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Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico. - Musix4me, 15 Jan 12:57AM
     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Laurence Payne, 15 Jan 01:36AM
         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 15 Jan 02:45AM
             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 15 Jan 03:01AM
                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 15 Jan 03:13AM
                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 15 Jan 03:20AM
                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 15 Jan 03:30AM
                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 15 Jan 03:36AM
                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Miles, 15 Jan 04:21PM
                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Peter Roos, 15 Jan 07:28PM
                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Laurence Payne, 16 Jan 01:47PM
                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 16 Jan 05:59PM
                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 16 Jan 06:36PM
                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 16 Jan 06:59PM
                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 16 Jan 09:51PM
                                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 16 Jan 11:28PM
                                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 17 Jan 12:18AM
                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Laurence Payne, 17 Jan 01:34PM
                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Laurence Payne, 17 Jan 01:26PM
                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 17 Jan 01:55PM
                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Peter Roos, 17 Jan 06:49PM
                                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 17 Jan 08:37PM
                                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 18 Jan 01:03AM
                                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 18 Jan 04:00AM
                                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 18 Jan 04:03AM
                                                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Adrian Drover, 18 Jan 09:09AM
                                                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 18 Jan 09:46PM
                                                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 18 Jan 11:32PM
                                                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 18 Jan 11:59PM
                                                                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 19 Jan 12:24AM
                                                                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Laurence Payne, 19 Jan 01:42PM
                                                                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 19 Jan 03:45PM
                                                                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 19 Jan 08:19PM
                                                                                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 19 Jan 08:31PM
                                                                                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 19 Jan 08:35PM
                                                                                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 19 Jan 08:55PM
                                                                                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 19 Jan 09:29PM

Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 15 Jan 12:57AM (edited 15 Jan 01:05AM)
Dorico uses NotePerformer, and I require that quality of playback. Sibelius also has that. But Dorico has more tools for tweaking playback. Noice.

Of course, there is a learning curve, and if I am honest, my fear of that learning curve is weighing heavily on my analysis.

My complaints: There have been basic things that need to be fixed that have received the "there is a workaround" answer and "that would require rewriting large blocks of code."

I am sorry, Avid. I do not share that attitude toward my work. Let me share a story.

I served in the US Army at Ft. Monroe, the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), a command band post. I was the lowest rank in the unit (E-4) but was the head of the IT section because of my background. The literal situation is that an E-7 was the symbolic head and allowed me to run the shop.

My commander had directed me to have the civilians controlling the network/security adjust some settings so we could complete some functions (I can not remember specifically what they were). The civilians treated me disrespectfully and gave me a lot of runaround. I reported to my commander that they would not cooperate. He responded, "Get it done." I continued to look for ways to get the work done, but with no luck.

Soon, the commander came to me, a little more annoyed, "Specialist Moody. Why isn't this done." I answered, "I explained to you before, sir, that they will not cooperate with me." He called me to attention in the middle of the hallway. "Specialist! When I ask you to finish something, I do not want to hear why you can't. I want to hear your report. 'It is done'. Do you understand me?" I responded, "Yes. Sir."

I went recruiting my E-7s and E-8s to call over, and one even went with me to see why they would not do as I requested from the commander. Lo and behold, they saw the E-8 and immediately fulfilled the request.

I cannot bring Avid to attention and set them straight, but I can put my money elsewhere.

The moral of the story is, "Stop making excuses, Avid. Just get it done."

I realize I am only one customer among thousands. But, I ask you, Avid, why should I not move? Anyone? Please convince me. The learning curve makes my heart beat fast, but I am ready to jump. I was hoping you could tell me Sibelius does x, y, and z. Dorico can't.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Laurence Payne - 15 Jan 01:36AM
If playback is your main concern, move your scores across to a DAW program.

Or, sure, try Dorico. Let us know how you get on.

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 15 Jan 02:45AM (edited 15 Jan 02:45AM)

It will be interesting to see if you do indeed receive a response.

btw - Your 'Agay' clarinet piece reminded me somewhat of 'Peter And The Wolf'.



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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 15 Jan 03:01AM
I do not want to make the move—it will be a frustrating learning curve. I have used Sibelius since it was first released in the US. I even did a demonstration for Robin when he was double-booked in the late 1990s (I was a middle school band director in Virginia).

