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Tap dynamics, like tap tempo? - Claz, 22 Nov 08:32PM

Tap dynamics, like tap tempo?
Posted by Claz - 22 Nov 08:32PM (edited 22 Nov 08:54PM)
Dear Forum,

I have a score whose playback I'd like to roughly humanize with regard to tempo and dynamics -- but not on the level of putting the whole thing into my DAW and individually adjusting the parameters.


I'm aware of "tap tempo," and I'm wondering if there is any similar facility for velocity and/or dynamics.

i.e., is there any way to select a note and then play the note on my midi keyboard, using the velocity from the keyboard to record on the playback velocity, not the pitch?

Best of all would be a simultaneous "tap tempo with dynamics" so you could record tempo and dynamics organically in one pass.

Barring any of the above, alternative suggestions are welcome.


For tap tempo, I've created a constant "subdivision" (running eighth rests) track so I can tap through the whole piece, fluctuating the tempo rather finely. Has anyone else had positive results with related methods?

Is it possible to directly affect the tempo "graph" that appears above the score (e.g. by dragging the peaks), rather than needing to re-record the tap for adjustments?

Thanks for any feedback, and if the developers see this, I'd like to suggest as a Feature Request the simultaneous "tap tempo with dynamics" idea above!


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Tap dynamics, like tap tempo? - Claz, 22 Nov 08:32PM