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New downloadable plugin: Transfer Plugin Settin... - Bob Zawalich, 19 Sep 04:12PM

New downloadable plugin: Transfer Plugin Settings(category Engravers' Tools)
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 19 Sep 04:12PM (edited 19 Sep 04:13PM)
New downloadable plugin: Transfer Plugin Settings(category Engravers' Tools

This plugin requires Sibelius 7.1.3 or later.

This plugin allows you to import or export Sibelius plugin settings from one user to another by reading or writing data files containing the settings.

1. Export settings using the Export option. This will create a text file in your Sibelius default Scores folder containing the settings. Copy this file to the Scores folder of another user or machine.

2. On the new machine, use the Import option to read the exported settings from the data file into the Preferences database. This will merge with and overwrite some existing settings for the plugin, so use the database backup option to make recovery easier, should that be needed.

Here is an extensive writeup on how to use this plugin at


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 2020+, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 32 G RAM. Year 2020.
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Attachment Transfer Plugin Settings Dialogs 1.png (70K)

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New downloadable plugin: Transfer Plugin Settin... - Bob Zawalich, 19 Sep 04:12PM