But taking the time to explore what other companies have come up with since Avid took over Sibelius, you start to wonder if you are sticking around because of a kind of sunk cost fallacy.

I am using the 30-day trial right now. I wish Musescore would incorporate NotePerformer.
Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 15 Jan 03:13AM
> I am using the 30-day trial right now.


Well I think that you have taken the correct approach here. Just remember to cancel any association with your credit card in case you have inadvertently signed from when the time-bomb expires.


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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 15 Jan 03:20AM
> > I am using the 30-day trial right now.
> Robert,
> Well I think that you have taken the correct approach here. Just remember to cancel any association with your credit card in case you have inadvertently signed from when the time-bomb expires.
> Paul

Curiously enough, they did not require any information like that.

Sibelius though. I need to make sure my renewal is not within 30 days! Checking now!

August 2025. Another chance to use the sunk cost fallacy
Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 15 Jan 03:30AM
> Another chance to use the sunk cost fallacy


Although I knew what this scenario meant, I had no idea that a dedicated expression existed. So thanks for the enlightenment and I will definitely incorporate this term into my dialogue!


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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 15 Jan 03:36AM
> Sibelius though. I need to make sure my renewal is not within 30 days! Checking now!😁


I think, in general, that if a company requests your bank card details then it's likely they will zap your money the day after the freebie period has expired. Some companies are changing their ways now, such as Amazon. Also, I don't think Note Performer had an automatic payment time-bomb?


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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Miles - 15 Jan 04:21PM
I totally understand you!

I've written several times already that Sibelius hasn't been updated in almost 15 years! Many sections of the program are practically useless. And many bugs, like the cross-staff notes, still haven’t been fixed! But what really surprises me is that instead of adding new features or fixing errors, you have to install some plugin! Epic lol.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Sibelius soon ceases to exist, just like Finale.

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Peter Roos - 15 Jan 07:28PM

Well, you can always download a trial version of Dorico and see how you like it. While playback can be manipulated more easily honestly it's a lot of work and you are better off fiddling around in a DAW.

Playback with just NotePerformer is fine but it is fine in Sibelius as well (and the scrolling and isolating of individual staffs is a lot easier in Sibelius).

To each their own.

Peter Roos

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Laurence Payne - 16 Jan 01:47PM
But what really surprises me is that instead of adding new features or fixing errors, you have to install some plugin! Epic lol.

I don't understands what upsets you so much about plugins? If you want a certain function, why do you care if it's in a menu called 'plugins'? (Actually, when you search the Commands menu, there's no differentiation between native functions and plugins.)

A plugin can also deliver a specialised function, not needed by most users, which if integrated into the main program would possibly prompt you to condemn it as 'bloat' :-)

There are many reasons to criticise Sibelius. But plugins aren't a good target!

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 16 Jan 05:59PM
Thanks, Peter. I am, indeed, playing with the 60-day trial.

I've never worked with a DAW, which would also be a learning curve.

The interesting thing about NotePerformer is that they told me that they have no plans of working with MuseScore and that the primary difference in their integration into Sibelius and Dorico is that in Sibelius, they use the native Sibelius mixer, while in Dorico, they have implemented their own NotePerformer mixer. (I do like the ability to adjust the stage placement as such. I had considered creating play-along videos where you hear the orchestra balance from where you would sit in the orchestra.)

Hey Laurence, I also think plugins are useful and effective ways to add some specialized functions. I like that their nature means you can use them or not; you choose. In Avid's case, though, it has become an alternative to improving and correcting their native software. You have the community responding to deficiencies in the software by fixing their own workarounds. It seems Avid has come to rely on them to fix problems or shortcomings in the software.

Is Bob on the Avid payroll? He dαmn-well should be. Since the original launch, it seems the plugin community has created a quarter of Sibelius' functionality (yes, that is hyperbole—though not by much).

I appreciate what you pointed out, though, Peter. I would like to hear more about what I might give up if I moved to Dorico.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 16 Jan 06:36PM

FWIW, everyone I know personally who owns Finale has recently jumped ship to Dorico. So I'm assuming it is rapidly gaining popularity.


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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 16 Jan 06:59PM (edited 16 Jan 11:20PM)
Yeah. Dorico swallowed up Finale.

