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rotation - CARL, 14 Mar 07:04PM

Posted by CARL - 14 Mar 07:04PM
Under very special circumstances, you may need to rotate a text object, e.g. a big vertical heading grouping instruments at the left-hand side of the page, e.g. CHOIR I and CHOIR II. (I need to do this on orchestra and choral score) below instructions rotate entire score and I only need the two choirs rotated.
You can define a default rotation for a text style using the Angle value in Edit Text Style, or set the rotation of a single text object using the corresponding control in the Text panel of the Inspector. Positive values rotate the text object counter-clockwise around the origin, so a value of 90° makes the text read straight up the page from bottom to top, and a value of 270° makes the text read down the page from top to bottom.

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rotation - CARL, 14 Mar 07:04PM