121: EPS files - fonts named incorrectly (Windows only)

EPS files saved from Sibelius v1.4 for Windows can end up with extra fonts used in the score (i.e. not the music fonts, Opus and Inkpen) named incorrectly. This results in applications such as Pagemaker reporting that e.g. the font TimesNewRomanPSMT cannot be found.

This problem is fixed in all subsequent versions, which can also automatically embed fonts in EPS files. If you haven't yet got an upgrade, get one now.

If you are still using Sibelius 1.4, if you know the correct PostScript name of the font you have used, you can edit this yourself inside the EPS file. Note that the EPS file must be saved without a TIFF preview, otherwise it cannot be opened in a text editor.

Near the top of the EPS file are lines like this:

%%+ OpusSpecial
%%+ AGaramond-Regular
%%+ TimesNewRomanPSMT
%%+ AGaramond-Bold
%%+ Opus

These are PostScript names of fonts (not the same as how they appear inside the fonts menu in applications, and also not the same as their filename in the Windows fonts folder) - they could be TrueType or Postscript fonts, it doesn't matter (TrueType fonts all have PostScript names, despite not being PostScript fonts).

If Sibelius gets the font name wrong in the EPS file, you'll have to find the correct name.

If the font is a real Postscript font (e.g. used with Adobe Type Manager) you should be able to find the name within Adobe Type Manager. Otherwise, you can read the font's .pfm file with a hex editor.

If the font is in TrueType format, you'll need the utility ttfdump, available here. ttfdump is a console app (in needs to be run in a console or MS-DOS window). You give it a .ttf (TrueType font) file as a parameter (e.g. Times.ttf), and it produces a text dump of the TrueType font file. This is made up of many tables, each with a name (e.g. 'glyf' or 'head'). In the 'names' table, under section 6, you'll find the Postscript name of the font in Unicode. For Times New Roman, ttfdump produces this:

    6. Platform ID: 0
       Specific ID: 3
       Language ID: 0
       Name ID: 6
       Length: 34
       Offset: 466
  Data:  0 54  0 69  0 6D  0 65  0 73  >  .T.i.m.e.s
         0 4E  0 65  0 77  0 52  0 6F  >  .N.e.w.R.o
         0 6D  0 61  0 6E  0 50  0 53  >  .m.a.n.P.S
         0 4D  0 54                    >  .M.T

which means that the Postscript name is "TimesNewRomanPSMT".

This should only be attempted by the most advanced users.


21 Nov 2007

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