There was a time when Sibelius was the leader and quickly distancing themselves from Finale and any other notation program. The brooks ran with clean, cool spring water, the flowers bloomed, and everyone was in a sort of notation bliss that Sibelius was on the scene.

I guess I can quote Daniel Spreadbury here, one of the early Sibelius workers, "Following the closure in July 2012 of the London office where Sibelius was developed, which resulted in the team being laid off, Steinberg set up a new research and development centre in London, hiring as many of the former Sibelius development team as possible, and setting us to work on developing a new, professional-level scoring application."

And here we are. Dorico lapped up much of the original team that created our notational bliss, and our beloved name brand went to Avid.

I cannot say from any data source, but I would bet that the production of workarounds and plugins grew exponentially after that moment while the core software's maintenance and upkeep declined. I'm purely guessing here.

As I play, I am definitely experiencing interface shock. I truly cannot understand why any reasonable computer user in the 21st century would think clicking and dragging elements in a music notation software would be the way to go. No one is coming close to the effectiveness of the Sibelius number pad solution. (Anyone watching a professional enter music in Sibelius would think they were an accountant if all they could see was the keyboard.)

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 16 Jan 09:51PM (edited 16 Jan 10:38PM)
> Yeah. Dorico swallowed up Finale.


I have to say though, the only time I have heard of Sibelius owners jumping ship to Dorico was once or twice within this forum, where the actual complaint(s) was specifically regarding 'customer support' (or lack of) from Avid. I believe this was somewhere between 2 to 4 years back (please forgive my haziness).


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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 16 Jan 11:28PM
I understand, Paul. While I think the right thing to do is move, 25+ years of using the keypad for entry makes the change very daunting.

I am currently exploring how to invest time repurposing the keyboard shortcuts to emulate the Sibelius method as much as possible.

I've also grown accustomed to Sibelius's appearance. While MuseScore and Dorico are extremely clean, they also seem a little sterile or mechanical. I'm not sure how to explain this best.

I'll let you all know how I get along.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 17 Jan 12:18AM
> I understand, Paul. While I think the right thing to do is move, 25+ years of using the keypad for entry makes the change very daunting.


Do you live in the UK? I have a Sibelius designed QWERTY keyboard in which all of the commands are pre-assigned and the whole design is colour-coded. I think it cost around £60.00 on first release. I'll post it to you for absolutely FREE!



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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Laurence Payne - 17 Jan 01:34PM
> I cannot say from any data source, but I would bet that the production of workarounds and plugins grew exponentially after that moment while the core software's maintenance and upkeep declined. I'm purely guessing here.

Actually, Bob Zawalich, probably the most prolific plugin writer, announced his withdrawal in disgust at Avid's behaviour after the takeover. Fortunately he seems to have at least partially relented.

The Sibelius community is fortunate to have attracted Bob's interest. He's a 'proper programmer' with a pedigree of working on the development of Microsoft Word.

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Laurence Payne - 17 Jan 01:26PM
> Hey Laurence, I also think plugins are useful and effective ways to add some specialized functions. I like that their nature means you can use them or not; you choose. In Avid's case, though, it has become an alternative to improving and correcting their native software. You have the community responding to deficiencies in the software by fixing their own workarounds. It seems Avid has come to rely on them to fix problems or shortcomings in the software.

Dorico's position (stated in a forum response by Daniel Spreadbury in Dec 2023) is "We definitely plan to build out an API for script plug-in development in Dorico in future, but I’m afraid I can’t provide any specific indication of when this will come."

So, with any luck, it won't be TOO long before you can be just as disdainful about Dorico :-)

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 17 Jan 01:55PM

> So, with any luck, it won't be TOO long before you can be just as disdainful about Dorico :-)

Yes. It will be interesting to see if they follow Avid's example and address persistent core program needs in community plugins rather than core program corrections and updates.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Peter Roos - 17 Jan 06:49PM

I have Dorico as well (Dorico Pro), purchased a cross licenses the day it was released, out of curiosity and of course Daniel Spreadbury is a terrific guy and I have a lot of respect for him and his team.

But even today, more than 8 years later, I find myself rarely using it because the workflow is so different from Sibelius and Sibelius does everything I need. That said I recommend people to just try it and see if they like it.

