Messages in this thread

Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Justin Tokke, 20 Jun 08:02PM
     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Mike Lyons, 20 Jun 09:25PM
         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - monsterjazzlicks, 20 Jun 09:39PM
             Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Adrian Drover, 21 Jun 07:08AM
                 Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Laurence Payne, 21 Jun 01:04PM
                     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Adrian Drover, 21 Jun 04:23PM
         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Robert, 27 Jun 03:17PM
             Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Mike Lyons, 29 Jun 01:16PM
                 Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Miles, 03 Sep 03:59PM
                     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Patrick O'Keefe, 03 Sep 06:00PM
                         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Miles, 03 Sep 08:55PM
                         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Justin Tokke, 03 Sep 09:05PM
                             Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Peter Roos, 04 Sep 04:08AM
                                 Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Miles, 04 Sep 01:40PM
                                     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - David, 05 Sep 12:56AM
                                         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Robert, 06 Sep 07:28AM
                                             Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Adrian Drover, 06 Sep 10:33AM
                         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - bashkii, 26 Sep 04:22PM
                             Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - David, 26 Sep 05:44PM
                                 Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Patrick O'Keefe, 26 Sep 06:00PM
                                     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - David, 26 Sep 06:29PM
     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Stephen Martin, 15 Oct 04:31AM
         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Musix4me, 24 Oct 05:42PM

Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Justin Tokke - 20 Jun 08:02PM (edited 20 Jun 08:02PM)
We are thrilled to announce the immediate release of Sibelius 2024.6, a new update that brings a number of improvements, including native support for Macs with Apple silicon chips.

The new update is available to all those with perpetual licenses with update plans, and those with current subscriptions.

The downloads are waiting for you in your account, at

The release includes:

Sibelius will now run on Macs with M1 to M3 chips natively without using Rosetta. There are now marginal performance improvements, especially on startup and in larger scores. This also future-proofs Sibelius into the future so it can still be used once Rosetta support is discontinued.

* Copy and Paste MIDI between Pro Tools and Sibelius has seen numerous improvements, such as handling of Time and Key Signatures, system text, tempo markings, and key switches. Today Pro Tools is also releasing 2024.6 with mirroring improvements so both programs can work in tandem.
* Added several new ManuScript commands for respacing.
* Blank Clefs now have a handle to drag when hidden objects are shown.
* Unison ties now draw correctly.
* Bug fixes to Score Subsets with page numbers, copying, and muting instruments.
* Importing a House Style will no longer corrupt instrument ensemble definitions.
* Enharmonic changes notes in tie chains has been fixed, especially in large rage selections.
* Several smaller improvements.

More on all these new capabilities in our blogs, which you can find here:
We hope you enjoy these new features, and we can't wait to hear how you get on.

Justin Tokke, Senior Product Designer at Sibelius
[email protected]

Contact the Sibelius support team:

KB and other resources:

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Mike Lyons - 20 Jun 09:25PM
Sorry, but this is yet another disappointing release for pc users. There's absolutely nothing in it for me. I don't - and never will - use Pro tools. I have cubase. I will never buy any apple device. A slight Improvement is the handling of tied notes, but this is small change for my renewal fee.

Win 11 Pro x64, Sib Ultimate 2022.3 (build 888) 2.6GHz Intel Core i7 9750H, 32GB,16TB (SSD + 7200rpm HDD), Scarlett 2i4, Sib 6.2,7.5, NotePerformer and others.
Si me castigare vis, necesse est me intellexisse.
[email protected]

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by monsterjazzlicks - 20 Jun 09:39PM
> I don't - and never will - use Pro tools. I have cubase.


I tried Pro-Tools about five years ago and literally hated every single aspect of it! Cubase is so much more friendly and I would never consider switching!


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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Adrian Drover - 21 Jun 07:08AM
I've used Sib since year 1 (Acorn). What does Pro Tools do that Sib can't do?

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Laurence Payne - 21 Jun 01:04PM (edited 21 Jun 01:07PM)
> I've used Sib since year 1 (Acorn). What does Pro Tools do that Sib can't do?

