Hans, you can actually get what you want thanks to the new text edit features in Sib 7.
Go to edit text style and edit the time signature text style. Increase the value in "tracking" to say 50.
Afterwards you have to fiddle withe the value in "gap BEFORE time signature" and reset note spacing to put it in the right place ...
Erik Hagner, Denmark
MacBook5,1 - OS X 10.6.8
Sibelius 7.1.3
Finale 2010b r1
A workaround that could be used as the last thing in your layout process is to increase the value of the "Gap before time signature". Then use the advanced filter to filter all time sigs in the whole score. Use the inspector to move them all to the left with the same amount in one go ...
(or avoid time signatures with numbers > 9)
Erik Hagner, Denmark
MacBook5,1 - OS X 10.6.8
Sibelius 7.1.3
Finale 2010b r1
The only thing I want/need, is a slightly bigger gap AFTER the time signature. Erik, your earlier message probably brings me where I need to be.
(Apologies for reviving a thread of 18 months old.)
I wanted an opinion, please, on whether or not there is adequate space between the time-signature and the very first note (or natural-sign, in this case)?
(Please see screengrab.)
EDIT: The piece remains in 4/4 throughout.
Many thanks in advance for any kind assistance offered here.
Take the natural out and see what happens. If you consider that to be optimum spacing, I suppose it follows that WITH the natural it's too tight! (Sibelius does move the first note over for a double accidental.)
Look at my example. Would you want MORE space before the first note on the second stave?
> Take the natural out and see what happens. If you consider that to be optimum spacing, I suppose it follows that WITH the natural it's too tight! (Sibelius does move the first note over for a double accidental.)
LP - When I remove the natural sign the gap closes (looks like the first note is moved left to where the natural sign originally was). So yes, the spacing here is "too tight". Thanks a lot.
> Look at my example. Would you want MORE space before the first note on the second stave?
LP - Many thanks. I would say space before the opening note (non-accidental) on the second stave is OK. Opening F-natural on first stave example looks too close to my eyes. Cheers.
> Interesting. Removing the natural makes no difference here, even after Reset Note Spacing.
LP - Thanks for looking into this. With the natural sign I would say the squeeze is too tight, to my eyes. Reset Note Spacing does not generate any noticeable change. Cheers.
Are you standing by "When I remove the natural sign the gap closes (looks like the first note is moved left to where the natural sign originally was)."? I can't make this happen.
> Are you standing by "When I remove the natural sign the gap closes (looks like the first note is moved left to where the natural sign originally was)."?
The examples in the screen shots addressing the gap between a time signature and the notes with a natural sign look easy to read to me. Occasionally I feel tempted to twig the space on subsequent lines where a note's accidental (the first note on that system) clashes with the key signature. I think that example (referring to gaps) where a key signature, not time signature is juxtaposed to an accidental can at first sight reading be more confusing??