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Sib. 6.x: There It Is! plugin updated (category... - Bob Zawalich, 08 Dec 07:40PM

Sib. 6.x: There It Is! plugin updated (category Sight-Impaired)
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 08 Dec 07:40PM (edited 08 Dec 07:41PM)
There It Is! was updated 8 December 2018. Version 01.49.00.

* Added log file with new options.
* Added Trace All command to trace all lists at once, optionally tracing to the log file.
* Optimized tracing, both for log file and trace window, so it is significantly faster.
* Improved handling of Time Signatures.
* If there are Bar Number changes, both the Displayed (external) and Consecutive (internal) bar numbers are shown, since the external bar numbers may not be unique.

There it is is similar to What Is Where? Both will examine and display the contents of a score. What Is Where puts its data into a log file where it can be examined. There it Is has always let you trace data to the plugin Trace Window, and it can now put trace material into a log file, but its intention was to make the data immediately viewable, and to allow you to choose an objects and have it brought into view so that when you ended the dialog that object would be selected and available.

You can read about There It Is! at


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 2018.7, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 32 G RAM. Year 2018.
Installable plugins are available in Sibelius Ultimate only
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Attachments snap1.png (46K), snap2.png (60K)

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Sib. 6.x: There It Is! plugin updated (category... - Bob Zawalich, 08 Dec 07:40PM