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Playback Devices - Multiple Instances of Sibeli... - Kiyren, 20 Apr 07:33PM
     Re: Playback Devices - Multiple Instances of Si... - Robin Walker, 20 Apr 07:58PM
         Re: Playback Devices - Multiple Instances of Si... - Kiyren, 20 Apr 08:19PM

Playback Devices - Multiple Instances of Sibelius Player/Sibelius 7 sounds + Sibelius 6 Sounds
Posted by Kiyren - 20 Apr 07:33PM
Hello all,

So I've been dipping my feet into messing with sound sets and trying to combine sound libraries. I'm trying to see if, in Sibelius 8, I can get both Sibelius 7 sounds and Sibelius 6 sounds going at once. My understanding of playback devices is still very rudimentary (at best) so please correct me if something I'm saying doesn't make sense.

The problem I see is that both Sibelius 6 and 7 sounds run through the "Sibelius Player" device, and I can't figure out a way to get multiple instances of that. Is there some way to achieve that? I saw a very old post asking about it 4 years ago but no answers.

Or is there some way I could get what I want via a manual sound set? Can a sound set pull from multiple libraries simultaneously? If so, I could then pull the instruments I want from one or the other and configure it that way. If that's possible, does anyone have any advice on making something like that work?

Thank you for your time and assistance.

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Re: Playback Devices - Multiple Instances of Sibelius Player/Sibelius 7 sounds + Sibelius 6 Sounds
Posted by Robin Walker - 20 Apr 07:58PM
Set up a new custom Playback Configuration, with player device "Sibelius Sounds" and SoundSet "Sibelius 6 and 7 Sounds Combo". You will then have both Sibelius 6 Essentials and Sibelius 7 Sounds sample libraries available.

Sibelius 2018.4/7.5.1/7.1.3/6.2/5.2.5, PhotoScore Ult 8.8.2, Dolet 6.6 for Sibelius, Windows 10 64-bit 16GB. Desktop, and Microsoft Surface Book.

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Re: Playback Devices - Multiple Instances of Sibelius Player/Sibelius 7 sounds + Sibelius 6 Sounds
Posted by Kiyren - 20 Apr 08:19PM
Oh god that's magical. I didn't even know that was an option. Thank you!!!

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Playback Devices - Multiple Instances of Sibeli... - Kiyren, 20 Apr 07:33PM
     Re: Playback Devices - Multiple Instances of Si... - Robin Walker, 20 Apr 07:58PM
         Re: Playback Devices - Multiple Instances of Si... - Kiyren, 20 Apr 08:19PM