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Sib. 8.x: Sibelius - St Thomas Moore, 07 Dec 10:52AM
     Re: Sib. 8.x: Sibelius - Robin Walker, 07 Dec 01:53PM

Sib. 8.x: Sibelius
Posted by St Thomas Moore - 07 Dec 10:52AM
Quick question: Do you still need to uninstall Sibelius before rebuilding/imaging a PC? And what are the ramifications of not doing so? The reason I ask is because we've already/reimaged/rebuilt them and now starting to see some start up script errors, something to do with
rg.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException etc.

I'm using the ex IT Managers Sibelius account at the moment, so if you could send any replies to [email protected] that would help :-)

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Re: Sib. 8.x: Sibelius
Posted by Robin Walker - 07 Dec 01:53PM
You do not need to uninstall Sibelius, but you DO need to de-activate Sibelius before undertaking a rebuild of hardware or re-image of software, then re-activate afterwards.

If you are truly using Sibelius version 8.x, then that is a very ancient version. Even so, Sibelius itself did not use Java (where the beans.factory error message comes from), although ancient versions of "Avid Application Manager" or "Avid Link" might have used Java.

Sibelius 2023.6/7.5.1/7.1.3/6.2/5.2.5, PhotoScore Ult 2020.1, Windows 10 64-bit 16GB. Desktop, and Microsoft Surface Book.

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Messages in this thread

Sib. 8.x: Sibelius - St Thomas Moore, 07 Dec 10:52AM
     Re: Sib. 8.x: Sibelius - Robin Walker, 07 Dec 01:53PM