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Sib. 6.x: Plugin update: Position Rehearsal Marks - Bob Zawalich, 18 Apr 07:37PM

Sib. 6.x: Plugin update: Position Rehearsal Marks
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 18 Apr 07:37PM
Position Rehearsal Marks (category Text) has been updated to fix a bug involving remote respelling of transposed instruments (7# -> 5b, or 7b to 5#).

I have also been working on getting this to work with Text objects using the Rehearsal Mark text style, but it is harder to do that I thought it would be (text objects are positioned quite differently than Rehearsal Mark objects are, especially if there are notes at the same position as the text).

I have not figured out a way to correctly reverse engineer this yet, so I will leave that for a future update,and get the bug fix in now.

Thanks to Simon Nathan for pointing out the problem (and several others) and for doing some testing on the update.


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 8, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 32 G RAM. Year 2018.
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Sib. 6.x: Plugin update: Position Rehearsal Marks - Bob Zawalich, 18 Apr 07:37PM