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Sib. 7.5: Can parts have different repeats or c... - musicman288, 22 Jan 06:21PM
     Re: Sib. 7.5: Can parts have different repeats ... - Laurence Payne, 22 Jan 06:46PM

Sib. 7.5: Can parts have different repeats or codas than Full Score?
Posted by musicman288 - 22 Jan 06:21PM
Hello. I have a score that is very long. Some parts have sections that are straight repeats and can probably be notated as such, while others are completely new. It seems that the parts reflect the repeat markings of the Full Score. So, is it not possible to have parts with different repeat markings or even codas than the Full Score? I'm assuming if I do create a part with different repeat marks and codas, I won't be able to play it back. Is this a correct assumption? If I want to export a part to a new Sibelius document is that possible?

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Re: Sib. 7.5: Can parts have different repeats or codas than Full Score?
Posted by Laurence Payne - 22 Jan 06:46PM
If just one instrument requires a different structure, use an Extracted Part (Parts tab: Extract). You'll get an independent sib file that you can re-structure without affecting the Full Score.

If several instruments require the different structure, there's no need to do the job several times. Save a copy of the score under a different name, change it as required then use Dynamic Parts from THAT score for selected instruments.

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Sib. 7.5: Can parts have different repeats or c... - musicman288, 22 Jan 06:21PM
     Re: Sib. 7.5: Can parts have different repeats ... - Laurence Payne, 22 Jan 06:46PM