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Free tuition in Orchestration - Terry Dwyer, 14 Jul 12:54PM

Free tuition in Orchestration
Posted by Terry Dwyer - 14 Jul 12:54PM

I am once more making my regular offer of a free course of orchestration lessons to Sibelius users. I am a well-qualified music teacher, composer and retired orchestral conductor who likes teaching and does not need the money.

Although orchestration may seem easy with a program like Sibelius, there are many secrets that make all the difference between a dull score and a brilliant one: correct spacing, chord balancing, use of instrumental registers, when to double and when not, the “a2 bug”, divisi or double stop, it goes on…

I now have room for a few students. If you apply you should have some grounding in theory and harmony. (If not, see thread below). The lessons are done through emails, and Skype if needed.

Above all you should have enough time to send work in to me (by email attaching a Sibelius file) about once a week. Please do not apply if your life is too busy for this.

Email me at, giving full details of yourself.

Terry Dwyer MA BMus LRAM

Sib 6.2 NotePerformer 27-in iMac Retina, Sierra, 16 Gig RAM

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Free tuition in Orchestration - Terry Dwyer, 14 Jul 12:54PM