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Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now avail... - Sam at Sibelius, 19 Jan 05:08PM
     Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Philip R, 19 Jan 06:40PM
         Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Michael Kent-Davies, 19 Jan 10:54PM
             Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Philip Woodroffe, 20 Jan 02:56AM
                 Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Adrian Drover, 20 Jan 08:50AM
                     Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Ralph L. Bowers Jr., 21 Jan 01:00AM
                         Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Patrick O'Keefe, 21 Jan 08:38PM
             Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Bob Hayden-Gilbert, 25 Jan 02:24AM
                 Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Bob Hayden-Gilbert, 25 Jan 02:47AM
                     Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Mike Lyons, 25 Jan 08:52AM
                         Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Gary Eslinger, 03 Mar 09:32PM
                             Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Mike Lyons, 05 Mar 12:32PM
                                 Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Reinhard Malz, 07 Mar 08:22PM
                                     Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Robin Walker, 07 Mar 08:49PM
                                         - dvandellos, 09 Mar 02:34AM
                                             Re: Sib Inspector - Richard Vitale, 17 Mar 06:13PM

Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Sam at Sibelius - 19 Jan 05:08PM
We're pleased to announce the immediate availability of Sibelius 8.5.1. This update includes a good crop of improvements that have come directly from the feedback we've received from this forum community and our tireless beta testers. In summary, the changes in this release, are:

* Font and Size of text can now be changed from the Inspector
* Rit. and Accel. controls in the Inspector are working once more
* Each section in the Inspector now remembers their open or closed state
* It's now easier to type in the number you need in the Inspector
* When using Versions, controls in the Inspector are disabled
* View > Panels > Hide All now hides all the panels rather than switching them off
* Inspector now respects the Translucent setting in Preferences
* Spin boxes in Notes section of the Inspector are now vertical aligned
* All controls are now highlighted when tabbing through the Inspector with the keyboard (Mac only)

Multiple Staff Sizes
* A new % column has been added to the Staff Sizes list in Engraving Rules
* Key signatures no longer collide with clefs and time signatures when changing from an Extra small staff size to Normal staff size
* The dots of repeat bars are now positioned correctly when changing staff size
* Making staff size changes in Add or Remove Instrument dialog no longer removes custom staff changes you may have made for that instrument
* Changing staff size on a system with only one bar no longer removes changes in the next system
* Staff Size on the Layout tab has been renamed “Normal Staff Size”

* File > Append Score no longer causes a crash
* Improvements when changing from unpitched to pitched instruments
* Sibelius 8.5.1 installers now include AppMan 2.5.12
* When entering Expression text, Command-Option-Shift-Z now works once more on Sierra

You can download 8.5.1 from Avid Application Manager, or from your account at

We hope you enjoy the new improvements! If you're at the NAMM Show in Anaheim this week, please pop by the Avid booth and we'll be happy to show you around the new improvements in Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1.

Sam and the Sibelius team

Sam Butler | Product Manager | Sibelius
[email protected] | @avid_sam | @AvidSibelius

Contact the Sibelius support team:

KB and other resources:

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Philip R - 19 Jan 06:40PM
A little more info here:

Sibelius 7.5.1, 8.5.1, Mac 10.12.2
Mac Pro (Late 2013) 32 GB RAM

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Michael Kent-Davies - 19 Jan 10:54PM
Download not working here I'm afraid. AppMan crashed & won't restart, website download gives the beachball of death too.

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Philip Woodroffe - 20 Jan 02:56AM (edited 20 Jan 02:57AM)
inspector still on the big side, takes up too much space, should have known you would do nothing about that. thumbs down

macbook pro i7 non retina 2.9ghz 16gb ram 10.9.5 1TB SSD boot drive, 2tb storage drive on mavericks

sib 6.2.0 and sib 7.1.3 and 7.5.1 8.4

old macbook thingy! el capitan test computer with sibelius 6 7.1 7,5 (8 demo) and note performer.

sibelius choral and garitan personal orchestra.
(aria 4). east west symphonic east west symphonic orchestra with johnathan loving sound sets photoscore 7.2. note performer

musescore noteworthy melody assistant and virtual singer.

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Adrian Drover - 20 Jan 08:50AM (edited 20 Jan 08:52AM)
I see no mention that copy-pasting rehearsal mark and double bar line together actually paste in the same place (as they did in 7.1.3) instead of a measure apart from each other (as in 8). Has this been repaired in 8.5.1 or not? Disappointed about space hogging inspector too.

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Ralph L. Bowers Jr. - 21 Jan 01:00AM (edited 21 Jan 01:07AM)
No it has not been repaired only option still is to use Bob's plugin. Haven't had time with it to see if there are other issues with this update, but if the past performance is any indication there probably is.

Sibelius 6.2, 7.1.3, 7.5.1, 8.5.0, Bob Zawalich plugins, TMT Publisher Plugins, NotePerformer 1.5.0, dolet 6.6 (update 4-8-2016). PhotoScore 6,7,8 Ultimate (7 is better).

Finale 2010b, 2011b, 2012c, 2014d, 2014.5, Version 25.2; TGTools pro, Patterson plugins, JW Plugins, GPO4, GPO5, World Instruments. SmartScore X Pro, SmartScore X2 Pro

MuseScore 2 (seeing what's out there)
ProTools 9.5, Reaper
Notion 4, Notion 5 (Notion 6 bought but not installed), Progression, Progression 2, Progression 3
Windows XP Pro (32 bit); 2@ 7 Pro (64 bit); 8.1 Pro (64 bit); Windows 10 Home/ 4-16GB Ram across five PC's
Pencil & Paper
BMus MM (Musicology)

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Patrick O'Keefe - 21 Jan 08:38PM
> No it has not been repaired ...

