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Sib. 7.1.3: C clefs, F clefs and magic mouse! - Ian Denley, 19 Jul 11:52AM
     Re: Sib. 7.1.3: C clefs, F clefs and magic mouse! - Robin Walker, 19 Jul 12:56PM

Sib. 7.1.3: C clefs, F clefs and magic mouse!
Posted by Ian Denley - 19 Jul 11:52AM
Sometime ago, Robin Walker advised me to avoid using a Mac bluetooth mouse which was causing the screen to jump around. Just wondering - does anyone know if anything official was done to combat this problem? I have returned to an ancient microsoft USB mouse, but it does not have the positional flexibility of the Mac magic mouse.

The other enquiry is: does anyone know if Sibelius intends to include in future releases, both French style C clefs and the old-style F clef (the latter looking a bit like a coiled spring)?. We have in the Symbols menu the likely little-used mirrored clefs; French C clefs are much more relevant!

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Re: Sib. 7.1.3: C clefs, F clefs and magic mouse!
Posted by Robin Walker - 19 Jul 12:56PM (edited 19 Jul 01:23PM)
Since the Sibelius Symbol table is editable by the user, a user can in principle have any design of clef, provided that the user does the work of designing and importing the symbol. If you already have fonts containing the desired clef as a glyph, then the process might be quite easy.

Sibelius 8.4/7.5.1/7.1.3/6.2/5.2.5, PhotoScore Ult 8.0.4, Dolet 6.6 for Sibelius, Windows 10 64-bit 16GB. Desktop no-name, Microsoft Surface Book.

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Messages in this thread

Sib. 7.1.3: C clefs, F clefs and magic mouse! - Ian Denley, 19 Jul 11:52AM
     Re: Sib. 7.1.3: C clefs, F clefs and magic mouse! - Robin Walker, 19 Jul 12:56PM