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Sib. 2018.x: Exporting video without changing l... - Philip Le Bas, 07 Dec 09:53PM
     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Exporting video without changi... - Philip Le Bas, 09 Dec 07:17PM

Sib. 2018.x: Exporting video without changing layout of staves and lyrics
Posted by Philip Le Bas - 07 Dec 09:53PM
I have often found that when exporting a video score from Sibelius the staves become squashed together and lyrics overlap with staves etc. In the basic layout (e.g. exported to pdf) this does not happen, so how can I ensure the correct layout is kept when exporting video?
I attach a sample screenshot to show the kind of thing I mean. Thanks for any help you can give.
Sibelius 2018.11 | Windows 10
Attachment Screenshot 2018-12-07 21.51.59.png (414K)

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Re: Sib. 2018.x: Exporting video without changing layout of staves and lyrics
Posted by Philip Le Bas - 09 Dec 07:17PM
To answer my own question in part (in case it helps others!), I have now found a very useful paragraph entitled "Manually preparing scores for video export" in the "Exporting video files" section of the Sibelius Reference manual (page 91 of the 2018.11 version). I think the key thing is going to be to change the page size before exporting...
Sibelius 2018.11 | Windows 10 (64-bit) | Noteperformer

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Messages in this thread

Sib. 2018.x: Exporting video without changing l... - Philip Le Bas, 07 Dec 09:53PM
     Re: Sib. 2018.x: Exporting video without changi... - Philip Le Bas, 09 Dec 07:17PM