Messages in this thread

2023.3 - Andy Thorne, 18 Mar 03:56PM
     Re: 2023.3 - Adrian Drover, 18 Mar 05:21PM
         Re: 2023.3 - David, 18 Mar 06:42PM
     Re: 2023.3 - Bob Zawalich, 18 Mar 08:11PM
         Re: 2023.3 - Musix4me, 18 Mar 08:42PM
             Re: 2023.3 - Sam at Sibelius, 21 Mar 01:28PM
                 Re: 2023.3 - James, 23 Mar 02:05PM

Posted by Andy Thorne - 18 Mar 03:56PM
Ingrid is now saying do not download the latest version, it has a virus. I downloaded it before this statement, what should I do? (Windows)

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Re: 2023.3
Posted by Adrian Drover - 18 Mar 05:21PM
Wait until the doctors come back off strike and wear a face mask while composing. Seriously tho', I'm sure glad I always hold off downloading until I'm certain there's no problem with updates.

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Re: 2023.3
Posted by David - 18 Mar 06:42PM

I downloaded it too. All seems fine. I just hope that this virus doesn't somehow steal my vast fortune!
Ultimate 2023.2, Windows 11

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Re: 2023.3
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 18 Mar 08:11PM
I would uninstall it and reinstall an earlier version, and run all the antivirus programs you have.

More than likely it is not needed, but that is the safest thing to do if all hell is going to break out...


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 2022+, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 32 G RAM. Year 2023.
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Re: 2023.3
Posted by Musix4me - 18 Mar 08:42PM
I must have missed where Ingrid said "it has a virus".

Funny how misinformation seeps into every crevice of existence.

My specs are below and I have specifically scanned that file. I report no virus from my scan.

Robert Moody
Windows 10, Sibelius Ultimate 2023.2, Note Performer
Intel Core i7 4790K @ 4.00GHz, 32.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 799MHz, 12Gb NVIDIA 3060, 1Gbit Fiber
Attachment No Virus.png (25K)

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Re: 2023.3
Posted by Sam at Sibelius - 21 Mar 01:28PM
Indeed, we've had it confirmed as being safe:

We'll post an update to 2023.3 as soon as it's ready.


Sam Butler | Product Manager | Sibelius and Audio SDKs
[email protected] | @avid_sam | @AvidSibelius

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Re: 2023.3
Posted by James - 23 Mar 02:05PM
I downloaded it as soon as it became available and have had no issues using it on a mac.

Mac OS 12.6 Monterey
Sibelius Ultimate 2023.3

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Messages in this thread

2023.3 - Andy Thorne, 18 Mar 03:56PM
     Re: 2023.3 - Adrian Drover, 18 Mar 05:21PM
         Re: 2023.3 - David, 18 Mar 06:42PM
     Re: 2023.3 - Bob Zawalich, 18 Mar 08:11PM
         Re: 2023.3 - Musix4me, 18 Mar 08:42PM
             Re: 2023.3 - Sam at Sibelius, 21 Mar 01:28PM
                 Re: 2023.3 - James, 23 Mar 02:05PM