Messages in this thread

Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 17 Dec 05:35PM
     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Major, 18 Dec 04:15AM
         Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Mike Lyons, 18 Dec 09:07AM
             Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 18 Dec 09:39AM
                 Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Mike Lyons, 18 Dec 11:01AM
                     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Major, 18 Dec 02:25PM
                         Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 18 Dec 04:28PM
                             Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Major, 18 Dec 05:31PM
                                 Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 18 Dec 06:04PM
                                     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Major, 19 Dec 05:37PM
                                         Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 19 Dec 05:53PM
                                             Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Major, 25 Dec 04:26AM
                                                 Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - c64audio, 31 Dec 05:33PM
                                                     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Laurence Payne, 31 Dec 06:27PM
                                                     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Robin Walker, 31 Dec 06:27PM
                                                         Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Mike Lyons, 31 Dec 09:14PM
                                                             Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - c64audio, 01 Jan 01:17PM
                                                                 Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Spesius, 02 Jan 11:28AM
                                                                     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 02 Jan 12:01PM
                                                                         Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Mike Lyons, 04 Jan 06:33PM
     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Jonne Valtonen, 24 Jan 12:53PM

Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Sam at Sibelius - 17 Dec 05:35PM (edited 17 Dec 05:37PM)
Hi All,

Hot on the heels of our 2018.11 release, we're pleased to announce the immediate availability of our December release, 2018.12.

Those eligible can download the installers from your account at You can also download it though Application Manager (at the time of writing the the notifications hadn't been triggered yet).

This is largely a bug-fix release, with a few little bonuses thrown in. The improvements are:

Stability and bug fixing

  • Note spacing for whole score is no longer reset when adding an instrument or Ossia stave.

  • Our Quick Look and Spotlight generators on macOS have not been fixed up yet, and for some, they were causing problems. In this release, we've simply removed them. We'll fix these up soon, but decided it was easier to live without them for now.

  • Cmd+Shift+Option+B shortcut now functions correctly once more

  • Sibelius First can now run even if the 'Welcome to Sibelius...' window is hidden

Text Handling

  • A nasty bug crept into our last release where, in rare cases, Sibelius would crash when sometimes editing text on Mac. We've patched the bug (that was in Qt) and also optimised the multi-touch gesture on Mac to speed up the response times by around 50ms. In doing this, we disabled 'Chord Click' on Mac only (where you could press both left and right mouse buttons together to copy and paste an object). Pressing the middle button, if you have one, continues to work and no changes have been applied to mouse and trackpad interactions on Windows.

  • In addition to this, Word Menus are much easier to get to when using two-finger gesture on track pads when editing text.

  • Wide italic text no longer has its edges cut off at certain zoom levels on Mac

  • Sibelius no longer crashes when clicking on boxed text that used Myriad Pro font


  • The Copy articulation plugin no longer has overlapping text in the dialog

  • Transformations now work as expected when running Sibelius in French

  • The Playback line no longer disappears after running the Double Note Value plugin


  • Video window dimensions are now correct when adding a 1080p video on Mac


  • Support for the new Pori font (as a whole) and added Norfolk Chords to the existing Norfolk set. To check these, go to File > Preferences > Music Fonts.

We hope you enjoy these bug fixes and smaller improvements. We'll have news of our next release in the New Year!

Sam and the Sibelius team

Sam Butler | Product Manager | Sibelius
[email protected] | @avid_sam | @AvidSibelius

Contact the Sibelius support team:

KB and other resources:

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Major - 18 Dec 04:15AM
Thanks for the update Sam,

but Cmd+Shift+Option+B functions correctly only on new scores for me.
On existing music still not working...

Any thoughts ?
Sibelius 2018.11
iMac 5k (2015) - 32GB / Mac OS 10.13
Macbook Pro i7 (2013) - 16GB / Mac OS 10.13

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Mike Lyons - 18 Dec 09:07AM
Hi Guys, Sam in particular.

Since installing Sib 2018.12 last night, I now get the attached error message when I try to run Sib 7.5. Sib 6 still runs fine.

Am I okay to delete the licence folder as instructed?

Win 10 Pro x64, Sib Ultimate (build 1918) 1.6GHz Intel i7 Quad core, 8GB,7TB 7200rpm HDD, Scarlett 6i6, Sib 6.2,7.5, NotePerformer and others.
Si me castigare vis, necesse est me intellexisse.
[email protected]
Attachment sib75error.jpg (35K)

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Sam at Sibelius - 18 Dec 09:39AM
Major - can you either attach a file here or email it to me? We'll check it out on a few Macs.

