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Suggestions? - Musix4me, 09 Feb 02:58PM
     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 09 Feb 03:29PM
         Re: Suggestions? - Bob Zawalich, 09 Feb 07:01PM
             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 11 Feb 03:13PM
                 Re: Suggestions? - Adrian Drover, 12 Feb 08:50AM
                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 25 Feb 10:25PM
                         Re: Suggestions? - Adrian Drover, 26 Feb 08:46AM
                             Re: Suggestions? - Laurence Payne, 26 Feb 04:08PM
                             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 26 Feb 05:07PM
                                 Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 01 Mar 01:43PM
                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 12 May 08:22PM
                                         Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 25 May 08:39PM
                                             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 01 Jun 10:05PM
                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Adrian Drover, 02 Jun 07:51AM
                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 02 Jun 06:36PM
                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jun 04:00PM
                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Adrian Drover, 04 Jun 06:21AM
                                                         Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 04 Jun 09:31AM
                                                             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 30 Jun 11:23PM
                                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Mark Isaacs, 01 Jul 02:44AM
                                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 01 Jul 03:09AM
                                                                         Re: Suggestions? - Mark Isaacs, 01 Jul 06:35AM
                                                                             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 01 Jul 07:58AM
                                                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jul 01:44AM
                                                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jul 02:00AM
                                                                                         Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jul 02:20AM
                                                                                             Re: Suggestions? - Justin Tokke, 03 Jul 07:56PM
                                                                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jul 09:21PM
                                                                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 12 Jul 02:19PM
                                                                                                         Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 16 Nov 04:10PM
                                                                                                             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 17 Nov 05:14PM
                                                                                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jan 12:54AM
                                                                                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 09 Jan 07:50PM

Posted by Musix4me - 09 Feb 02:58PM (edited 16 Nov 04:12PM)
I thought, at some point, there was going to be a pinned thread for suggestions. In any case...

In the process for importing MusicXML:
·Open a MusicXML file
·Choose to manually add instruments during import

→The ability to reorder instruments

Rationale: Sometimes, when I am manually adding instruments from the suggested list, I miss one. Then I must remove all the listed instruments until I get back to the spot where the missed instrument belongs. It would be nice to be able to add the missed instrument and then move it up into score position before import.

Apparently, I have a little too much time on my hands. ↓

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2023.11.1, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 09 Feb 03:29PM (edited 09 Feb 03:29PM)
Not to worry. ↑ That was a one-time thing.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2023.11.1, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 09 Feb 07:01PM (edited 10 Feb 07:35PM)
>→The ability to reorder instruments

You can always add a new instrument and then move all the instruments up and down. So you have always been able to reorder the instruments. We have never needed to delete instruments to change the order. See screenshot.

(Edit): you may well be referring only to adding instruments when importing MIDI, so that may well be a different situation. If you are mapping tracks to instruments there may well need to be a mechanism for reordering in that process.


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 2023+, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 32 G RAM. Year 2024.
Free Resources: Notating Harp Music In Sibelius:
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Attachment snap1.png (76K)

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 11 Feb 03:13PM (edited 11 Feb 03:16PM)
>>>Edit): you may well be referring only to adding instruments when importing MIDI.... <<<

Yes. I was referring to importing from MusicXML.

The attached screenshot is what I am getting.

Edit: I edited the OP for clarity.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2023.11.1, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber
Attachment MusicXML Import Instrument Add Window.png (54K)

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Adrian Drover - 12 Feb 08:50AM
I've seen this in concert band scores in which the clarinet choir is placed as a separate and individual section below all the other woods. Also horns placed between trumpets & trombones, probably because mellophones were used in place of french horns.

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 25 Feb 10:25PM (edited 25 Feb 10:34PM)
Grrr. I know this has been suggested for years, but if you're not going to implement it, I'm going to remind you all every time I have to work out multiple time signatures like 9/8 and 3/4 at the same time.

Hindemith likes 9/8 vs 3/4 while writing the 3/4 in the dotted quarter eighth patterns.

It is very annoying when the programming solution is simply figuring out a mathematical algorithm.


Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2023.11.1, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber
Attachments Screenshot 2024-02-25 172342.png (27K), Screenshot 2024-02-25 173411.png (47K)

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Adrian Drover - 26 Feb 08:46AM
Can't 9/8 be faked in 3/4 time by using a false time sig and hiding the triplet marks?

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Laurence Payne - 26 Feb 04:08PM
> Can't 9/8 be faked in 3/4 time by using a false time sig and hiding the triplet marks?

Yes, it can be faked. It would be good if it was properly supported.

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 26 Feb 05:07PM
> Can't 9/8 be faked in 3/4 time by using a false time sig and hiding the triplet marks?

Yes. In this case, I had entered the Flute part first, which was in 9/8 in this section. So that means I am converting the 3/4 to 9/8. So, I have a lot of duple instead.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2023.11.1, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 01 Mar 01:43PM (edited 01 Mar 02:00PM)
Grumble, Grumble

See attached screenshots related to the preceding topic.

There are a lot of workarounds to get from screenshot one to the end considering the Sibelius programmers could fix this.

Double GRR. This board system keeps rearranging the order that I add the screenshots.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2023.11.1, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber
Attachments Screenshot 1.png (34K), Screenshot 2.png (47K), Screenshot 3.png (47K), Screenshot 4.png (37K)

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 12 May 08:22PM
I would love to be able to tell Sibelius which pass to play fermatas. Currently, turning off a fermata turns off the note it is connected to.

There are workarounds, no problem. It would just be nice if they could be controlled independently of the note they are attached to.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.3, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 25 May 08:39PM (edited 25 May 08:41PM)
I hope this gets seen.

I would like to recommend that when transposing the Bb clarinet part from the concert key of E major (four sharps) that it prefers Gb (six flats) over F# (six sharps).

There have been a few times now that I have had to create an A# clarinet to remedy this. My best guess is that it is probably pretty consistently transposed to six flats over six sharps for the Bb clarinet.

It's one of those things that the programmers can adjust the algorithm once and save many composers many workarounds in the future.
Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.3.1, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 01 Jun 10:05PM (edited 01 Jun 10:09PM)
This one is a little to the side, but...

I wish Sibelius and Wallander would work together to get their articulation issues fixed. It is frustrating to constantly have to apply workarounds because Note Performer cannot seem to deal with certain articulation scenarios.

A tenuto mark generically means "play full value". It also can imply "give weight". But it never implies articulating the next note under a slur. Even slurring into a staccato final note does not suggest re-articulating the note. It simply means "space between the staccato and the next note".

The attached example does not imply articulating the note after the tenuto. It simply means "give a little weight (volume/length) to the marked note and slur into the note following."

Grrr !

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.3.1, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber
Attachment Insane Note Performer Articualtion Decisions.png (64K)

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Adrian Drover - 02 Jun 07:51AM (edited 02 Jun 11:28AM)
I always presumed that tenutos and staccatos under a slur indicate soft tonging or somewhat similar string bowing (can't remember the name). I think NP asks Sib to shave a touch from the end of a tenuto, but the following note usually gets too much attack. We trombonists have to fake legato movement with soft tongue to avoid sliding into the next note.

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 02 Jun 06:36PM (edited 02 Jun 06:38PM)
Certainly, trombonists have to deal with the acoustics of their instrument. Makes sense.

Purely technically speaking from what notation implies, tenuto aims to lengthen the note first and add emphasis when compared to non-marked note. I agree, if by the nature of the instrument, that must be accompanied by some kind of restarting the note, then the aim would be to do so in a way that leans towards the original intent of lengthening and/or adding weight/emphasis.

Then there are "articulations under a slur". The slur meaning to connect the notes and even to group the notes for phrasing or musical emphasis as a musical line. When adding articulations under the slur, I would interpret them under the previous intention. Staccatos under a slur would indicate "adding separation" <-- the staccato part, while keeping the musical line. So, a light touch added to each note to imply some separation while keeping them connected for the line emphasis.