Peter Roos

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 17 Jan 08:37PM
Thanks, Peter.

I am afraid to admit that the workflow issue may keep me with Sibelius. And, after all the bïtching about them not honoring their commitment to people who spend all the money for their software, it does do everything I need—even if that means a lot of workarounds.

It just gets under my skin that they can get away with subpar effort (I'm referring to Avid, not the actual programmers, who are only doing what is asked of them).

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 18 Jan 01:03AM
Okay. I tried.

I was working with Dorico 5, exploring, manipulating to see if I could get it close to my shortcuts with Sibelius, and it recommended the latest update.

A number of hours later and a mess of uninstalls, reinstalls, failed installs, uninstalls, reboots, manual installations, and uninstalls (even buying IObit to uninstall a component that Windows could not uninstall)...

I need to get back to work.

You win, Avid. For now....

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 18 Jan 04:00AM (edited 18 Jan 04:03AM)
> I find myself rarely using it because the workflow is so different from Sibelius and Sibelius does everything I need. That said I recommend people to just try it and see if they like it.


Sometimes it can be a simple case of 'sticking with what you know'.


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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 18 Jan 04:03AM
> A number of hours later and a mess of uninstalls, reinstalls, failed installs, uninstalls, reboots, manual installations, and uninstalls (even buying IObit to uninstall a component that Windows could not uninstall)...


Gee, bloody hell! ;-/


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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Adrian Drover - 18 Jan 09:09AM
I've grown up with Sibelius from day one (late 1980's?) and was able to feed some ideas to the Finn Bros. It's a great program. I have also tried an illegal copy of Finale. I hated it. I have also tried Dorico's trial version, but decided it was too daunting for my 84 year old grey matter to master. I just hope I can stick to Sibelius for the few remaining years I have left on Planet Earth.

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 18 Jan 09:46PM (edited 18 Jan 09:48PM)
> I've grown up with Sibelius from day one (late 1980's?) and was able to feed some ideas to the Finn Bros.

Ade - Good to see you online here again. I remember someone once telling me that the Sibelius helpline was actually the Finn's own home phone number! And so it commenced with a (London) dialing code - 01 (or perhaps it was slightly later therefore being either 071 or 081?). Paul

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 18 Jan 11:32PM
> (Robert - Not sure if you caught this message of earlier this week.)

Do you live in the UK? I have a Sibelius designed QWERTY keyboard in which all of the commands are pre-assigned and the whole design is colour-coded. I think it cost around £60.00 on first release. I'll post it to you for absolutely FREE!

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 18 Jan 11:59PM
If you could explore how much it would be to ship to Roanoke, Virginia, USA 24012, I might be able to pay for shipping plus $10US.

Is it PC compatible?

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 19 Jan 12:24AM
> If you could explore how much it would be to ship to Roanoke, Virginia, USA 24012, I might be able to pay for shipping plus $10US. Is it PC compatible?

I have not used it for about 12 months. I'm not sure where exactly it is; I'll dig it out tomorrow. I used it with my Win 10 Dell laptop PC. From memory I'm sure it was still in its original box, possibly with a small manual.

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Laurence Payne - 19 Jan 01:42PM
One of these?

Always struck me as a bit like writing note names on a piano keyboard. Soon outgrown. And, while at least C on the piano is ALWAYS going to be C, a great strength of Sibelius is being able to create and edit your own custom set of shortcuts!

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 19 Jan 03:45PM
You're correct, of course, Laurence. Especially after all these years. It is kind of a novelty item at this point.

Even if I had the chutzpah to move to Dorico, I'd not forget my roots. I could hang it on the Love Me wall next to degrees and Army accolades.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 19 Jan 08:19PM (edited 19 Jan 08:32PM)
> If you could explore how much it would be to ship to Roanoke, Virginia, USA 24012, I might be able to pay for shipping plus $10US. Is it PC compatible?


It took me nearly half an hour but I managed to locate it after ransacking four cupboards; of which I didn't mind doing because I was curious as to its whereabouts!

As you can see it's still in the original box and has the attached USB cable. I thought there was some paperwork included but it doesn't appear so. Probably exists a PDF download somewhere online I would have thought.