Oh, LOADS. Sibelius is a notation publisher with playback tagged on. Pro Tools is a recording studio with an option for displaying MIDI tracks as notation.
But you must have known that, Adrian?

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Adrian Drover - 21 Jun 04:23PM
Actually, Laurence, I didn't because I've never needed to use it. I guess Sib fills my needs as a writer. Live bands play my work.

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Robert - 27 Jun 03:17PM
> Sorry, but this is yet another disappointing release for pc users. There's absolutely nothing in it for me. I don't - and never will - use Pro tools. I have cubase. I will never buy any apple device. A slight Improvement is the handling of tied notes, but this is small change for my renewal fee.

I agree totally. Why do I need to renew my program with which I´m already working good. There would be some wishes, editable menu bars for example -an issue, that every better program has-, but I have given up to wait for those.

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Mike Lyons - 29 Jun 01:16PM (edited 29 Jun 01:20PM)
What about updating the sound library? What about adding a wider range of barlines? What about actually adding something useful, like better handling of multiple screens? More accurate playback of acciaccaturas and appoggiaturas? Get rid if the issues with nested tuplets. Allow easier handling of multiple time sigs, create a better and less faffy method of making separate parts from a divisi staff in the score. If Dorico can do this in a couple of clicks it shouldn't be that difficult.
Win 11 Pro x64, Sib Ultimate 2022.3 (build 888) 2.6GHz Intel Core i7 9750H, 32GB,16TB (SSD + 7200rpm HDD), Scarlett 2i4, Sib 6.2,7.5, NotePerformer and others.
Si me castigare vis, necesse est me intellexisse.
[email protected]

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Miles - 03 Sep 03:59PM
Sibelius has not been updated for over 10 years. Where is the piano roll? Where is the automation? Where is the mixer? Where is the VST support? Where are the additional accolades? Where are the elements of modern music notation?

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Patrick O'Keefe - 03 Sep 06:00PM
> Sibelius has not been updated for over 10 years. Where is the piano roll? Where is the automation? Where is the mixer? Where is the VST support? Where are the additional accolades? Where are the elements of modern music notation?

This seems like a very strange comment to me.

Of course Sibelius has been updated over the past 10 years. Maybe it just hasn't been updated in a way you want.

Mixer? Sibelius is notation software with enough playback function to aid in notation. There are certainly some additional functions that could be added to the Sibelius Mixer, but would they really enhance the notation process?

Piano roll? I thought piano roll function was an alternative to traditional notation. Are you asking for a piano roll import function that would translate that into traditional notation? I'm not sure what other piano roll function would make much sense in a notation product.

VST support? Sibelius *has* VST support. Are you asking for VST 3.0 support? Fair enough - it should be added. Are you asking for VST support that doesn't require SoundSets? Fair enough, although the same functionality would have to be provided somehow.

Accolades? I suspect you are not asking for praise for Sibelius but I have no idea what else this would refer to.

Elements of modern music notation? Yes, this is certainly lacking, but this is a very broad topic. If there are specific notational elements you would like to see, perhaps you should request them.

Patrick O'Keefe

Sib 2024.3, NotePerformer 4, S7Sounds
Win11 x64 Pro Intel i5-8400, 2.80Ghz, 16GB RAM

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Miles - 03 Sep 08:55PM
All the updates over the past 10 years have been just a drop in the ocean. The only significant update was the introduction of magnetic layout, but that concept was developed more than 10 years ago. As it stands, Sibelius cannot compete with Dorico, which includes the features mentioned above.

Modern notation software is no longer just about notation. With the right features, it can offer competition to DAWs. The current implementation of the mixer and VST support in Sibelius is useless. These features are essential for preparing audio recordings of compositions.

Oh, sorry, I meant (accolade) the sub-sub bracket (notation—bracket or brace) :)

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Justin Tokke - 03 Sep 09:05PM
Any requests can come to me directly to my email, or you can fill in this form:

Justin Tokke, Senior Product Designer at Sibelius
[email protected]

Contact the Sibelius support team:

KB and other resources:

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Peter Roos - 04 Sep 04:08AM

If you don't like Sibelius you can always switch to Dorico which has a better VST integration.

You may be able to get a discount for a crossgrade.

