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Filters and Find - Richard Ratner, 13 May 07:36PM
     Re: Filters and Find - Bob Zawalich, 13 May 10:57PM

Filters and Find
Posted by Richard Ratner - 13 May 07:36PM
What would be really nice is if Sib would give a bit more info re Filters and Find. So for example, occasionally I absent mindedly put a slur into a vocal part. I found a few in a score and wanted to check if I deleted all of them. I selected the vocal staff and filtered for slurs. The staff went from blue to white without any indication of what, if anything, was found. I presume it found nothing, but how nice it would be if I got a message to that effect, and, if it found some, giving a list of where each occurence was. Same thing with proofreading plugins. I guess these things are designed to apply to selections that you can see the entirety of, but that would mean doing page by page, which could get tedious for a large work. In Microsoft Word, doing Find yields a list of occurences, unless the number is too large, in which case a list of pages containing the item is given. That would be nice for Sib.

Win10 64 - I5 6500 - 12Gb - Focusrite Scarlett - NotePerformer

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Re: Filters and Find
Posted by Bob Zawalich - 13 May 10:57PM
I would suspect that Sibelius would never do that. If you want you could write your own custom filter plugins that could provide the information you want. Otherwise...

Once you have a selection of any kind, including a filter, you can use the installable plugin Browse Selected Objects to show you what is selected and lets you navigate among the selected objects.
The plugin has some very elaborate features, but if you choose the default "Simple" view, which displays the button "Show Advanced Options" it makes a find object browser. Note that by default, the entire bar containing each objects will be selected to make it more visible. You can uncheck that and just the object itself will be selected.


An experienced user of Sibelius. Sib 1.2 - 2024+, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 32 G RAM. Year 2024.
Install plugins at File>Plug-ins>Install Plug-ins
Free Resources: Notating Harp Music In Sibelius:
Execute Commands plugin documentation:
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Messages in this thread

Filters and Find - Richard Ratner, 13 May 07:36PM
     Re: Filters and Find - Bob Zawalich, 13 May 10:57PM