Find Intervals From Keys
Version 01.10.00
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 17 Jun 2015)
For use with Sibelius 3.x, Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Find Intervals From Keys calculates the intervals needed to transpose from one key to another. The calculated intervals can then be used in Notes > Transpose. It also provides information on how to produce intervals that Notes > Transpose cannot produce directly.
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Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Copy Beaming and Slurs
Added 01 Aug 2005
For use with Sibelius 2.x, Sibelius 3.x and Sibelius 4
This plug-in copies the beaming and slurs from a selected rhythmic pattern to all other instances of that rhythmic pattern (not necessarily the same pitches) in the selected passage or the whole score.
- Download (4K, downloaded 26953 times)
Plug-in written by Fran�ois Fr�re.
Process Shorthand Drum Parts
Added 01 Aug 2005
For use with Sibelius 3.x and Sibelius 4
The plug-in allows you to produce finished outline drum kit parts with the minimum of effort, assuming that the score is written with the plug-in in mind. After part extraction, sections consisting of "play time" are summarized by the plug-in without the user needing to write anything except: the bars he/she specifically wants to appear in the part; and textual hints indicating whether rests are intended as rests or as un-notated "time." Some clean-up remains for the user.
- Download (20K, downloaded 26939 times)
Plug-in written by Ewald Cress.
Find and Replace Rhythms
Added 01 Aug 2005
For use with Sibelius 2.x, Sibelius 3.x and Sibelius 4
This plug-in replaces each occurrence of a rhythm with an alternative. The notes of the replacement rhythm can be mapped to any note of the original rhythm.
To use this plug-in, select a passage and choose the plug-in from the menu. Choose whether you want to use British or American English to describe the notes in your rhythms. Choose the start position for the rhythm (Beginning of bar, Offset from beginning of bar, On each beat according to meter, eg, 4/4 would mean the rhythm could start at any quarter note position, 3/8 would mean at any eighth note position, etc.).
If offset from beginning of bar is chosen, then choose a combination of notes one at a time, (clicking OK after each selection) to indicate how far into the bar the rhythm should start. (Less common note lengths are found in the drop-down menu.) When selecting the note that completes the duration, make sure the This is the last note to be added box is chosen before clicking OK.
The next dialog allows you to define the rhythm that you want to change. Choose the duration of the first element of the rhythm. Also, choose whether it�s a note or a rest and click OK. The top of the dialog is updated with your previous choices. If you make a mistake click Undo last note, then click OK. When you�ve chosen the last note of the rhythm, select This is the last note and click OK.
The next dialog shows a summary of the rhythm you�ve entered. If it�s correct, then choose OK, otherwise select Re-enter rhythm and click OK.
The next dialog allows you to enter your replacement rhythm. This is similar to the dialog used to enter the rhythm you want to change, except there are two further options. The Tied to next option allows you to define whether the note you�re entering will be tied to the next note. The pitch option allows you to define which note of the original rhythm is to be used for the note you�re defining in the replacement rhythm. In general, this box is pre-filled with the note number of the original rhythm that has the same rhythmic position as the note you�re currently defining. However, you can use the drop-down list to select any other note number from the original rhythm. If you are defining a rest, then the plug-in ignores this value.
When the duration of the replacement rhythm is exactly the same length as the original rhythm, a summary of the replacement rhythm is given. You can choose to either continue or re-enter the rhythm. If you choose to continue, then you have the choice of selecting the voices that should be searched for the original rhythm. Once this choice has been made, press OK and any occurrence of the chosen rhythm will be re-written.
Articulation is not transferred from the original to the replacement rhythm. Lyrics will remain unaffected.
If you have a selection in 4/4 but the rhythm you want to search for could start on any quaver beat, then change the timesig to 8/8 without re-writing the following bars. Then run the plug-in choosing On each beat according to time signature for its start position, then change the time signature back to 4/4.
- Download (16K, downloaded 27016 times)
Plug-in written by Peter Hayter.
