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Plugin Update: Combine Text Objects (category T... - Bob Zawalich, 10 Apr 05:17PM

Plugin Update: Combine Text Objects (category Text)
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 10 Apr 05:17PM
Plugin Update: Combine Text Objects (category Text)

Updated 10 April 2021. Version 01.10.00.

Added code to reset the text formatting after each bit of formatted text is appended, to prevent explicit font or character style changes in the text from affecting following text. You should be able to freely combine dynamics and other text.

As before, the text style used for the combined object is taken from the first object in the combined string, so formatting that came from the text style rather than being explicitly added can be lost when objects with different text styles are combined.

Also as before, lyrics are skipped, Text and System Text are combined into separate objects, the original text objects are deleted by default, and dialog settings are not saved across Sibelius sessions.

The problem that led to the update appeared when you combined text objects with different Text Styles, or text objects that contain manually applied formation (bold, italic, etc.).

The plugin combines the Formatted Text field of Text and System Text objects in order to retain as much formatting as possible. Some text will contain explicit font changes, or character style changes, and these are typically not terminated, so that any following text will receive the same formatting.

This is what the formatting of a dynamic "mf" looks like, using wildcards to show formatting:


And here is an example of "p sub.", where the p is formatted like a dynamic, and the sub. is italic expression text

\ctext.character.musictext\p\f_\ sub.

In the first example, the MusicText character style will apply to any following text. In the second, the \f_\ wildcard resets the text style and size to the default, which in this case would be Expression Text, so sub. will be normal italic text.

In the update, the code now appends a \f_\ wildcard to the end of each piece of formatted text it concatenates, so the formatting from one piece will not affect the future text.

Note however, that if text is not explicitly formatted with a wildcard, it takes its formatting from the text style, and a Text object contains only a single text style.

If you combine Technique text followed by Expression text, the former Expression text will not be italic.

If you combine Expression text followed by Technique text, the former Technique text will be italic.

You can edit the text manually after it is combined, and add explicit formatting to restore its original appearance as desired.


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 2021+, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 32 G RAM. Year 2021.
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Plugin Update: Combine Text Objects (category T... - Bob Zawalich, 10 Apr 05:17PM