The tenuto, though, already implies lengthening the notes. So, tenuto under a slur must mean adding weight or emphasis on the notes rather than rearticulating the notes. If longer notes with articulation still audible were the intention, then simply notating tenuto without a slur would be sufficient. My interpretation of tenuto under a slur is to bring emphasis to the notes under the phrase marking by pushing (volume) on each note in the line. Again, if the instrument demands a slight rearticulation as the trombone does, then the aim should be towards connecting them as much as possible.

Portato is the string technique used for this. The goal is creating a "pulsation" on the notes without really starting and stopping each note.

I have complained to Wallander. I'll let you know their excuse response when I get it.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.3.1, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 03 Jun 04:00PM
According to Alexander at Wallander (Note Performer), removing the +tenuto and turning off the effect in the Playback Dictionary gets rid of the unwanted effect.

Of course, I sense that it removes the desired playback effect, but it is such a subtle thing that I'd opt for the missing subtle effect than to have the obvious incorrect playback.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.3.1, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Adrian Drover - 04 Jun 06:21AM (edited 04 Jun 06:31AM)
If it's really bothersome, maybe you could remove the tenuto mark and replace it with a minus character in technique text (doubled in size).

PS. Have you tried the 'Tenuto Always' NotePerformer plugin (Home tab)? It helps me to get swing style sounding more smoothly. Just a suggestion.

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 04 Jun 09:31AM
Yes. I use the 'Tenuto Always'. In contrasting sections, I use it all the time. For example, in Mozart's Clarinet Concerto, I would turn it on for Mozart's Adagio and then back off for the spritely Allegro that follows in the next movement.

It is actually quite effective in that way.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.3.1, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 30 Jun 11:23PM (edited 30 Jun 11:25PM)
I've just thought of a great suggestion for AI capabilities, if added later:

It would be awesome if AI could juxtapose a live recording with a score and automate the rubato and tempi to match the recording!

This would directly affect my work.
Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.6, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Mark Isaacs - 01 Jul 02:44AM (edited 01 Jul 02:45AM)
I have had some work done for me, where a live recording was tempo-mapped manually in a DAW by a musician, and then this tempo map as a MIDI file was imported into a blank Sibelius score with the barlines drawn. It became a series of hidden metronome marks going to many decimal places appearing on most of the beats. Then I linked the audio file itself to the Sibelius score so it would play back inside Sibelius (Sibelius advertises itself as doing this for video files, but audio files work just as well), and then I could write to it and hear Sibelius playback (NotePerformer in my case) along with the pre-recorded live audio all in synch.

So it can be done now with the caveat that the tempo of the audio file needs to be analysed and rendered as a tempo map outside of Sibelius and then imported. There are applications/plugins that will automate this tempo analysis (call it "AI" if you like: the term is starting to be applied too loosely) inside a DAW, but I'm reliably informed that some human manual override is needed, for example where a singer or instrument anticipates the beat strongly and the not-so-very-intelligent application interprets this as a rushed beat.

I can't see though that this should be a high priority for Sibelius to be able to do entirely natively, when it is so easily done with a specialised application and imported. Sibelius is a notation program primarily. It can't be all things to all people.

A composer
Sibelius 6.2.0 build 88, Bob Zawalich plugins, Windows 10 64-bit, Intel Core i5 7400 Quad Core Processor (3GHz-3.5GHz 6MB), 8GB RAM, 27'' monitor, NotePerformer 3.3.2, Sibelius Sounds, Sibelius Sounds Essentials, Sibelius Gold (Kontakt), Garritan Personal Orchestra 3, Garritan Authorised Steinway, Bose Computer Music Monitor speakers, Focusrite Scarlett Solo Gen 3.

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 01 Jul 03:09AM (edited 01 Jul 03:16AM)
Yeah. I think you are right. If history is anything, it is a predictor of things to come...or not come.

Sibelius Design Lead "They want what?"
"Wait. Can't they twist that dingle-dangle, bump that dangle-dingle, buy that whatchamacallit, and then put their left hand on yellow, sing a half-tone sharp, blink twice, and press Enter to do that already?"
"We don't need to write code for that. They can already do it."
"Let's see...I think this button should be purple instead of blue."

Or better yet...