But your claim that Sibelius has not had any upgrades over the past 10 years is simply false.

Peter Roos

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Miles - 04 Sep 01:40PM
Justin Tokke
Thank you very much! I will definitely get in touch with you!

Peter Roos

Could you tell me what significant updates have been made to Sibelius over the past 10 or 5 years? I have been using Sibelius for about 15 years and have noticed that there have been no significant updates in the last 10 years. Features such as the mixer, VST support, and others have not changed since 2009. Is this considered normal?

I have observed some updates in Sibelius, such as changes in note layout/spacing and dynamic parts. However, dynamic parts still do not support individual parameters. For example, if I need to place measure numbers at the top of one part and at the bottom of another, I still have to export the parts. Am I mistaken about this?

Compare this to the development of MuseScore and Dorico. Have you seen how MuseScore is evolving? Are you aware of the capabilities of Dorico? Unfortunately, Sibelius seems to have fallen significantly behind in terms of updates and new features

I apologize if my previous statement was not entirely clear. I am not saying that Sibelius has not been updated at all, but over the past 10 years, I haven’t noticed significant changes in its functionality.

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by David - 05 Sep 12:56AM
Some of the best updates were in 2018. The multi-edit stuff is a huge timesaver. There have been a lot over the past 10 years.

Ultimate 2023.11, Windows 11

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Robert - 06 Sep 07:28AM
But after all: it could be and should be better and more updates for windows users. Some were already mentioned: Sounds, editable menues (a standard feature in any modern windows program), and so on.

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Adrian Drover - 06 Sep 10:33AM
It would save me a lot of time if 'Copy and Change Instrument' auto included 'Copy Layout'.

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by bashkii - 26 Sep 04:22PM
> > Sibelius has not been updated for over 10 years. Where is the piano roll? Where is the automation? Where is the mixer? Where is the VST support? Where are the additional accolades? Where are the elements of modern music notation?
> This seems like a very strange comment to me.
> Of course Sibelius has been updated over the past 10 years. Maybe it just hasn't been updated in a way you want.
> Mixer? Sibelius is notation software with enough playback function to aid in notation. There are certainly some additional functions that could be added to the Sibelius Mixer, but would they really enhance the notation process?
> Piano roll? I thought piano roll function was an alternative to traditional notation. Are you asking for a piano roll import function that would translate that into traditional notation? I'm not sure what other piano roll function would make much sense in a notation product.
> VST support? Sibelius *has* VST support. Are you asking for VST 3.0 support? Fair enough - it should be added. Are you asking for VST support that doesn't require SoundSets? Fair enough, although the same functionality would have to be provided somehow.
> Accolades? I suspect you are not asking for praise for Sibelius but I have no idea what else this would refer to.
> Elements of modern music notation? Yes, this is certainly lacking, but this is a very broad topic. If there are specific notational elements you would like to see, perhaps you should request them.
> --
> Patrick O'Keefe
> Sib 2024.3, NotePerformer 4, S7Sounds
> Win11 x64 Pro Intel i5-8400, 2.80Ghz, 16GB RAM

Patrick, Maybe he means the Penderevsky notation for the "Victims of Hiroshima" score??
I mean, please!! ;-)
Sibelius Ultimate 2024.6.1
iMac 3.5GHz Intel Core i5
OS X Ventura 13.7

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by David - 26 Sep 05:44PM
And now it's almost October. I guess I should blame myself for being stupid enough to pay the annual fee. Waste of money on a dead program.

Ultimate 2023.11, Windows 11

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Patrick O'Keefe - 26 Sep 06:00PM
> And now it's almost October. I guess I should blame myself for being stupid enough to pay the annual fee. Waste of money on a dead program.

I think your definition of dead is at odds with some of our definitions of dead. It is certainly your option to stop paying. It is also your option to find an alternative product that better suits your needs.

