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Sib. 5.x: Downloadable Delete Notes Only plugin... - Bob Zawalich, 21 Mar 07:11PM

Sib. 5.x: Downloadable Delete Notes Only plugin renamed Delete Music Only
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 21 Mar 07:11PM (edited 21 Mar 07:12PM)
The downloadable plugin Delete Notes Only (, category Notes and Rests) has been renamed Delete Music Only, and is now shown by the new name on the plugins download page.

As before, he plugin deletes notes, rests, tuplets, and slurs in any fully selected bars, leaving text, lyrics, lines (other than slurs), and symbols untouched. The plugin requires a passage (box) selection.

I got tired of having to explain that the plugin deleted more than notes, and while "Music" is a bit vague, I thought it did a better job of explaining the purpose of the plugin, than "Notes" did, since tuplets and slurs and rests are also removed.

After running the plugin, the affected bars will contain a full bar rest, but text and lyrics will remain.

The plugin description mentions that if you have lyrics attached to such a bar rest, you will not be able to drag them to reposition them. Such lyrics must be attached to separate notes or rests to be movable.


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 7.5, Windows 7 Pro SP 1 64 bit, 4 G RAM. Year 2015.

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Sib. 5.x: Downloadable Delete Notes Only plugin... - Bob Zawalich, 21 Mar 07:11PM