80: Keyboard shortcuts - setting up shortcuts similar to Acorn Sibelius

If you are used to the keyboard shortcuts from the Acorn versions of Sibelius, you may find it useful to set up similar shortcuts on Sibelius for Mac/Windows. You can assign (almost) all function keys (including Shift, Command or Ctrl and Command-Shift or Ctrl+Shift) combinations to functions satisfactorily.

The two constraints are:

1. A few of the combinations are intercepted by Windows (presumably for backwards compatibility with Windows 3.1 meanings for them) and so can't be redefined.

2. The keypad functions you can assign to the keys are what you get when you press a keypad key. This means that (e.g.) if you define F4 to do what numeric key 4 currently does, viz. crotchet, then if you change to the fifth keypad layout, F4 will do natural-sharp (which is what numeric key 4 then does). This means you still need to change keypad layout (e.g. using F8-12!) to access the functions on layouts 2-5. But many Acorn users will primarily want to use the function keys unshifted to access the most standard shortcuts, viz. keypad layout 1.

Note that you can define the function keys to do anything in SibWin, not just the numeric key functions, so e.g. you can make F3 save or whatever else you like.


1.003 - 1.4, 2 - 2.11, 3.0 - 3.1.3, 4.0 - 4.1, 5.0 - 5.2.5, 6.0 - 6.2, 7.0 - 7.1
24 Aug 2001

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