I would suggest that if you are unsatisfied with Sibelius that you make specific requests for improvement - specific enough that designers and developers could act on them if they deem the requests worthwhile. Just grumbling that Sibelius doesn't meet your standards is not particularly useful.
Patrick O'Keefe

Sib 2024.3, NotePerformer 4, S7Sounds
Win11 x64 Pro Intel i5-8400, 2.80Ghz, 16GB RAM

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by David - 26 Sep 06:29PM

> Just grumbling that Sibelius doesn't meet your standards is not particularly useful.
> --

If you are on the Sibelius FB forum, you'd know that it's not "my" standards. It's the vast majority of people. Regardless:

I am assuming that it's not meeting "their" standards either. There were promises made, in writing, certain expectations have been listed in writing as to what to expect and when to expect updates etc. Umm, what we paid for. And don't get. And I'm sure that Finale users who are looking for a new program would like one that delivers what they said it would. Dorico does.

I've been with Sibelius since version 3. Giving me the olde "Love it or leave it" spiel doesn't work, Skippy.

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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Stephen Martin - 15 Oct 04:31AM
> We are thrilled to announce the immediate release of Sibelius 2024.6, a new update that brings a number of improvements, including native support for Macs with Apple silicon chips.
> The new update is available to all those with perpetual licenses with update plans, and those with current subscriptions.
> The downloads are waiting for you in your account, at
> The release includes:
> Sibelius will now run on Macs with M1 to M3 chips natively without using Rosetta. There are now marginal performance improvements, especially on startup and in larger scores. This also future-proofs Sibelius into the future so it can still be used once Rosetta support is discontinued.
> * Copy and Paste MIDI between Pro Tools and Sibelius has seen numerous improvements, such as handling of Time and Key Signatures, system text, tempo markings, and key switches. Today Pro Tools is also releasing 2024.6 with mirroring improvements so both programs can work in tandem.
> * Added several new ManuScript commands for respacing.
> * Blank Clefs now have a handle to drag when hidden objects are shown.
> * Unison ties now draw correctly.
> * Bug fixes to Score Subsets with page numbers, copying, and muting instruments.
> * Importing a House Style will no longer corrupt instrument ensemble definitions.
> * Enharmonic changes notes in tie chains has been fixed, especially in large rage selections.
> * Several smaller improvements.
> More on all these new capabilities in our blogs, which you can find here:
> We hope you enjoy these new features, and we can't wait to hear how you get on.
> --
> Justin Tokke, Senior Product Designer at Sibelius
> [email protected]
> Contact the Sibelius support team:
> KB and other resources:

Hi Justin,
I hope you are doing well! Is it ok for you to tell us if there is an update coming soon?



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Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available
Posted by Musix4me - 24 Oct 05:42PM
If Musescore allowed me to mimic the Sibelius input method and incorporated NotePerformer...

Just sayin'. Free and responsive to community update requests. (More responsive.)

If competing against a free application and responsive updates, you should address what people discuss in your paid application.

Okay, admittedly, I do need to try the MusicXML import improvements. I do use that a lot. I'll be back.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Messages in this thread

Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Justin Tokke, 20 Jun 08:02PM
     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Mike Lyons, 20 Jun 09:25PM
         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - monsterjazzlicks, 20 Jun 09:39PM
             Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Adrian Drover, 21 Jun 07:08AM
                 Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Laurence Payne, 21 Jun 01:04PM
                     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Adrian Drover, 21 Jun 04:23PM
         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Robert, 27 Jun 03:17PM
             Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Mike Lyons, 29 Jun 01:16PM
                 Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Miles, 03 Sep 03:59PM
                     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Patrick O'Keefe, 03 Sep 06:00PM
                         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Miles, 03 Sep 08:55PM
                         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Justin Tokke, 03 Sep 09:05PM
                             Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Peter Roos, 04 Sep 04:08AM
                                 Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Miles, 04 Sep 01:40PM
                                     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - David, 05 Sep 12:56AM
                                         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Robert, 06 Sep 07:28AM
                                             Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Adrian Drover, 06 Sep 10:33AM
                         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - bashkii, 26 Sep 04:22PM
                             Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - David, 26 Sep 05:44PM
                                 Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Patrick O'Keefe, 26 Sep 06:00PM
                                     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - David, 26 Sep 06:29PM
     Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Stephen Martin, 15 Oct 04:31AM
         Re: Sibelius 2024.6 Now Available - Musix4me, 24 Oct 05:42PM