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Problems importing midi files - Peter Roos, 24 Jun 09:39PM
     Re: Problems importing midi files - Peter Roos, 26 Jun 05:43PM

Problems importing midi files
Posted by Peter Roos - 24 Jun 09:39PM
Good afternoon everyone:

I am preparing scores and parts for a recording of a film soundtrack on Monday afternoon. When importing midi files (exported from Pro Tools), with certain tracks I am having a weird problem: for some reason Sibelius imports them on a percussion track, and in doing so, changes the notes.

Attached is one example (saved as Sib 5 file so most folks here can open it). The first notes should be E-B-E-B (E minor) instead of what's on the staff now.

When I copy and paste the notes to a new cello staff, the notes are C-D-C-D etc. So it's not just that Sibelius chooses a percussion staff, it also changes the notes.

Does anyone know what's going on here? Did I maybe choose the wrong import settings? I checked, there's no option to choose the staff, or at least say "do not use percussion staffs" or something like that.

I'm a bit under the gun here, preparing scores and parts is a lot of work and I have to be able to trust that the notes are imported correctly (no time to fix everything manually).


Peter Roos
Attachment M11 cello.sib (105K)

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Re: Problems importing midi files
Posted by Peter Roos - 26 Jun 05:43PM
Mystery solved (thanks Robert Puff in Seattle) -- apparently this particular track was assigned to channel 10 in Pro Tools. Channel 10 is traditionally used for percussion, and when importing the midi, Sibelius interprets it to be a percussion track and tries to make sense of it, changing the notes to percussion notes.

Peter Roos

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Problems importing midi files - Peter Roos, 24 Jun 09:39PM
     Re: Problems importing midi files - Peter Roos, 26 Jun 05:43PM