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Sib 8.6 New downloadable plugin: Convert Non Ma... - Bob Zawalich, 17 Jul 09:18PM
     Re: New downloadable plugin: Convert Non Magnet... - Bob Zawalich, 17 Jul 09:24PM

Sib 8.6 New downloadable plugin: Convert Non Magnetic Glisses
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 17 Jul 09:18PM (edited 20 Jul 06:05PM)
This plugin replaces non-magnetic glissando lines with magnetic glisses. It requires Sibelius 8.6 or later, and will only process instruments containing 1 or 2 staves (including ossias). You must passage select the lines and their starting notes.

It should work well if the lines are evenly between 2 single adjacent notes in the same voice and staff. It is trickier in other situations, and the plugin will make educated guesses. You should make a copy of the original score to compare the positions of the resulting lines.

Running the plugin is equivalent to finding the note before the line, deleting the line, and adding a magnetic gliss line to the note. The plugin does not control the end note, so you may need manual adjustments.

The plugin looks at the line and if it finds a reasonable preceding note it will add a magnetic gliss and delete the line. This will incorrectly change the end positions of cross staff glisses and glisses between non adjacent notes to be glisses to the next note in the same staff. Be very careful to confirm and adjust the results if you have these kinds of glisses.

Converted lines will have default playback even if the original lines had different playback settings.

WARNING: if you choose the option ''Process plain lines as glissando lines'', *all* plain lines could be converted, so be careful which lines are selected.

I suggest reading through the Help text before running this plugin the first time.

To tell if a line was replaced, select the line and look at the status bar or Inspector. You will see Edit Note for a Magnetic Gliss, and Edit Line for an unconverted line. All notes with converted lines will be selected at the end of the plugin. You can use the Go To plugin (selected objects option) or There It Is! to list and navigate the selected notes.

Magnetic glisses are actually a type of slide, and are properties of Note objects, rather than separate Line objects. A selected magnetic gliss will highlight the / in the 2nd keypad layout.


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 8, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 32 G RAM. Year 2017.
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Attachment snap1.png (13K)

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Re: New downloadable plugin: Convert Non Magnetic Glisses
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 17 Jul 09:24PM
This plugin can be useful if you are working on a score that originated prior to 8.6. In such a score, any gliss lines will be unchanged and will be non magnetic, whereas any newly created gliss lines will be magnetic. (except if you create a gliss line when there are no selected notes. This will create a nin magnetic gliss).

This plugin provides a way to make all the glisses consistent.

Do note that it really only works well if the gliss lines go between 2 adjacent notes in the same staff. It will replace lines that have been dragged but they will appear in the default position, and will not reflect any manual adjustments (all the plugin can do is the equivalent of adding a slide to a note).

So you will need to adjust any cross staff lines manually.

If you want to go back to non magnetic glisses, export the file to a version prior to 8.6.


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 8, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 32 G RAM. Year 2017.
For plugin categories see
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Sib 8.6 New downloadable plugin: Convert Non Ma... - Bob Zawalich, 17 Jul 09:18PM
     Re: New downloadable plugin: Convert Non Magnet... - Bob Zawalich, 17 Jul 09:24PM