I think I bought it just before the very first Covid kicked in. Might have been something like 75GBP, but I honestly can't remember. I used it for 3 or 4 months and then one of my Sib. friends told me to by a "mouse" ASAP; otherwise he was never going to come round ever again to help me with any computer malarkey (in fact TWO friends said this!). For about 7 years I had been using the PC's basic finger-pad (call it what you may); and I have to say that the mouse transformed my whole computer experience - speaking as someone who is very reluctant to change. ;-/

The idea of the Sibelius QWERTY is that you sit it on your lap, facing the PC, and comfortably type everything in remotely (if you are a fidget like myself then you will have to make a conscious effort to keep your legs still! LOL).


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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 19 Jan 08:31PM
> If you could explore how much it would be to ship to Roanoke, Virginia, USA 24012, I might be able to pay for shipping plus $10US. Is it PC compatible?


Also, the device is slightly heavier than I remembered it being. But if you can cover the postage that would be great. Would it need to be a 'track & trace' service?

You don't have to worry about offering cash for the item. I'm glad to be able to help out a fellow member on here. But if you would like to contribute in some way then I'd definitely really appreciate a 30 mins Sibelius lesson on Skype or Team Viewer, please - just to advise me on 3 or 4 elementary questions.


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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 19 Jan 08:35PM
> One of these?

LP - I think the above model superseded mine? For instance, it's backlit and wireless and more expensive. But in any event you were extremely close. Paul

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by Musix4me - 19 Jan 08:55PM
Hey Paul, (I hope you don't mind me calling you Paul.)

I am not sure what I can offer more than what you find here. I could share my workflow via video chat, but I think you'd find that what I do with Sibelius may be very narrow and only slightly overlaps with your usage. In any case, let me know.

However you think best to ship works for me. I realize that it will be a bit costly, so I may have to retreat if it is too too much. (I think I can afford up to $50 US. I won't be using the keyboard. It will be a novelty item I display as a part of my investment into Sibelius for almost 30 years.)

Let me know.


Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico.
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 19 Jan 09:29PM (edited 19 Jan 09:30PM)
> However you think best to ship works for me. I realize that it will be a bit costly, so I may have to retreat if it is too too much. (I think I can afford up to $50 US. I won't be using the keyboard. It will be a novelty item I display as a part of my investment into Sibelius for almost 30 years.)


It's totally fine. It's not a pressure sale. I'll see if I can get you a quote this week from the post office. If it's a "novelty item" then you'd perhaps be better off purchasing a couple of crates of bottled beer! I'll get back to you...


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Please. Tell me why I should not move to Dorico. - Musix4me, 15 Jan 12:57AM
     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Laurence Payne, 15 Jan 01:36AM
         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 15 Jan 02:45AM
             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 15 Jan 03:01AM
                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 15 Jan 03:13AM
                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 15 Jan 03:20AM
                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 15 Jan 03:30AM
                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 15 Jan 03:36AM
                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Miles, 15 Jan 04:21PM
                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Peter Roos, 15 Jan 07:28PM
                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Laurence Payne, 16 Jan 01:47PM
                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 16 Jan 05:59PM
                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 16 Jan 06:36PM
                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 16 Jan 06:59PM
                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 16 Jan 09:51PM
                                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 16 Jan 11:28PM
                                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 17 Jan 12:18AM
                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Laurence Payne, 17 Jan 01:34PM
                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Laurence Payne, 17 Jan 01:26PM
                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 17 Jan 01:55PM
                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Peter Roos, 17 Jan 06:49PM
                                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 17 Jan 08:37PM
                                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 18 Jan 01:03AM
                                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 18 Jan 04:00AM
                                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 18 Jan 04:03AM
                                                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Adrian Drover, 18 Jan 09:09AM
                                                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 18 Jan 09:46PM
                                                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 18 Jan 11:32PM
                                                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 18 Jan 11:59PM
                                                                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 19 Jan 12:24AM
                                                                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Laurence Payne, 19 Jan 01:42PM
                                                                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 19 Jan 03:45PM
                                                                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 19 Jan 08:19PM
                                                                                                         Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 19 Jan 08:31PM
                                                                                                             Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 19 Jan 08:35PM
                                                                                                                 Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - Musix4me, 19 Jan 08:55PM
                                                                                                                     Re: Please. Tell me why I should not move to Do... - monsterjazzlicks, 19 Jan 09:29PM