I've been exporting to pdf without trouble for years. Suddenly the pdf's, which look fine in Adobe, print without noteheads. It seems many people have this problem, but an hour of search has shown me no solutions. Sending out pdf's is a very important part of my business, so this is a serious problem.
I'm using Mac Monterey, Sibelius Ultimate, Adobe Acrobat reader.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
How do I find my Sibelius number? The "about Sibelius" just tells me it is Sibelius Ultimate.
I bought it about four years ago. Do I need to update it?
Ribbon tab "File" -> "Help" -> "About Sibelius" will tell you the version number. At the time of writing, the current version number is 2024.10.
If you wish to solve the printing problem from PDFs, then you need to update Sibelius.
Updates are free of charge if you have either:
(a) a Subscription Licence; or:
(b) a Perpetual Licence with an in-date "Support and Update Plan".
If your "Support and Update Plan" has expired, then you would need to purchase the upgrade, for around US$149 or equivalent. Information about this upgrade, and purchase options, should be in your "My Avid" web account at https://my.avid.com/products
Sibelius 2024.10/7.5.1/7.1.3/6.2/5.2.5, PhotoScore Ult 2020.1, Windows 10 64-bit 16GB. Desktop, and Microsoft Surface Book.
Hi Robin, many thanks. The problem is solved.
For anyone else reading this, there are two solutions. The first involves buying th full version of Adobe Acrobat; you can then edit individual pdf's. It's time consuming and eexpensive. I got the solution from this link
https://www.scoringnotes.com/tips/fix-printing-problems-with-sibelius-pdfs-and-acrobat/ The other, and far better solution is to upgrade to the latest version of Sibelius (currently 2024/10. My problem was recognized and fixed with this update. I have now updated, and it now works fine!