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pasting changing time signatures - Pierre, 02 Dec 07:59AM
     Re: pasting changing time signatures - Adrian Drover, 02 Dec 08:27AM
         Re: pasting changing time signatures - Pierre, 02 Dec 09:04AM

pasting changing time signatures
Posted by Pierre - 02 Dec 07:59AM (edited 02 Dec 07:59AM)
Wondering if I'm missing something here ?

I copied and pasted a few measures with time signature changes. To my surprise, the time signature changes do not copy to the target measures. Is there a "copy special" command that I'm missing. Or is there one of Bob's plugins that would do the job ?
Thanks for any help.

Best of all

Sibelius Ultimate 2023.11 - iMac 27 - Ventura 13.6
Sibelius iPad 2023.11 - iPad Pro 12,9 - OS17.1.2
Note Performer 4.1
Attachments Capture d’écran 2023-12-02 à 08.44.55.png (17K), Capture d’écran 2023-12-02 à 08.44.43.png (23K)

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Re: pasting changing time signatures
Posted by Adrian Drover - 02 Dec 08:27AM
You need to make a system selection to include system objects like time sigs which will be coloured purple instead of blue. To make a system selection ctrl/click the start and shift/click the finish. Then copy-paste to the destination position. Everything that is in the purple selection will be copied including time sig and system texts (see attached).
Attachment system select.PNG.png (27K)

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Re: pasting changing time signatures
Posted by Pierre - 02 Dec 09:04AM
Yes Yes !! Thank you so much Adrian ! Hadn't used a system selection in quite a while. Thanks for refreshing my memory.

Best of all

Sibelius Ultimate 2023.8 - iMac 27 - Ventura 13.6
Sibelius iPad 2023.8 - iPad Pro 12,9 - OS17.0.3
Note Performer 4.1

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Messages in this thread

pasting changing time signatures - Pierre, 02 Dec 07:59AM
     Re: pasting changing time signatures - Adrian Drover, 02 Dec 08:27AM
         Re: pasting changing time signatures - Pierre, 02 Dec 09:04AM