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New Plugin: Erase Background. Category Text, Ve... - Bob Zawalich, 01 Dec 07:55PM

New Plugin: Erase Background. Category Text, Version 010100
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 01 Dec 07:55PM
This plugin demonstrates the EraseBackground() property added to Text, System Text, and LyricItem objects in Sibelius Ultimate 2023.11. This plugin can only run in Sibelius Ultimate 2023.11 or later.

The plugin will change the Erase background state of any selected Text, System Text, and LyricItem objects. It mimics the behavior of the Inspector when text/system text/lyrics are selected. If there is a mix of Erase background settings in the selection, the plugin will set Erase background ON for all selected objects, otherwise it toggles the setting.

As with any plugin, this plugin can be run by Command Search or as a macro command in the Execute Commands plugin. You can also assign a keyboard shortcut to the plugin. This effectively gives you access to the Inspector Erase checkbox using a shortcut.

You can verify the results by selecting text and looking at the Erase checkbox in the Inspector. You can change the color of the object background in the Inspector, but this property is not accessible by plugins.


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 2023+, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 32 G RAM. Year 2023.
Free Resources: Notating Harp Music In Sibelius:
Execute Commands plugin documentation:
Attachment Erase Background.png (42K)

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New Plugin: Erase Background. Category Text, Ve... - Bob Zawalich, 01 Dec 07:55PM