Mike - sure, you can do that, but you'll need to reactivate 7.5 afterwards using Avid License Control.

Sam Butler | Product Manager | Sibelius
[email protected] | @avid_sam | @AvidSibelius

Contact the Sibelius support team:

KB and other resources:

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Mike Lyons - 18 Dec 11:01AM
Thanks for the super-fast response, Sam. Much appreciated.

All now working fine.

Win 10 Pro x64, Sib Ultimate (build 1918) 1.6GHz Intel i7 Quad core, 8GB,7TB 7200rpm HDD, Scarlett 6i6, Sib 6.2,7.5, NotePerformer and others.
Si me castigare vis, necesse est me intellexisse.
[email protected]

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Major - 18 Dec 02:25PM
In attached file Cmd+Shift+Option+B shortcut functions correctly in 2018.7 but not in 2018.12.

Sibelius 2018.12
iMac 5k (2015) - 32GB / Mac OS 10.13
Macbook Pro i7 (2013) - 16GB / Mac OS 10.13
Attachment Bottom Note Shortcut.sib (273K)

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Sam at Sibelius - 18 Dec 04:28PM
Thanks for the file. Seems to work for me. Check the 2018.12 update worked. Go to File > Help and check the version on the right.

Sam Butler | Product Manager | Sibelius
[email protected] | @avid_sam | @AvidSibelius

Contact the Sibelius support team:

KB and other resources:

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Major - 18 Dec 05:31PM
The update worked. 2018.12 build 954

Should I trash preferences or other file ?

It could be a score related problem but it works fine with 2018.7.

Sibelius 2018.12
iMac 5k (2015) - 32GB / Mac OS 10.13
Macbook Pro i7 (2013) - 16GB / Mac OS 10.13

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Sam at Sibelius - 18 Dec 06:04PM
Next thing to check would be in Sibelius 2018.12, go into File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts and check the shortcut is set up correctly.

Sam Butler | Product Manager | Sibelius
[email protected] | @avid_sam | @AvidSibelius

Contact the Sibelius support team:

KB and other resources:

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Major - 19 Dec 05:37PM
Thanks Sam,

Yes, is correctly set. No matter what command I assign to Cmd+Shift+Option+B it doesn't respond.

New scores also stopped responding to it.

I now have the following:

2018.7 - Cmd+Shift+Option+B works on new and existing music scores.

2018.12 - Cmd+Shift+Option+B doesn't work on any score (New or existing ones)

Sibelius 2018.12
iMac 5k (2015) - 32GB / Mac OS 10.13
Macbook Pro i7 (2013) - 16GB / Mac OS 10.13

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Sam at Sibelius - 19 Dec 05:53PM
Thanks for the info. Please let me know:

* What language is your OS running
* What language are you running Sibelius in
* What keyboard language do you have chosen in Sibelius' prefs?

Email me directly if you prefer too and we'll get this logged and checked here.


Sam Butler | Product Manager | Sibelius
[email protected] | @avid_sam | @AvidSibelius

Contact the Sibelius support team:

KB and other resources:

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Major - 25 Dec 04:26AM
Thanks Sam.

Sorry for the delay in my answer.

OS and Sibelius in english
Keyboard language set to Auto (English)

These are the setting in my iMac and my Macbook Pro and in both the shortcut doesn't work properly in 2018.12

I must say, though, that I assigned a different shortcut to filter bottom notes and I'm living great with it. If this behavior is happening just with me, let's not bother with it anymore. If you think is something worth investigate a bit more, i'll be glad to help.

Tks and a great holidays to you

> Thanks for the info. Please let me know:
> * What language is your OS running
> * What language are you running Sibelius in
> * What keyboard language do you have chosen in Sibelius' prefs?
> Email me directly if you prefer too and we'll get this logged and checked here.
> Sam
> --
> Sam Butler | Product Manager | Sibelius
> [email protected] | @avid_sam | @AvidSibelius
> Contact the Sibelius support team:
> KB and other resources:

Sibelius 2018.11
iMac 5k (2015) - 32GB / Mac OS 10.13
Macbook Pro i7 (2013) - 16GB / Mac OS 10.13

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by c64audio - 31 Dec 05:33PM
I haven't seen a master volume slider for many versions. Please make it appear in all circumstances: it's unacceptable that it doesn't!

