I've mentioned this before, but nobody responded (that I saw) so I'm going to try again. I repeatedly run into a bug, a poor settings combination on my part, or a very strange design decision in Sibelius.
When I'm viewing a score in panorama mode, have the final bar positioned in the middle of the Sibelius window, and make some (but not just any) change to the score Sibelius suddenly repositions the display with the final bar at the right edge of the Sibelius Window.
For example, when I have the attached score open and positioned as I described above, select the final chord in the piano and use the up arrow to change the chord all is well, but if I move the chord back to its original position with the down arrow Sibelius shifts the display. Other edits have the same effect but I've never been able to determine which will and which won't.
With any luck I'll be able to attach a "before" and "after" screen shot.
Is there anything I can do to avoid this behavior?
Patrick O'Keefe