Apply Time Signature to Selection
Version 02.60.00
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 24 Jun 2012)
For use with Sibelius 3.x and Sibelius 4
This plug-in allows you to change time signature for a part of a score, and automatically switches back to the original time signature at the end of the selection.
Changes in v2.55:
- If the chosen selection includes a tuplet, the plug-in now pops up a message advising you to choose a selection that doesn\'t include tuplets.
Changes in v2.53:
- In previous versions, the plug-in would put a \"restoring\" time signature in the bar following the selection, and the new time signature at the start of the first bar in the selection. Now it can start the new time signature anywhere in a bar, effectively splitting the bar into two or more pieces. It will split any unselected notes in the first selected bar into a separate bar. It will apply the new time signature to all selected notes (which may cause the last bar in the new time signature to be padded with rests), and it will split off any unselected notes in the last selected bar into a separate bar. There is also an option to merge the unselected notes in the last bar with the notes that follow the selection. If full bars are selected, it will behave as the old one did: it will put an new time signature at the start of the first selected bar, and a restoring time signature in the bar following the selection.
Sibelius 5 can do this without a plugin.
Updated 2 April 2009 for internal code cleanup
- Download (37K, downloaded 26912 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Apply Key Signature to Selection
Version 01.41.00
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 24 Jun 2012)
For use with Sibelius 3.x and Sibelius 4
This plug-in allows you to change key signature for a part of a score, and automatically switches back to the original key signature at the end of the selection. This plug-in can also optionally transpose the selected music into the new key.
Fixes in v1.41.00 (updated 23 March 2004):
- now handles transpositions by intervals of a double diminished unison (e.g. C# - Cb) correctly.
Fixes in v1.40.2:
- progress bar added
- fixed problem with duplicated stopper key signature
- the transpose checkbox now works; transposing can be turned off
- will not transpose percussion staves
- Chord symbol transposition rewritten. Handle parentheses and multi-level slash chords
- chord validation using internal parser removed; allows more chords to be handled
- some help text updated.
Sibelius 5 can do this without a plugin.
- Download (17K, downloaded 26907 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Find Range Plus
Added 01 Aug 2005
For use with Sibelius 2.x, Sibelius 3.x and Sibelius 4
This plug-in calculates a whole bunch of useful things about your score.
The plug-in's author says:
"I expanded the Find Range plug-in to give it artificial intelligence. You can use this to find out the secrets of Bach and Mozart. There are a lot of free MIDI files of music by these masters on the internet. Download these, notate them automatically in Sibelius and compare their statistics to your own compositions. See any differences? It's most useful to apply this plug-in to the melody."
- Download (8K, downloaded 26902 times)
Plug-in written by V�in� Piipponen.
Locate Highlights
Version 01.15.00
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 24 Jun 2012)
For use with Sibelius 3.x and Sibelius 4
This plug-in creates a log file listing the location of every highlight in the selected score. This is useful for, say, recording the changes reported by plug-ins that create highlights, such as Find Motive or Compare Staves.
New in version 1.15:
- Handles bar number changes when run in Sibelius 4
Fixed in version 1.11:
- handles unsaved scores better
- issues a warning when bar number changes are present
In Sibelius 5, use the Find Highlights plugin
- Download (9K, downloaded 26854 times)
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Multirests and Empty Bars
Version 04.30.00
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 22 Aug 2019)
For use with Sibelius 3.x, Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Multirests and Empty Bars creates a text file showing the locations of:
- Multirests and their terminators (for the entire score; process parts as separate files)
- Empty bars (bars without notes)
- Empty bars without bar rests (probably notation errors)
- Occupied bars
- Irregular bars (whose length differs from the time signature)
This information may be useful for proofreading, for determining why multirests split, or for managing rehearsals and allocation of players to instruments. Copyists may also find it to be useful.