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Laurence Payne - 31 Dec 06:27PM
> I haven't seen a master volume slider for many versions. Please make it appear in all circumstances: it's unacceptable that it doesn't!

If it doesn't appear in your Mixer, click this button (see attached screenshot).
Attachment Annotation 2018-12-31 182645.png (42K)

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Robin Walker - 31 Dec 06:27PM
> I haven't seen a master volume slider for many versions.

Open the score file from within Sibelius, not by double-clicking the score file in Windows or macOS.

Sibelius 2018.11/7.5.1/7.1.3/6.2/5.2.5, PhotoScore Ult 2018.7, Windows 10 64-bit 16GB. Desktop, and Microsoft Surface Book.

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Mike Lyons - 31 Dec 09:14PM (edited 31 Dec 09:23PM)
I never double click a file to open sib and I am not seeing a master fader with any files created in older versions of sib. Clicking that button does not bring it back!

Weirdly, opening files from the Recents list on the File tab seems to bring it back! Hmm!

Win 10 Pro x64, Sib Ultimate (build 1918) 1.6GHz Intel i7 Quad core, 8GB,7TB 7200rpm HDD, Scarlett 6i6, Sib 6.2,7.5, NotePerformer and others.
Si me castigare vis, necesse est me intellexisse.
[email protected]

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by c64audio - 01 Jan 01:17PM (edited 01 Jan 01:21PM)
Why is it allowed to disappear at all, ever? It shouldn't matter how I open Sibelius. Anyway, thanks.

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Spesius - 02 Jan 11:28AM
Hi all, another bug not fixed: on MAC F18-F19 still don't work properly.

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Sam at Sibelius - 02 Jan 12:01PM
HNY, all!

The master fader issue is an old bug, but I've bumped it up the list for us to consider it soon. From the bug report, you may also have "Release device when Sibelius is in the background" ticked. Try unticking this (found in Audio Engine Options) and see if this helps.

F18-19 on Mac are getting fixed and should be in our next release.

Sam Butler | Product Manager | Sibelius
[email protected] | @avid_sam | @AvidSibelius

Contact the Sibelius support team:

KB and other resources:

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Mike Lyons - 04 Jan 06:33PM
Here's a new one! The Quick Start is not updating properly or consistently. I have cleared my recent files list but the quick start is not updated and when new files are opened/saved they do not appear on the list. I only noticed this because I have had the QS open a lot the last couple of days and been editing a lot of files and I'm not finding them in the QS dialog.

Win 10 Pro x64, Sib Ultimate (build 1918) 1.6GHz Intel i7 Quad core, 8GB,7TB 7200rpm HDD, Scarlett 6i6, Sib 6.2,7.5, NotePerformer and others.
Si me castigare vis, necesse est me intellexisse.
[email protected]

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available
Posted by Jonne Valtonen - 24 Jan 12:53PM

Thank you for the update! Have you noticed that the fast-forward and rewind now moves the video in larger steps than before. This is quite annoying as when you set hit marks, you might miss something obvious. Is it possible to "fix" this like it was earlier -> sync the playback line and video together to follow each other exactly?


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Messages in this thread

Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 17 Dec 05:35PM
     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Major, 18 Dec 04:15AM
         Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Mike Lyons, 18 Dec 09:07AM
             Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 18 Dec 09:39AM
                 Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Mike Lyons, 18 Dec 11:01AM
                     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Major, 18 Dec 02:25PM
                         Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 18 Dec 04:28PM
                             Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Major, 18 Dec 05:31PM
                                 Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 18 Dec 06:04PM
                                     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Major, 19 Dec 05:37PM
                                         Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 19 Dec 05:53PM
                                             Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Major, 25 Dec 04:26AM
                                                 Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - c64audio, 31 Dec 05:33PM
                                                     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Laurence Payne, 31 Dec 06:27PM
                                                     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Robin Walker, 31 Dec 06:27PM
                                                         Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Mike Lyons, 31 Dec 09:14PM
                                                             Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - c64audio, 01 Jan 01:17PM
                                                                 Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Spesius, 02 Jan 11:28AM
                                                                     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Sam at Sibelius, 02 Jan 12:01PM
                                                                         Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Mike Lyons, 04 Jan 06:33PM
     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Sibelius 2018.12 is now available - Jonne Valtonen, 24 Jan 12:53PM