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Minor bug - deleting notes from multiple staves - Patrick O'Keefe, 19 Sep 06:08PM
     Re: Minor bug - deleting notes from multiple st... - Justin at Sibelius, 19 Sep 06:48PM

Minor bug - deleting notes from multiple staves
Posted by Patrick O'Keefe - 19 Sep 06:08PM
When a multi-staved score consists of just one measure, and multiple notes are selected for deletion - multiple, but not all notes, and either in a single staff or across multiple staves - the deletion causes the "This will delete all music on these staves. Do you want to remove them from the file?" nag to be presented. And in fact, only the selected notes get deleted, not the entire staff - even if "Yes" is selected in the popup - so no harm is done.

This popup should be displayed only if ALL notes in a staff are selected for deletion ... and that is the behavior if there is more than one measure.

BTW, I know there is a option for determining if the popup is displayed at all, and yes, I want the option to delete a staff by deleting all notes from it.

BTW #2, I'm running 2023.6. I haven't tried 2023.8 yet.

Patrick O'Keefe

Sib 2023.3.1, NotePerformer, S7Sounds
Win11 x64 Pro Intel i5-8400, 2.80Ghz, 16GB RAM
Attachment Screenshot 2023-09-19 104455.png (35K)

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Re: Minor bug - deleting notes from multiple staves
Posted by Justin at Sibelius - 19 Sep 06:48PM
Good catch. Likely a bug. Will get it logged.

Justin Tokke, Senior Product Designer at Sibelius
[email protected]

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Messages in this thread

Minor bug - deleting notes from multiple staves - Patrick O'Keefe, 19 Sep 06:08PM
     Re: Minor bug - deleting notes from multiple st... - Justin at Sibelius, 19 Sep 06:48PM