"Bob will do it."
Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.6, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Mark Isaacs - 01 Jul 06:35AM (edited 01 Jul 06:36AM)
I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about, Musix4me. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with the technical information I shared with you, which I hoped would help you.
A composer
Sibelius 6.2.0 build 88, Bob Zawalich plugins, Windows 10 64-bit, Intel Core i5 7400 Quad Core Processor (3GHz-3.5GHz 6MB), 8GB RAM, 27'' monitor, NotePerformer 3.3.2, Sibelius Sounds, Sibelius Sounds Essentials, Sibelius Gold (Kontakt), Garritan Personal Orchestra 3, Garritan Authorised Steinway, Bose Computer Music Monitor speakers, Focusrite Scarlett Solo Gen 3.

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 01 Jul 07:58AM

It was sarcasm, sorry.

Sibelius, post the twins, has a track record of just letting workarounds be the solution.

Of course, they make improvements, but they usually take a long time to get around to simple things.

As for your description, I appreciate it, but it really sounds like some serious hoops to jump through. You're talking about some technical areas I have no experience in.
Robert Moody
Windows 11 Sibelius Ultimate 2024.6, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 03 Jul 01:44AM
I would like to suggest a UI change. Please see the attached image.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.6, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber
Attachment Proposed Text Format Change.png (14K)

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 03 Jul 02:00AM
I would like to suggest a button to switch a selected text between Staff and System.

For example, I enter something using Ctrl+T and then decide that I'd like that on all staves, I would simply open the Text> Format or use the Inspector controls to switch it to System text and Sibelius adds it to all staves.

Maybe have an "Apply to all staves" in the Inspector? I don't know. You all get paid the big money to figure out how to implement ideas.

Please see attached image.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.6, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber
Attachment Proposed Text Visibilty Change.png (10K)

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 03 Jul 02:20AM (edited 16 Nov 04:27PM)
I would also like to suggest that the composer be allowed to invert the Marcato as you can the Wedge and Staccatissimo.

Please see linked example and attached example from older music I am
duplicating (attached).

Just as an aside, for my friends who want to help by giving me the workaround: I know how to add the marcato from the bottom symbol. I need it to play back as well. I can add the regular marcato so it plays back, but I cannot hide articulations like that. So, I create the visible note with the marcato below and turn it off and create the note with the marcato proper so that it plays and then make it invisible.

That's a lot of workaround that they should be able to easily fix. That is why I am suggesting the change.

I was made aware of the setting that makes this happen. Thanks Justin.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.6, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber
Attachments Proposed Marcato Inverted Example from Old Printed Music.png (161K), Location for Change.png (92K), Location for Change.png (92K)

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Justin Tokke - 03 Jul 07:56PM
You can allow the marcato to be below in Engraving Rules > Articulations. In most music this is not done so it's the default setting as it has been for years, but you're welcome to change it.

Justin Tokke, Senior Product Designer at Sibelius
[email protected]

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 03 Jul 09:21PM (edited 03 Jul 09:35PM)
Ah. Thank you for that. Noice! I see Sibelius even made space for my three custom trills from the 4th keypad. Double Noice!

I also appreciate that you continue to be aware of this thread.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.6, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 12 Jul 02:19PM (edited 12 Jul 02:23PM)
Improving LivePlayback Functionaltiy

I suggest that the following be added to the LivePlayback function.

With a selection already made, if you turn LivePlayback on, Sibelius asks if you would like to load the default values for the expressions already included in the selection. Maybe a caveat saying, "This will override any existing LivePlayback information."

This feature would significantly improve the LivePlayback feature's usefulness for adjusting compositions not entered through Flexi-time input.

In addition, add a checkbox in Preferences to default to this option so a window does not pop up asking if you'd like to load the default values from the already existing expressions in the selection. I never enter music via Flexi-time input. So I would check this as default.

What say ye?

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.6, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 16 Nov 04:10PM
I rarely use the blue layout symbology.

Remove the reset to default on for View>Invisibles>Layout.

I prefer my score to be clear of extraneous information until I specifically call for it myself. For at least this function, if you make any changes to the format, the layout symbology automatically turns on.

Not a fan.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 17 Nov 05:14PM
Okay. I know this one is WAY out there and likely only ever to be developed by some rogue programmer on her own time, but...

