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Download error - pennyminstrel, 12 Mar 01:07PM
     Re: Download error - Laurence Payne, 13 Mar 12:20AM
         Re: Download error - Bob Zawalich, 13 Mar 07:25PM

Download error
Posted by pennyminstrel - 12 Mar 01:07PM (edited 12 Mar 01:11PM)
I have finally taken the plunge and bought a licence for Sibelius Ultimate after my trusty Sibelius 3 finally stopped functioning (thankyou, Sibelius, must be something like 25 yrs of good service, can't complain)

I've installed Sibelius itself no problem but I'm now trying to install the included apps from within the Avid Link app - Photoscore lite, etc, but I persistently get a download error for all them - 'Download error: xxxx download failed. Download error'

I've tried all the obvious - restart the app, clear out cookies, restart computer, etc, so I'd be most grateful if someone could offer further guidance.

Update - I've just found the download links in my account on the Avid website, the first of which seems to be working, albeit with an estimated download time of 2.5hrs. Since this is a 23.22GB download that may not be surprising.

Anyway, fingers crossed, it's a problem with Avid Link rather than the downloads themselves

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Re: Download error
Posted by Laurence Payne - 13 Mar 12:20AM (edited 13 Mar 12:21AM)
Yes, the Sounds download is BIG! Some people don't bother and go straight to NotePerformer, which is much smaller and (in many ways) superior.

PhotoScore Lite has its uses. Don't bother with AudioScore.

Did you get the 'reinstate perpetual licence' deal on Sibelius 3, or have to start over?

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Re: Download error
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 13 Mar 07:25PM
Re: upgrade

The instructions Avid gives

What versions of Pro Tools and Sibelius can be upgraded?
Upgrades can be used for the following versions of Pro Tools and Sibelius (note that this is for expired Software Updates + Support Plans, active Plans can be renewed at a lower cost):

Pro Tools v9 or higher

Pro Tools | HD/Ultimate v9 or higher

Sibelius, Sibelius First v5–7 (previous paid version), Sibelius Student, Sibelius G7, or Sibelius Instrumental Teacher Edition

Sibelius | Ultimate or Sibelius v5–8

suggest you can only upgrade from Sibelius 5 or later, though the first line that starts "Sibelius," suggests otherwise. I wish they would be precise with what they mean. If even power users can't figure it out what hope is there?


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 2022+, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 32 G RAM. Year 2023.
Free Resources: Notating Harp Music In Sibelius:
Execute Commands plugin documentation:

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Messages in this thread

Download error - pennyminstrel, 12 Mar 01:07PM
     Re: Download error - Laurence Payne, 13 Mar 12:20AM
         Re: Download error - Bob Zawalich, 13 Mar 07:25PM