The fewer bugs fixed, the fewer new bugs introduced. It all balances out. Sort of.

Patrick O'Keefe

Sib 7.5, GPO4, NotePerformer, lots of EWQL stuff
Win10 x64 Pro Intel i7-4771, 3.50Ghz, 16GB RAM

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Bob Hayden-Gilbert - 25 Jan 02:24AM
I can't even find the download link! My Avid Application Manager has never worked and fails to find my account. If you have a download link, please post it as a reply.

MacBook Air 1.6 Ghz Intel Core i5. OS 10.9.5 4Gb 1333 Mhz DDR3 RAM, Sibelius 7.1.3,

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Bob Hayden-Gilbert - 25 Jan 02:47AM
Please could someone direct me to the download link for 8.5.1? My Avid Application Manager has never worked and is now quitting after a minute or two. I'm not seeing any links to a download of 8.5.1

MacBook Air 1.6 Ghz Intel Core i5. OS 10.11.6 4Gb 1333 Mhz DDR3 RAM, Sibelius 7.1.3,

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Mike Lyons - 25 Jan 08:52AM
Go here:
I assume you have created an avid account?
Your download should appear under the "My Products and subscriptions" link.

Win 10 Pro x64, 1.6GHz Intel i7 Quad core, 8GB,7TB 7200rpm HDD, Scarlett 6i6, Sib 6.2,7.5, 8.5 NotePerformer, Miroslav Phil, Harmony Asst, GPO4 & 5, COMB2, EWQLSO Plat, EWQLSC,
Si me castigare vis, necesse est me intellexisse.

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Gary Eslinger - 03 Mar 09:32PM
How do I get a link to download Sibelius 8.5.1

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Mike Lyons - 05 Mar 12:32PM
If you have a current licence for Sib 8.x, you can download it from your my.avid account at

Win 10 Pro x64, 1.6GHz Intel i7 Quad core, 8GB,7TB 7200rpm HDD, Scarlett 6i6, Sib 6.2,7.5, 8.5 NotePerformer, Miroslav Phil, Harmony Asst, GPO4 & 5, COMB2, EWQLSO Plat, EWQLSC,
Si me castigare vis, necesse est me intellexisse.

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Reinhard Malz - 07 Mar 08:22PM
Can I temporarily install (and uninstall) a trial version of 8.5.1 for testing purposes parallel to a licensed version Sibelius 8.4.1 without any disturbance?

Actually I'm working with Sibelius 8.4. on a MacPro. In larger scores I experience unacceptable long delay times from editing one note to playback sound (with Sibelius Sounds 10 ... 60 s). Obviously Sibelius scans the complete score after editing only one note!

Did Avid solve this heavy delay problem in Version 8.5?

P.S. Switching to General Midi is much faster, but wouldn't help for tuning articulations :-(

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Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now available!
Posted by Robin Walker - 07 Mar 08:49PM
> Can I temporarily install (and uninstall) a trial version of 8.5.1 for testing purposes parallel to a licensed version Sibelius 8.4.1 without any disturbance?

No. 8.5.1 will over-write the installation of any earlier version of Sibelius 8.x.

> Did Avid solve this heavy delay problem in Version 8.5?

This was not an issue addressed in 8.5.1. It is not a recognised issue. You should start a new thread with full details if you want help.

Sibelius 8.5.1/7.5.1/7.1.3/6.2/5.2.5, PhotoScore Ult 8.0.4, Dolet 6.6 for Sibelius, Windows 10 64-bit 16GB. Desktop no-name, Microsoft Surface Book.

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Posted by dvandellos - 09 Mar 02:34AM (edited 14 Mar 10:35PM)

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Re: Sib Inspector
Posted by Richard Vitale - 17 Mar 06:13PM (edited 17 Mar 06:15PM)
Hi there,

Sib Inspector is still too large as mentioned (see screenshot).

Pls try to make it smaller :-)

Richie Vitale-Sib Sib 8.4.1 User
iMac 2.8 Ghz Intel Core i5 / 8 GB RAM
[email protected]
Attachment Sib Inspector.png (101K)

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Messages in this thread

Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now avail... - Sam at Sibelius, 19 Jan 05:08PM
     Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Philip R, 19 Jan 06:40PM
         Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Michael Kent-Davies, 19 Jan 10:54PM
             Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Philip Woodroffe, 20 Jan 02:56AM
                 Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Adrian Drover, 20 Jan 08:50AM
                     Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Ralph L. Bowers Jr., 21 Jan 01:00AM
                         Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Patrick O'Keefe, 21 Jan 08:38PM
             Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Bob Hayden-Gilbert, 25 Jan 02:24AM
                 Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Bob Hayden-Gilbert, 25 Jan 02:47AM
                     Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Mike Lyons, 25 Jan 08:52AM
                         Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Gary Eslinger, 03 Mar 09:32PM
                             Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Mike Lyons, 05 Mar 12:32PM
                                 Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Reinhard Malz, 07 Mar 08:22PM
                                     Re: Sibelius and Sibelius First 8.5.1 are now a... - Robin Walker, 07 Mar 08:49PM
                                         - dvandellos, 09 Mar 02:34AM
                                             Re: Sib Inspector - Richard Vitale, 17 Mar 06:13PM