What if the playback algorithm that controls the scrolling could determine when a repeated section is on the screen (or will be) and align it so that one or two measures are not arbitrarily clipped as the update occurs?

For example, in the screenshot, the second half of variation 1 fits just right at this window size, so Sibelius does not need to move the score during the repeat, BUT, when it goes to the first half of variation 2 (which also will fit perfectly), it clips the first measure off. It will jump back and forth to get those measures on the repeat.

Eh? What say you?! Eh? EH?!

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber
Attachment Repeat Alignment on Playback.png (462K)

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 03 Jan 12:54AM
I would like to have a pre-baked cresc. with a wide dashed line available. The same goes for a dim. or decresc.

Please adjust for aesthetics and layout. I've attached a sample made via custom for demonstration.

Please adjust so the beginning of the wide dashed line starts with a space rather than a dash for aesthetics.

Also, adjust the end so the default placement does not extend into the next unselected beat. Currently, the baked-in settings extend some lines so they affect/are affected by the placement of expressions on the first unselected beat following (i.e., they cannot occupy the same horizontal line as the next expression or line because they overlap).

I'm sure this is another one of those "If you can find a workaround, we're not even going to consider working on adding it to the main program" things. Nevertheless, please consider it. It seems like a "Duh! Of course, a notation software program would do that." thing.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber
Attachment Crescendo with wide dashed line sample.sib (79K)

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Re: Suggestions?
Posted by Musix4me - 09 Jan 07:50PM
I will reiterate the desire to have the ability to customize the information bar across the bottom of the interface (i.e., choose what information is there).

Also, reiterate the request to add more interconnectivity in the information bar (i.e., make it so I can click or right-click on the information, and it shows me the relevant links to adjust from).

But this suggestion is simply: Please add the "Fit to page" and "Fit to page height" in the clickable links at the bottom right.

I have created a shortcut (and I realize that since there is a workaround, nothing will likely be done), but working in Scroll mode and zooming in and then back out to the full score height could be just slightly easier for non-keyboard shortcut users, to get back to the full view—just click the control in the information bar next to the zoom slider.

Robert Moody
Windows 11, Sibelius Ultimate 2024.10, Note Performer 4
Intel Core I9 13900K @ 5.8 GHz, 128.0GB DDR5 6000, 24Gb NVIDIA 4090, 1Gbit Fiber

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Suggestions? - Musix4me, 09 Feb 02:58PM
     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 09 Feb 03:29PM
         Re: Suggestions? - Bob Zawalich, 09 Feb 07:01PM
             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 11 Feb 03:13PM
                 Re: Suggestions? - Adrian Drover, 12 Feb 08:50AM
                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 25 Feb 10:25PM
                         Re: Suggestions? - Adrian Drover, 26 Feb 08:46AM
                             Re: Suggestions? - Laurence Payne, 26 Feb 04:08PM
                             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 26 Feb 05:07PM
                                 Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 01 Mar 01:43PM
                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 12 May 08:22PM
                                         Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 25 May 08:39PM
                                             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 01 Jun 10:05PM
                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Adrian Drover, 02 Jun 07:51AM
                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 02 Jun 06:36PM
                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jun 04:00PM
                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Adrian Drover, 04 Jun 06:21AM
                                                         Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 04 Jun 09:31AM
                                                             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 30 Jun 11:23PM
                                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Mark Isaacs, 01 Jul 02:44AM
                                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 01 Jul 03:09AM
                                                                         Re: Suggestions? - Mark Isaacs, 01 Jul 06:35AM
                                                                             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 01 Jul 07:58AM
                                                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jul 01:44AM
                                                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jul 02:00AM
                                                                                         Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jul 02:20AM
                                                                                             Re: Suggestions? - Justin Tokke, 03 Jul 07:56PM
                                                                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jul 09:21PM
                                                                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 12 Jul 02:19PM
                                                                                                         Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 16 Nov 04:10PM
                                                                                                             Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 17 Nov 05:14PM
                                                                                                                 Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 03 Jan 12:54AM
                                                                                                                     Re: Suggestions? - Musix4me, 09 Jan 07:50PM