Changes in version 3.6:
- Now handles unsaved scores, or scores with \"untitled\" in their filenames
Changes in version 3.16:
- Fix to show terminators of certain 1-bar \"multirests\"
- Added warning about multirests that are split by Auto Layout options
Changes in version 3.0:
- A new option, Multirests in Selected Staves Only. Previously, all staves in the score were checked, and multirests were reported only when the multirest was present in all staves. This was intended to report only on multirests that could be visible at the moment that the plugin was run. To check a specific staff, you had to extract a part. With the new option (on by default), you can check individual staves in the full score. (The multirests will still not be visible in the score until you extract a part). Note that even when the Selected Stave option is selected, the system staff is checked as well, since contents of the system staff (system text like composer and title and headers) often influence the breaking of multirests.
- Since the plug-in is used most often to check multirests, the empty bar checkboxes are now off by default.
- A number of minor bugs have been fixed.
Changes in version 3.12:
- When run in Sibelius 4, the plug-in makes a better determination of what terminates a multirest
- When run in Sibelius 4, if there are bar number changes present, the log file will show both the \"displayed\" and \"consecutive\" bar numbers
Changes in version 3.1:
- There was an error that if you choose the \"selected staves only\" option, but have no selection, it continues but only processes the system staff, with the result that the multirests are wrong. Now fixed.
Changes in version 3.5:
- Can now detect hidden objects that do not break multirests (Sibelius 4.1 only)
- Adds staff name to location of object breaking a multirest
- Download (24K, downloaded 28406 times)
Updated 14 July 2016. Added the ability to treat a single bar followed by a multirest as a 1-bar multirest, thus showing its terminator. This will help the common case of a single bar being split from a multirest.
Updated 29 September 2017. Optimized progress bars to speed up processing large scores; also change log file creation to buffer writing for better speed.
Updated 22 August 2019. Version 04.30.00. Significant rewrites to improve speed for large scores. Writes to the trace window are not buffered, and there is an option to show only totals and subtotals. New option to show bars that are empty for an entire system.
Plug-in written by Bob Zawalich.
Copy Signatures To New Score
Added 01 Aug 2005 (last updated 17 Jun 2015)
For use with Sibelius 3.x, Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
This plug-in copies all the time and key signatures from the current score into a new score.
To use the plug-in, open the score from which you want to copy the key and time signatures, choose the plug-in from Sibelius\'s menus, then follow the on-screen instructions.
Updated 21 February 2007: Can now also copy metronome marks from the current score to the new score.
- Download (3K, downloaded 28030 times)
Plug-in written by Neil Sands.
Calculate Golden Sections
Added 09 Aug 2005 (last updated 03 Sep 2005)
For use with Sibelius 3.x and Sibelius 4
In the author's own words:
This plug-in calculates where the Golden Sections in a score are. It shows them in a window and marks them to the score to 6th level. This can be used to study compositions and to help you to make your pieces proportionally pleasant. For example, create an empty score and let this put down where te division points should be. Then just start to compose. (Finally, remove the marks from the score!)
- Download (4K, downloaded 27083 times)
Plug-in written by V�in� Piipponen.
Rhythm Section Assistant
Added 25 Aug 2006 (last updated 15 Mar 2019)
For use with Sibelius 4, Sibelius 4.1, Sibelius 5, Sibelius 6, Sibelius 7.1, Sibelius 7.5, Sibelius 8.x, Sibelius 18.x, Sibelius 19.x, Sibelius 20.x, Sibelius 21.x, Sibelius 22.x, Sibelius 23.x, Sibelius 24.x and Sibelius 25.x
Rhythm Section Assistant is designed for writing jazz or any other music that uses slashes and rhythmic cues. The author says:
"While writing a big band chart in Sibelius, I found that I spent a lot of time hiding playback-only passages and creating slashes and rhythmic cues in other voices. This plug-in is intended to automate those tasks.
The plug-in includes on-screen help: just click the Help button in the main plug-in dialog.
Updated 15 March 2019. No code change; marked to be useable up to current Sibelius version so Install will pick it up.
- Download (14K, downloaded 28792 times)
Plug-in written by Ross Lafleur.
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