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How can I easily set up a new score to reorches... - Calvin Godfrey, 18 Jan 06:45PM
     Re: How can I easily set up a new score to reor... - Laurence Payne, 18 Jan 10:19PM
         Re: How can I easily set up a new score to reor... - Adrian Drover, 19 Jan 08:38AM

How can I easily set up a new score to reorchestrate my work?
Posted by Calvin Godfrey - 18 Jan 06:45PM
I have a score for symphonic orchestra that I would like to re-orchestrate for concert band. In my mind, the easiest way to get started is to create a new score with the appropriate instruments, then copy over all the measures with the appropriate time signatures, tempo markings, and other system texts. From there, it's a matter of copying over music to appropriate voices in the new score.

Is there an easy way of doing this? Or is there a different way of getting started that's recommended? I've never done this with a large-scale score before.

Calvin Godfrey
Windows 10.0.19045, Sibelius 2024.6.1
TUF Gaming B560M-PLus Wifi, Intel i7-10700F, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD

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Re: How can I easily set up a new score to reorchestrate my work?
Posted by Laurence Payne - 18 Jan 10:19PM
To create a new score with the same structure, simply make a copy of the original (Save As: New name). Add staves for the new instruments, copy musical content across from the existing staves. If the score becomes unwieldy, Focus on Staves will be your friend. When the new staves are completed, delete the originals.

(I'm sure I've answered exactly this question in another forum quite recently?)

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Re: How can I easily set up a new score to reorchestrate my work?
Posted by Adrian Drover - 19 Jan 08:38AM
My alternative solution. The main consideration is building the same horizontal structure with rehearsal marks, time sigs & system text. So make a system copy of the orchestral score and paste it to a wind score template. Wipe the wind score clean of notes. Then you can transfer individual lines of notes from one score to the other (violin 1 to clarinet 1 &c). This is easier if you have two monitors, one score on each, thereby saving unwieldiness of instrumentation in the target score.

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Messages in this thread

How can I easily set up a new score to reorches... - Calvin Godfrey, 18 Jan 06:45PM
     Re: How can I easily set up a new score to reor... - Laurence Payne, 18 Jan 10:19PM
         Re: How can I easily set up a new score to reor... - Adrian Drover, 19 Jan 08:38AM