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Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - jfhallst, 20 Apr 02:58PM
     Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Bob Zawalich, 20 Apr 04:56PM
         Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Jody Hughes, 20 Apr 05:01PM
             Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Stuart , 30 Apr 01:36PM
                 Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Bob Zawalich, 30 Apr 05:03PM
                     Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Mats, 01 May 12:06PM
                         Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Igor Borodin, 06 May 07:15PM
                             Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Bob Zawalich, 06 May 08:45PM
                                 Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Igor Borodin, 06 May 09:57PM
                                     Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Bob Zawalich, 06 May 10:28PM

Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords?
Posted by jfhallst - 20 Apr 02:58PM
I've got a sinking feeling that I know what the answer to this question is going to be... I'd like to color individual notes in chords in order to indicate problem voicings in my student's arranging assignments. Can it be done?

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Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords?
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 20 Apr 04:56PM
The short answer is no. All notes in a single chord will be given the same color.

I have complained about this for years to no avail.

The only real workaround is to put each note in the chord into a separate voice; these can then be colored separately. This is pretty tedious, and involves, among other things, flipping stems and hiding rests.

It does work, though, as a last resort.


Sib 1.2 - 6.2, Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, 2.13 GHz Core 2 Duo; Audiophile 2496; 4 G RAM. Year 2011.
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Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords?
Posted by Jody Hughes - 20 Apr 05:01PM
Hi there

You could also insert a symbol notehead, colour it, and then manoeuvre it into place on top of the note in the chord that you want to mark. This is fiddly in a different way to Bob's solution, but leaves the actual notation unaffected, which I think is a bit easier to deal with.

Once you've made one in a particular colour, you can copy and paste.

music editor/engraver
Sibelius 6.2 | iMac | OS X Version 10.6.6 Snow Leopard

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Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords?
Posted by Stuart - 30 Apr 01:36PM
I haven't tried this but for four part voicings could you might be able to use the arrange/explode feature as follows:
1 split the chord onto four staves
2 apply voices 1 to 4 to those staves
3 select 'view voices in colour'
4 create a single staff piano reduction to give you four part voicings, coloured.
Some stems might still need flipping in some sections, though, as Bob mentions. (Still haven't found out how to 'print' voices in colour, though.)


Stuart V6.1 on PC

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Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords?
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 30 Apr 05:03PM (edited 30 Apr 08:26PM)
Stuart's suggestion is basically the same as mine, splitting the chord tones to separate voices. I am note sure if Reduce will put them back in separate voices though - it might combine some.

And using the voice colorings is interesting but it will not give you different colors per pitch, just per voice. Which may be what you want in this case.

Otherwise, once split up you could use one of the coloring plugins to organize the coloring differently.

To print voice colors you need to turn on Print in Color and View Menu Options in the Print dialog.


Sib 1.2 - 6.2, Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, 2.13 GHz Core 2 Duo; Audiophile 2496; 4 G RAM. Year 2011.
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Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords?
Posted by Mats - 01 May 12:06PM
I 'second' Bob, a function what would be very good to have, colour individual note heads. And in addition, accidentals, ties etc. Maybe in 'next' version?

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Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords?
Posted by Igor Borodin - 06 May 07:15PM (edited 06 May 07:19PM)
> 'second' Bob, a function what would be very good to have, colour individual note heads. And in addition, accidentals, ties etc.

Strongly support Bob's motion.

The workaround I find least tedious is to change the noteheads for individual notes in a chord, or placing a brackets. Ironically, unlike changing a color, that is perfectly doable for individual notes in a chord. In other words, it is possible to change the graphics for individual note independently, but not the color of the graphic.

Sibelius 6.2, OS X 10.6.7, iMac 2.8GHz i7, 4GB

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Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords?
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 06 May 08:45PM
Noteheads are properties of Note objects, but unfortunately Color is a property of the chord or NoteRest object,(as is hidden and some other properties).

My life would be easier if the Notes could have their own version of these properties. Maybe someday...


Sib 1.2 - 6.2, Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, 2.13 GHz Core 2 Duo; Audiophile 2496; 4 G RAM. Year 2011.
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Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords?
Posted by Igor Borodin - 06 May 09:57PM
In your spare time could you write a custom Note class extending the original one and pass it to Sibelius developers? :)

Sibelius 6.2, OS X 10.6.7, iMac 2.8GHz i7, 4GB

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Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords?
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 06 May 10:28PM
No, sorry!


Sib 1.2 - 6.2, Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, 2.13 GHz Core 2 Duo; Audiophile 2496; 4 G RAM. Year 2011.
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Messages in this thread

Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - jfhallst, 20 Apr 02:58PM
     Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Bob Zawalich, 20 Apr 04:56PM
         Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Jody Hughes, 20 Apr 05:01PM
             Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Stuart , 30 Apr 01:36PM
                 Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Bob Zawalich, 30 Apr 05:03PM
                     Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Mats, 01 May 12:06PM
                         Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Igor Borodin, 06 May 07:15PM
                             Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Bob Zawalich, 06 May 08:45PM
                                 Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Igor Borodin, 06 May 09:57PM
                                     Re: Sib. 6.2: Color individual pitches in chords? - Bob Zawalich, 06 May 10:28PM