290: How to write multiphonics

Multiphonics are usually notated by a separate voice written above the instrumental part in the same staff with an alternate notehead style.

You will notice numbers 1-4 on the number pad above the various rhythmic choices. These are the Sibelius Voices feature and they are color coded to match each voice being used. Write the multiphonic part using Voice 1 and the instrumental part using Voice 2. More information about the Voices feature can be found in your User Guide.

Once you have notated both voices, Select All and

  • in Sibelius 2 or later: Choose Edit > Filter > Voice 1 to select only the multiphonic notes.
  • in Sibelius 1.4: Choose Notes > Filter > Voice 1 to select only the multiphonic notes.

Next, using the number keys on the main alpha-numeric keyboard (above the letters), type the number of the notehead set you would like to use. For example, to use diamond-shaped noteheads, simply type 2. You can view examples of the various kinds of noteheads that are available at Notes > Noteheads... . More information about Notehead options or creating your own notehead sets can be found in your User Guide.


1.003 - 1.4, 2 - 2.11, 3.0 - 3.1.3, 4.0 - 4.1, 5.0 - 5.2.5, 6.0 - 6.2, 7.0 - 7.1
19 Aug 2008

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