Update Kontakt Gold for Windows & Mac
- This update is only for existing users of Kontakt Gold. If you do not have Kontakt Gold, you should not download this update.
- The versions of Kontakt Gold available for download from this page require you to be running at least Sibelius 3.1.3. You must update to Sibelius 3.1.3 before installing any of the files available from this page. Download the Sibelius 3.1.3 updater here.
- If you have Sibelius 4 and have installed Kontakt Gold, Garritan Personal Orchestra Sibelius Edition or Sibelius Rock and Pop Collection, you should not download this update.
Updating Kontakt Gold for Windows 2000/XP
Use Windows 98/Me? You should not install this update to Kontakt Gold, as these operating systems are no longer supported. We recommend you upgrade to Windows XP to take advantage of the latest improvements in both Kontakt Gold and Sibelius.
Please follow these instructions carefully.
- Exit any programs which are running, including Sibelius (choose File > Exit).
- Don't uninstall Kontakt Gold or Sibelius - just leave it as it is.
- You will be asked whether or not to save UpdateKontaktGold.exe to disk: choose to save it on your Desktop.
- Double-click the downloaded file to start installing the update.
- You are given the opportunity to read the license agreement. Read it, and click I Accept.
- Next, the installer asks you where you want to install Kontakt Gold. Just click Next.
- You’re asked where you want the Start menu icons created; again, just click Next
- Things flash and whizz as the update is installed. When prompted, click Finish.
- You may be prompted to restart your computer; if so, click OK to restart.
Installing Kontakt Gold for Mac OS X
Use Mac OS 9? No update is available for Kontakt Gold on Mac OS 9. We recommend you upgrade to Mac OS X to take advantage of the latest improvements in both Kontakt Gold and Sibelius.
Please follow these instructions carefully.
- Exit any programs which are running, including Sibelius (choose File > Quit).
- Don't uninstall Sibelius or Kontakt Gold - just leave it as it is.
- When the download is complete, your computer should automatically uncompress the .dmg and mount it, so an icon called Update Kontakt Gold should appear on your desktop. If the icon doesn't appear, double-click the downloaded UpdateKontaktGold.dmg file, and the volume will be mounted.
- Double-click the Update Kontakt Gold volume to open its window, if it's not already open, and double-click the installer inside it to start installing the update.
- You will be prompted to type your computer’s administrator password. Type it, and click OK.
- You are given the opportunity to read Kontakt Gold’s license agreement; read it, and click Continue. You will be prompted to agree to the terms of the license agreement: click Agree.
- On the next screen, simply click Install
- A progress bar zooms across the screen, and after a few moments you’re told that installation was successful. Click Quit.
This page last updated 15 December 2005.