system or page breaks, and in Sibelius 7.5 or later, split system breaks, without requiring you to select a single barline, which cannot be done without using a mouse. __ In this plugin, to add a break to a barline, make a selection in the bar to the left of the barline (either select the entire bar or select a note or other object in the bar), and then run the plugin. It will apply a break to the barline on the right side of the selected bar. __You cannot add a break to the last bar in the score. __There are other resources besides this plugin that let you use breaks without selecting a single barline. Remove system and page breaks by selecting the bar containing the barline with the break and using Layout - Format - Unlock Format. Create a title page with Layout - Document Setup - Create Title Page. Use the downloadable plugin Delete or Update Title Page, category Other, to delete title pages and blank pages. Use the downloadable plugin Create Blank Page, category Layout, to create blank pages. __Updated 11 February 2015 to correct version and allow plugin to run in Sib 6. __Updated 6 March 2018. Changed all commands to toggle breaks, not just create them. Added support for Section End and Split Multirest. Added Confirm messagebox. __Updated 1 November 2019. Version 01.17.00. __You can now turn breaks on or off explicitly, in addition to toggling their states. __Special page breaks can be modified. __The break type of the first selected bar is displayed below the list box. __The list box will select the current break if possible for easier toggling. __Split system breaks are handled better and can be easily deleted. __A PDF file describing the changes is included in the zip file. __Updated 15 December 2021. Version 01.18.00. Internal changes made to allow Child plugins to call certain features without bringing up the dialog. No features of the plugins have otherwise been changed. The zip file now includes the plugins Breaks, Toggle System Break, Toggle Page Break, Toggle Section End, Toggle Split Multirest. The Toggle plugins will allow you to toggle the presence of the named break without showing a dialog, which may make some workflows faster. Some of the plugin features still require running breaks directly, and Breaks must be installed to use any of the Toggle child plugins. __Updated 28 November 2023. Version 01.19.00. The Breaks plugin was updated in November 2023 to make breaks added to multirests apply the break to the last bar of the multirest, this keeping the multirest intact. Previously, the break was added to the first bar of the multirest, which split off the first bar from the rest of the multirest. __Updated 20 December 2023. Version 01.20.10. Better support for Special Page Breaks and blank pages before the first Bar. You can now change the number of blank pages before the first bar, or the number of blank pages after any bar without having the delete and add a new break. As always, you can use this to add breaks without having to select a barline. __Updated 8 January 2024. Version 01.20.00. The setting "Match list selection to current break" is now saved across Sibelius sessions.- Download (14K, downloaded 961 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
There It Is!
Version 01.52.00
Added 09 Jul 2014 (last updated 05 Oct 2022)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This is one of a group of plugins designed to provide sight-impaired users with access to Sibelius score objects. It displays a list of types of objects present in the current selection. If the selection is a system selection (purple box), the list will include system objects, such as Title text, Rehearsal Marks, and Special Barlines. When an object type is chosen, another list is filled with the objects of that type present in the selection, with their staff, bar, and position in bar locations noted. Choosing OK will select the object, and bring the selected object on screen. Objects can be displayed sorted by Bar (the default), so you can see all the objects in a single bar for all the staves, or you can sort the objects by Staff, so you can see the objects across all the bars in each staff. A View button can be used to browse to objects without taking the dialog down. This would probably be useful only for sighted users. This plugin is similar to the What Is Where? plugin, with navigation capabilities. There is a Help button and an Options button. Some objects tend to be slow to gather and display, so the Options dialog has options to skip such objects, or to ask if you want to display them. By default, the plugin asks to show staff text, and skips slurs, notes and rests, and bar rests. Updated 30 July 2014 minor bug fix Updated 19 December 2014 to allow non-passage selections, so the results of a filter could be navigated to. Updated 13 December 2016.Added articulations to notes, added Trace button, added score file name, part name and transposing score state to dialog title bar. Also added duration to Note/Rest listing. Updated 28 May 2018. Speed up via progress bar and other code. Updated 12 June 2018. Cleanup, separate listing for trills, wider dialog to avoid text truncation. Updated 8 December 2018. Version 01.49.00. Added log file with new options. Added Trace All command to trace all lists at once, optionally tracing to the log file. Optimized tracing, both for log file and trace window, so it is significantly faster. Improved handling of Time Signatures. If there are Bar Number changes, both the Displayed (external) and Consecutive (internal) bar numbers are shown, since the external bar numbers may not be unique. Updated 29 March 2022. Version 01.50.00. All notes in a chord are now listed and non-normal noteheads are listed for notes. Updated 12 July 2022.Add instrument names to data describing Instrument Changes. Updated 05 October 2022. Version 01.52.00. For Ultimate 2022.9 or later, Instrument Names in Instrument Changes reflect any user-editing of the names. Previously only the default names from the Instrument Type associated with the Instrument Change could be displayed.- Download (22K, downloaded 1449 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Plugin Set
Version 01.53.00
Added 01 Sep 2014 (last updated 11 Jan 2016)
For use with Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This plugin assigns shortcuts for running a fixed set of plugins. The plugins are stored in an internal list and cannot be changed except by editing the plugin.
