Sibelius 3.1.5 for Mac OS X

Who needs this update?

If you have Sibelius 4 on either Windows or Mac, or if you have Sibelius 3 on Windows, you don't need this update.

If you run Sibelius 3 on Mac OS X and have upgraded to the latest version of Scorch (Control-click in a Scorch window to see its version number: the affected version is Version 4.0.1 or later), you need this update. If you don't use Scorch, you don't need this update.

If you run Sibelius 3 on Mac OS 9, you don't need this update, because you cannot run the latest version of Scorch.

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Check your current version

To install Sibelius 3.1.5, you should check that your current version of Sibelius is fully up-to-date. To check, choose About Sibelius from the Sibelius menu:

  • English: Sibelius 3.1.3 build 19
  • German: Sibelius 3.1.2 build 106
  • French: Sibelius 3.1.4 build 11
  • Spanish: Sibelius 3.1.4 build 19

If you have the English-language version of Sibelius 3, but are not yet running Sibelius 3.1.3, you need to update as follows:.

There have been no downloadable updates for the German, French or Spanish versions of Sibelius 3, so if you have one of those versions, you are ready to proceed.

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Do not update Sibelius when you're in the middle of an urgent piece of work: there shouldn't be any problems updating, but don't tempt fate.

If you have problems downloading files from this page or updating to Sibelius 3.1.1, please contact Support.

Please follow these instructions carefully.

  • Exit any programs which are running, including Sibelius (choose File > Quit).
  • Don't uninstall Sibelius - just leave it as it is.
  • Download the updater appropriate for the language of your current version of Sibelius:
  • When the download is complete, a volume called (e.g.) Sibelius 3 Updater English should be mounted on your desktop, and its window should open. If you don't see this volume or window, double-click the downloaded .dmg file to mount it.
  • Double-click the Sibelius 3.1.5 Updater icon to update your copy of Sibelius.

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This page last updated 4 August 2005.