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Sib. 6.x: New downloadable plugin: Unfold Repea... - Bob Zawalich, 24 Nov 02:53AM

Sib. 6.x: New downloadable plugin: Unfold Repeat Bar Rests
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 24 Nov 02:53AM (edited 24 Nov 02:54AM)
A new downloadable plugin: Unfold Repeat Bar Rests is available for free download and installation at

In Sib 7+, use the plugin installer. The plugin is in category Engravers' Tools.

This plugin is a "smart" replacement for copying the music preceding bars with repeat bar rests (./.) into those bars, overwriting the repeat rests. The intelligence comes from only copying certain staff data (system data is never copied), and by default, only if there are 2 or more pieces of such data in the copied bars, so there are not repeated dynamics or chord symbols.

I note that there is another plugin with a similar name: Unfold Repeats (, category Engravers' Tools). That plugin creates a copy of a score with all repeats written out as separate bars. It uses the ordering shown in Play > Repeats, and will optionally delete any repeat barlines, end lines, and Repeat or Jump text.

It uses an entirely different mechanism from this one, so I decided they should be separate plugins.

I hope someone finds this to be useful.

Unfold Repeat Bar Rests

Replaces repeat bar rests with the contents of the appropriate bars. It will always copy notes, rests, tuplets, slurs, and non-hairpin staff lines. Chord symbols, dynamics, and some staff text may optionally be copied. Lyrics and other staff objects will not be copied.

If the "2 or more present in the source bars" option is used, hairpins will be copied if there are 2 or more hairpins or if there is 1 hairpin and 2 or more pieces of dynamics text.

If ''Copy all voices'' is unchecked, objects are copied only if they match the voice of the repeat bar rest.

For 2- or 4-bar repeats, the first bar that contains the repeat rest must be selected.

Unfolding affects both score and parts. If you make a copy of the score then run the plugin on the copy, you can use the copy for the unfolded bars, and the original score for the repeated bars.


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 7.5, Windows 7 Pro SP 1 64 bit, 8 G RAM. Year 2015.
Attachments 2015-11-23_18-34-32.png (45K), snap2.png (84K), Snap3.png (111K)

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Sib. 6.x: New downloadable plugin: Unfold Repea... - Bob Zawalich, 24 Nov 02:53AM