This provides a way to run a set of sight-impaired plugins without needing to assign a Sibelius keyboard shortcut for each plugin. This simplifies installation of the Sight-impaired tools.
The plugins in the list will need to be installed before they can be run with this plugin. A warning will be given if the plugins are not installed.
The initial set of plugins are Breaks, Find System Objects, Go To Staff, Initial Key Signatures And Clefs, and There It Is!
You can make a copy of this plugin and edit the variable _lstPluginsToRun to give yourself a list of plugins that will give you fixed shortcuts for any installed plugins that you want to set up. The first 9 plugins get the shortcuts 1 - 9, and then the next 26 will get A - Z (case insensitive). More plugins that that are ignored. See Run Plugins By Name or Fixed Plugin Shortcuts if you are dealing with large groups.
Updated 25 April 2015 to make the file easier to edit in a text editor. There will be no change at all from the user point of view.
Updated 23 November 2015 to allow it to run in Sibelius 5.2.5. No significant code was changed.
Updated 11 January 2016 to fix a small shortcut bug that would only show up if more plugins were added to the list. Current users should not need to update.
- Download (5K, downloaded 27442 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Move Text To Blank Page
Version 01.10.00
Added 03 Mar 2018 (last updated 03 Mar 2018)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Moves or copies the contents of a single selected Text object to a blank page. You can choose a Blank Page text style and pick the blank page or title page where the text should be placed.
When the plugin ends, he resulting text object will be selected and brought into view.
This is intended to make it easier for sight-impaired users to place text onto blank pages without using the mouse.
- Download (7K, downloaded 27239 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Indent First Bar
Version 01.70.00
Added 10 Mar 2021 (last updated 10 Mar 2021)
For use with Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
First Version added 10 March 2021. Original version number 01.70.00.
Indents the first bar in a score (the active score or part) by setting the Gap Before bar value. The default indent is 10 spaces, but this can be changed.
It will optionally indent the first bar of each movement in the score, if the appropriate boxes are checked (Section End, Final Barline), and the score is set up to mark section ends as the plugin expects. The checkboxes are off by default.
No selection is needed; any selection is ignored. The first bar and marked movement bars will always be indented.
Dialog setting will be saved across Sibelius sessions.
This is a cut-down version of the Gap Before Bar plugin, which is capable of doing more things. This was extracted for Kevin Gibbs and the Sight-Impaired Sibelius community.
- Download (18K, downloaded 27377 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Find Bars With Breaks
Version 01.51.00
Added 23 Sep 2021 (last updated )
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Initial version 01.51.00 added 23 September 2021.
This plugin locates and displays all bars in the score that have System, Page, Special Page, Split Multiirest breaks, and will also display bars with Gap Before Bar, including Split System Bars.
A bar may contain breaks in more than one category.
Choose a category and a bar in the category, and press Go To Bar. The chosen bar will be selected with a system passage-purple box selection, and brought into view. If the Breaks plugin is installed, you can call it immediately on the newly selected bar.
- Download (5K, downloaded 27400 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Select Note At Playback Line
Version 01.08.00
Added 15 Nov 2021 (last updated 24 May 2022)
For use with Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
****The goal of Select Note At Playback Line is to select �the note in the score corresponding to the position of the playback line�, and the plugin comes as close as it can to the goal. If there is only a single staff in the score, it works quite well. It might select a rest or bar rest instead of a note, but it should be effectively select the last note played.++++ ****If there are multiple staves, it is more complicated to determine which note/rest/bar rest to select. The plugin is given the bar number and position within that bar for the playback line, so it looks in each staff in the score at that bar number for the first note that is closest to the playback line. If there is a rest in the top staff, and a note at the same position in a lower staff, the note will be selected rather than the rest.++++ ****The plugin is in a sense the opposite of the command Move Playback Line To Selection. The command Go To Playback Line brings the location of the playback line into view, but does not change the selection.++++ ****The plugin will not force the playback line to be visible. You can do that in View_Invisibles_Playback Line, or by running the command Playback Line.++++ ****A few extreme cases:++++ ***** If a score was played to the end of the score, pressing space restarts playback at the start of the score, so the plugin will select the first note in the score that would be played, rather than the last note in the score.++++ ***** If you have a bar where there are neither notes, rests, nor bar rests, the entire bar will be selected.++++ ****Updated 24 May 2022. Fixed obscure crashing bug.++++- Download (8K, downloaded 1681 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
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